Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Man-made Materials Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Try to find it:

Question a.
Plastic shows …………. property, hence it can be moulded to any shape.
Plastic shows plasticity property, hence it can be moulded to any shape.

Question b.
Motor cars are coated with ……… .
Motor cars are coated with Teflon.

Question c.
Thermocol melts at ………… °C.
Thermocol melts at more than 100 °C (it is about 240 °C).

Question d.
…………….. glass dissolves in water.
Alkali silicate or water glass dissolves in water.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

2. Who is my partner?

Question a.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Lead glass a. Plates
2. Bakelite b. Mattresses
3. Thermocol c. Electric bulb
4. Optic glass d. Electric switch
5. Polypropylene e. Lens


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Lead glass c. Electric bulb
2. Bakelite d. Electric switch
3. Thermocol a. Plates
4. Optic glass e. Lens
5. Polypropylene b. Mattresses

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

3. Answer the following.

Question a.
Thermocol is produced from which material?
Thermocol is made from polystyrene which is also a complex thermoplastic substance.

Question b.
Write uses of PVC.
PVC or Polyvinyl chloride is used for making bottles, raincoat, pipes, handbags, shoes, electric cable insulation, furniture, ropes, toys, etc.

Question c.
Write the natural or man-made raw material of the following items.
Mattress, beaker, bangle, chair, gunny bag, broom, knife, pen.

Items Natural raw material Man-made raw materials
Mattress Cotton, Coir (Jute fibres) Polypropylene
Beaker ___ Glass (Silicate or borosilicate glass)
Bangle Gold, silver, lac, copper Plastic, Glass
Chair Wood Plastic (PVC)
Gunny bag Jute, cotton Plastic (PVC)
Broom Plant fibres Plastic fibres (PVC)
Knife Metals such as iron Plastic
Pen Metals Plastic

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question d.
Which are the main ingredients of glass?
The main ingredients of glass are sand and silica.

Question e.
How the plastic is produced?

  1. Plastics are derived from natural materials such as natural gas, oil, coal, minerals and plants.
  2. The first synthetic plastics were i derived from cellulose, a substance found in plants and trees. This cellulose was heated with chemicals and resulted in a plastic like material.
  3. In modern times, the different raw materials are used for making plastics, but most plastics are made from the hydrocarbons present in the natural gas, oil and coal.
  4. Plastics are simply chains of like molecules linked together. These chains are called polymers. Thus, many plastics begin with “poly,” such as polyethylene, polystyrene and polypropylene.
  5. These polymers are made of carbon and hydrogen and sometimes oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, chlorine, fluorine, phosphorous or silicon.
  6. Plastic is produced in factories by suitable chemical reactions.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

4. Distinguish between. 

Question a.
Man-made material and natural material

Man-made material Natural material
1. The man-made materials are obtained from processes in scientific laboratory. 1. Natural materials are obtained from nature.
2. Man-made materials are subjected to rigorous processing to alter the material for serving the intended purpose. 2. Natural materials are subjected to less treatment and processing.
3. Man-made materials are typically much more durable having a very long lifespan. 3. Natural materials have shorter lifespan, because these materials were once alive and so gradually perish over time.
4. Maintaining man-made materials require less care and attention. 4. Maintaining natural materials requires lots of care and continuous attention.
5. Man-made materials can have a negative environmental impact because they are not sustainable.
E.g. Glass, plastic, Thermocol, soil, metals, rubber.
5. Natural materials do not have a negative environmental impact because they can be degraded easily.
E.g. Cotton, silk, wood.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question b.
Thermoplastic and Thermosetting plastic:

Thermoplastic Thermosetting plastic
1. The plastic that can be moulded as per our wish is called thermoplastic. 1. The plastic in which a specific shape is given with the help of mould and this shape cannot be changed again on heating is called thermosetting plastic.
2. Thermoplastic substances can be recycled and reused.
E.g. PVC – Polyvinyl chloride, PS – Polystyrene, PE – Polyethylene and PP – Polypropylene are types of thermoplastics.
2. Thermosetting plastic cannot be reused again.
E.g. Bakelite, Melamine, Polyurethane and polyster are the types of thermosetting plastics.

5. Answer the following in your own words.

Question a.
Explain the effect of following materials on environment and human health.
1. Plastic
2. Glass.
3. Thermocol.
1. Plastic:

  1. Plastic is non-degradable substance. Hence if thrown in any ecosystem, it remains unchanged for many years.
  2. It is one of the worst environmental pollutants as its disposal is a major problem.
  3. If thrown in water bodies, it affects the aquatic animals. Many of turtles mistake it for algae and eat the plastic. Eventually such animals die due to choking.
  4. In terrestrial environment, the grazing animals like cattle are affected due to plastic.
  5. If burnt it emits very toxic gases.
  6. In landfill sites, it remains unchanged for thousands of years.

2. Glass:

  1. The glass production is carried out at high temperatures of about 1500 °C. This burning emits many hazardous gases like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide. These gases cause the greenhouse effect.
  2. Moreover, glass being non-degradable, cause pollution.
  3. If broken glass pieces or any waste glass material is disposed into aquatic environment, it affects animals and plants.
  4. Similarly, glass pieces block the drainages.
  5. The waste glass thrown anywhere cause injury to terrestrial fauna.

3. Thermocol:

  1. Thermocol contains carcinogenic ingredients in the form of styrene. If there is prolonged contact with thermocol, there is a possibility of blood cancer like leukemia and lymphoma.
  2. Thermocol is non-degradable. It cannot be degraded into harmless substances easily.
  3. If it is burnt for destruction, it releases toxic gases in atmosphere.
  4. The plates and cups used for food, water, tea, etc. are made up of thermocol. This may affect the health. Reheating the food kept in thermocol releases styrene. This styrene may dissolve in that food, causing health problems like cancer.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question b.
Which measures will you arrange to minimize the environmental problems arising due to non-degradable plastic?

  1. The use of plastic should be minimum. Reducing the consumption, reusing the same plastic again and again, recycling the used plastic and making some new products from the used plastic are some of the measures that can be adopted.
  2. There are attempts to use plastic in making roads. Therefore, plastic is bought with good price at some places.
  3. Therefore, instead of disposing of it anywhere, it should be collected and sold in best possible way.
  4. The better alternatives for plastic should be adopted.
  5. The awareness programmes about misuse of plastic should be arranged so that common man can understand the dangers of using plastic.

6. Write short notes. 

Question a.
Glass production:
The general preparation of the glass is as follows:

  1. Mixture of sand, soda, lime and small quantity of magnesium oxide is heated in furnace.
  2. At 1700 °C sand or silicon dioxide melts.
  3. To make the mixture melt at lesser temperature, pieces of discarded glasses are added to it.
  4. This addition makes the mixture to melt at lesser temperature of 850 °C.
  5. When all the ingredients of mixture are liquified, then again it is heated up to 1500 °C.
  6. This heating is immediately followed by cooling.
  7. The sudden cooling causes the mixture to become homogeneous, amorphous and transparent instead of crystalline.
  8. For variety of glass types, different proportions of ingredients are used for heating.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question b.
Optic glass:

  1. Optic glass or optical glass needs to be very clear and transparent as it is used in spectacles, lenses and other devices like microscopes.
  2. Optic glasses are produced from the mixture of sand, soda, limestone, barium oxide and boron.

Question c.
Uses of plastic:
Plastic, the man-made material is used in various forms in modern age. According to the type of plastic, its uses are different.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials 4

I. Thermoplastic materials are used for manufacturing following articles:

  1. Polyvinyl chloride or PVC is used to make bottles, raincoat, pipes, handbags,: shoes, electric cable insulation, furniture, ropes, toys, etc.
  2. Polystyrene is used in making thermo insulating parts of electric appliances like refrigerators, gears of machines, toys, protective coverings like covers of CD and DVD, etc.
  3. Polyethylene (PE) plastics are used for making milk bags, packing bags, flexible garden pipes, etc.
  4. Polypropylene (PP) is used in making parts of loudspeakers and vehicles, ropes, mattresses, laboratory appliances, etc.

II. Thermosetting plastic is used in the manufacturing of the following items:
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials 5

  1. Bakelite for making cabinets of radio, T.V., telephones, electric switches, toys, plastic handles of cookers, etc.
  2. Melamine for making domestically useful items like cup – saucers, plates, tray, some spare parts of airplane engines, electric and sound insulating coverings, etc.
  3. Polyurethane in making surfing boards, small boats, furniture, seats in vehicles, etc.
  4. Polyester in fibreglass, toners of laser printers, textile industry, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Can you tell?

Question 1.
Make a list of 20 different man-made materials present in your home, school and places around and discuss.
Schoolbag, books, computer, table lamp, tube lights, benches, shoes, dress, pencil, pen, tiffin box, water bottle, raincoat, umbrella, medicine tablets, pen drive, chalk, duster, utensils, gas burner, biscuits.

Can you recall?

Question 1.
How many plastic carry bags are brought in your home in a day? What happens to those later on?
Till May 2018 about one or two plastic bags were brought in our home every day. But now due to prohibition on plastic bags and other plastic items by the Government, the use of plastic has been drastically reduced. The bags brought at home caused lot of plastic pollution. Plastic is non-biodegradable, thus it always created problem of their disposal.

If dumped in a water body, it can be hazardous for aquatic animals. If thrown in the garbage, plastic articles find their way to landfilling areas. If thrown anyhow plastic may be consumed by stray animals. This causes toxic effects on them. If burnt they emit toxic gases.

Question 2.
How are the used up and thrown away carry bags, water bottles, milk bags recycled?
The plastic waste is collected by the kabadiwala or sweepers. They sell these articles to the recycling units. In recycling units, the recycling of some of the plastic items is done. This leads to formation of plastic of low quality which may be used in making some newer plastic items.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question 3.
Which material is wrapped around the items of glass or similar material during transport to prevent from breaking up?
The plastic bubble wrap or thermocol is used to protect fragile items from the shocks and breaks during their transport.


Question 1.
Collect the information about the plastic used in production of utensils used in microwave oven.

Question 2.
Collect the information about the material used in production of denture. (A set of artificial teeth)

Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Man-made Materials Important Questions and Answers

Try to find it:

Question 1.
The plastic that can be moulded as per our wish is called …………… .
The plastic that can be moulded as per our wish is called thermoplastic.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question 2.
…………… is a type of plastic used for manufacturing artificial teeth.
Polyacrylic is a type of plastic used for manufacturing artificial teeth.

Question 3.
Thermocol is a form of a complex material called ……………. .
Thermocol is a form of a complex material called polystyrene.

Write whether the following statements are True or False: Rewrite the false statements after correcting:

Question 1.
Plastics are inorganic polymers that show plasticity.
False. (Plastics are organic polymers that show plasticity.)

Question 2.
Polythene, PVC are thermosetting plastic materials.
False. (Polythene, PVC are thermoplastic materials.)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question 3.
Plastic is bad conductor of heat and electricity.

Question 4.
Surfing boards are made up of bakelite.
False. (Surfing boards are made up of polyurethane.)

Question 5.
Being bad conductor of electricity, glass is used as insulator in electric appliances.

Match the columns:

Question 1.

Column A Column B
1. Borosilicate glass a. Oxide of specific metal.
2. Alkali silicate glass b. Sand, soda, limestone, barium oxide and boron.
3. Lead glass c. Sand and soda.
4. Optical glass d. Sand, soda, limestone and lead oxide.
5. Coloured glass e. Sand, soda, boric acid and aluminium oxide.


Column A Column B
1. Borosilicate glass e. Sand, soda, boric acid and aluminium oxide.
2. Alkali silicate glass c. Sand and soda.
3. Lead glass d. Sand, soda, limestone and lead oxide.
4. Optical glass b. Sand, soda, limestone, barium oxide and boron.
5. Coloured glass a. Oxide of specific metal.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Find the odd one out:

Question 1.
Bakelite, Melamine, Polystyrene, Polyester.
Polystyrene (All others are thermosetting plastic materials, polystyrene is thermoplastic.)

Question 2.
Polyvinyl chloride, Polystyrene, Polypropylene, Polyurethane.
Polyurethane (All others are thermoplastic materials, polyurethane is thermosetting plastic.)

Question 3.
Vegetable peels, Cotton bolls, Wooden scraps, Plastic bag.
Plastic bag (All others are degradable materials, plastic is non-degradable.)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question 4.
Teflon, Polyacrylic, Fibreglass, Polyester.
Fibreglass (All others are types of plastic.)

Considering the relationship in the first pair, complete the second pair:

Question 1.
Processed glass: Fen glass : : Alkali silicate glass : ………..
Water glass

Question 2.
Ferrous oxide: Bluish green glass : : Copper oxide : ……..
Red glass

Question 3.
Lens : Optical glass : : Laboratory glassware : ……….
Silica glass

Question 4.
Light bulbs, Tubes: Lead glass : : Medicine storing : ………
Borosilicate glass

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question 5.
Glass: Mixture of silica and silicate : : Thermocol : ………..

Distinguish between:

Question 1.
Degradable and Non-degradable substances:

Degradable substances Non-degradable substances
1. The substances which can be naturally reduced into their inorganic constituents are called degradable substances. 1. The substances that cannot be degraded on their own into their inorganic constituents are called non-degradable substances.
2. Degradable substances are not accumulated in the nature. 2. Non-degradable substances remain accumulated in the nature for a long time.
3. Degradable substances emit foul odour when they are being decomposed. 3. Non-degradable substances may not emit foul odour as they are not degraded. But they make the place look dirty.
4. Usually microorganisms play a part in the degradation process, hence such substances are also called biodegradable.
E.g. Vegetables, fruits, wood, cotton or wool fibres, etc.
4. Microorganisms cannot act on non-degradable substances and hence they are also called non-biodegradable substances.
E.g. Plastic, thermocol, glass, metals, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Write short notes:

Question 1.
Properties of plastic:

  1. Plastic is non-corrosive.
  2. It is non-degradable as it does not decompose.
  3. The factors such as humidity, heat, rain, etc. do not affect plastic.
  4. Any coloured item can be manufactured from plastic.
  5. Plastic shows property of plasticity. Thus it can be moulded into any shape that is needed.
  6. Plastic is a bad conductor of heat and electricity.
  7. Plastic is light-weight and thus preferred for carrying.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question 2.
Properties of Glass:
The glass becomes soft on heating and thus can be moulded into desired shape.

  1. According to ingredients added at the time of preparation of glass, its density changes accordingly.
  2. Glass is slow conductor of heat. If a cold glass is quickly heated, it cracks suddenly. Similarly, the warm glass if exposed to sudden cooling, it too cracks.
  3. Glass is a bad conductor of electricity. Therefore, it is used as insulating material in electric appliances.
  4. Glass is transparent, allowing most of light to pass through it. If there are chromium, vanadium or iron oxides in the glass, large amount of light is absorbed in glass.

Answer the following questions in one sentence only:

Question 1.
What is the use of plastic in healthcare sector?
Saline bottles, pouches, blood bags, syringes and medicine bottles are made up of plastic, making plastic irreplaceable in the healthcare sector.

Question 2.
Which material is used in coating of vehicles? Why?
Teflon is used for coating the vehicle as it protects the vehicles from scratches.

Question 3.
What is the use of polyacrylic type of plastic?
Polyacrylic plastic used for manufacturing lenses and in the manufacture of artificial teeth.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question 4.
What is 4R principle?
The 4R principle is the way of behaviour that prevents or lessens the environmental pollution. The 4Rs are Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover.

Question 5.
What are the eco-friendly options for a plastic bag?
Jute bag, cloth bag and reusable bags of any natural materials are the eco-friendly options for the plastic bag.

Question 6.
How is Borosilicate glass produced?
Borosilicate glass is produced by melting the mixture of sand, soda, boric acid and aluminium oxide.

Question 7.
When is large amount of light absorbed in the glass?
If there are oxides of either chromium, vanadium or iron in the glass, large amount of light is absorbed in it.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
It is harmful to eat food kept in thermocol.
Thermocol is made up from polystyrene. It is carcinogenic (cancer causing) substance. When food kept in r thermocol containers is reheated, this , styrene dissolves in it. This may affect the r health of the person who consumes such food. It has been noted that there is a great possibility of blood cancer like leukaemia r and lymphoma if one remains in contact with thermocol for a longer time. Thus, it is harmful to eat food kept in thermocol.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question 2.
Vessels used to cook food in the microwave oven are made up of plastic.
The vessels made from metals cannot be used in the microwave oven. The microwaves cannot penetrate steel and so ‘ can only heat the contents through the open top. Some metals cause sparking with microwaves. Microwave energy is absorbed differently by different materials. Plastics of only certain kind are more suitable to be used in the microwave oven.

Answer the following:

Question 1.
What are the qualities of thermocol?

  1. Thermocol is modern man-made material made from polystyrene.
  2. It can be transformed into liquid state when heated at more than 100 °C temperature. On cooling, it returns to the solid state.
  3. Therefore, any desired shape can be given to it.
  4. It acts as a good shock-absorber and hence used as a packing material to transport brittle material.
  5. It is a bad insulator of heat and hence used for storing fish and other perishable articles in market.

Think about it:

Question 1.
Why are the plastic tanks used for storage of chemicals?
Plastic is non-corrosive. It is comparatively non-reactive and it does not decompose. Moreover, the plastic containers are easier for handling. They are lighter and unbreakable. Hence the plastic tanks are used for storage of chemicals.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question 2.
Why most of domestically useful items are replaced by plastic?
Plastic is lighter and unbreakable. The handling thus becomes easier. It is non-corrosive, hence pickles, spices, etc. can be stored in plastic containers. It is cheaper as compared to the metal and glass articles. Thus, it becomes popular with general public. It is easier to wash and maintain the plastic articles. These are some of the reasons of making plastic a domestically useful material.

Collect information:

Question 1.
To prevent the degradation due to sunlight, some materials are stored in which type of bottles?
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials 6
The amber glass or brown coloured glass bottles are used to store the materials that may get degraded due to sunlight. This colour prevents the ultraviolet rays of the sun to enter the bottle and bring about chemical changes in the materials. Especially, for sensitive medicines, brown glass bottles are used.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials

Question 2.
Which type of glass is used in vehicles to avoid injuries in accidents?
Front and rear doors have tempered glass. The windshield has laminated safety glass. Even if the accident takes place the glass pieces do not injure the passengers. Laminated safety glass combines two curved glass sheets and a plastic lamina between the two layers of the glass.

This glass is tough and protective. Tempered glass on the other hand is toughened glass which is processed by controlled thermal or chemical treatments. Upon breaking, the tempered glasses crumble into small granular chunks instead of splintering into sharp glass pieces. This prevents the injuries.

Sketch and label the diagram of glass manufacturing process:

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials 1

Open-Ended Questions:

Question 1.
Classify and make a chart of the materials used in various items in house. Make additions to that chart with reference to various materials.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials 2
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 17 Man-made Materials 3

Question 2.
Make list about use of thermocol in your daily life.

  1. Decorative items used at the time of festivals.
  2. Packing materials.
  3. Insulating boxes to keep food warm.
  4. Insulating boxes to keep fish in iced condition to prevent decomposition.
  5. Thermocol beads in the bean bags.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Class 8 Science Chapter 18 Ecosystems Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Complete the following by using the correct option:

Question a.
Air, water, minerals, soil are ………….. factors of an ecosystem. (physical, organic, inorganic)
Air, water, minerals, soil are physical factors of an ecosystem.

Question b.
River, ponds, ocean are …………. ecosystems, (land, aquatic, synthetic)
River, ponds, ocean are aquatic ecosystems.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question c.
Man is ………….. in an ecosystem. (producer, consumer, decomposer)
Man is consumer in an ecosystem.

2. Match the following:

Question a.

Producer Ecosystem
1. Cactus a. Forest
2. Aquatic plants b. Creek
3. Mangroves c. Aquatic
4. Pine d. Desert


Producer Ecosystem
1. Cactus d. Desert
2. Aquatic plants c. Aquatic
3. Mangroves b. Creek
4. Pine  a. Forest

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

3. Give my information:

Question a.
Ecosystem is the structure formed by the interrelationships between the living organisms and non-living components in their surrounding habitats. Living organisms are also called biotic factors while the non-living components are called abiotic factors. The abiotic and biotic factors have a reciprocal relationship with each other. The ecosystem has plants as producers, animals as consumers and microbes as decomposers.

The decomposers return the substances back to the nature by process of decomposition in which the organic complex molecules are reduced to their inorganic constituents. Thus the dead remains of plants and animals are once again recycled back to the nature in any healthy ecosystem.

Question b.
Biomes are a larger collection of small ecosystems which are similar in their structure. In a particular biome there are same climatic, abiotic factors and similar living organisms. Biomes are of two main types, land biomes and aquatic biomes. The land biomes exist only on land. Land biomes are of following subtypes based on the abiotic factors. E.g. Grasslands, evergreen forests, deserts, Tundra ecosystem, ecosystems in Taiga, tropical rainforests, etc. Aquatic biomes include freshwater ecosystem, marine ecosystem and brackish water ecosystem found in the creeks.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question c.
Food web.
The complex feeding relationships form a food web. In nature in any ecosystem, the food chains are not straight and linear. But these are quite complex. A prey is consumed by a predator but this predator can itself be a prey to some other predator. E.g. Frog is a predator for variety of insects but frog is preyed upon by snake and the snake can be eaten by a bird. The same bird can also feed on insects or frog. The interrelationships between different biotic components of any ecosystem thus form the complicated food web.

4. Give scientific reasons: 

Question a.
Plants in an ecosystem are called producers.
are cut down causing deforestation. The wild animals lose their habitat. Many of them become extinct. There is great loss of flora and fauna due to construction of large dams. There is undue pressure on the land surface caused due to stored water column. This may cause earthquakes. The human settlements are removed as their houses and farms are immersed under water. In all the above ways large dams destroy the ecosystems.

Question b.
Large dams destroy ecosystems.
When a large dam is constructed, the original landscape is changed. The trees are cut down causing deforestation. The wild animals lose their habitat. Many of them become extinct. There is great loss of flora and fauna due to construction of large dams. There is undue pressure on the land surface caused due to stored water column. This may cause earthquakes. The human settlements are removed as their houses and farms are immersed under water. In all the above ways large dams destroy the ecosystems.

Question c.
Rhinos were restored in Dudhwa forest.
Long ago in last century, Dudhwa forest was the natural habitat of the one-horned Rhino. However, due to hunting and poaching, the Rhino became almost extinct. In order to restore it back the breeding in captivity was attempted and the young ones were released in the natural habitat. Saving the precious wildlife is important and hence these efforts were done.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

5. Answer the following:

Question a.
What are the effects of increased population (of human beings) on ecosystems?

  1. Human population growth rate is very big as compared to other animals.
  2. Moreover, they are apex consumers in an ecosystem. Just like any other organisms, ecosystems provide all the basic needs to humans, too.
  3. However, man demands much more due to excessive population. The natural resources are utilized on the large scale only by man.
  4. Changing lifestyles, consumerism, degradation of nature and pollution are certain aspects which are created only by human beings.
  5. All these cause increased stress on the ecosystems. Large human population also produces large-scale solid wastes.

Question b.
How is urbanization responsible for destruction of ecosystems?
When people do not get sufficient food and other amenities, they migrate to the cities. The cities provide employment for many people due to industries, factories and other facilities. Every day many people migrate to cities. This causes urbanization. Due to increased population in cities, there is more need for housing. This results in loss of agricultural lands, marshlands, wetlands, forests and grasslands, etc.

The natural ecosystems are lost in an attempt to have developmental work. Human interference causes changes in the ecosystems. When land usage is changed many naturally occurring species of plants and animals are exterminated. Animal- human conflicts are very common in newly established urban areas which are near the natural forests.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question c.
What are the reasons for war?
There are difference of opinions and competition over land, water, mineral resources, etc. among neighbouring countries. Moreover, there can be economic and political causes which lead to war among different countries. Many times the l religions and ethnicity are also caused for dispute. Due to international conflicts, the peace is disturbed and it results in war.

Question d.
Explain the interactions among the factors of an ecosystem.

  1. The abiotic factors such as air, water, soil, sunlight, temperature, humidity, etc. affect the biotic factors, i.e. the surviving plants, animals and microbes in the ecosystem.
  2. The type of abiotic factors in an ecosystem determine the survival of biotic factors. The population of these biotic factors is also dependent on the quality of abiotic factors.
  3. The proportion of abiotic factors in an ecosystem fluctuates as biotic factors use up or release particular abiotic factors.
  4. Every biotic factor also interacts with its necessary abiotic factors as well as other biotic factors around it.

Question e.
Differentiate between evergreen forests and grasslands.

Evergreen forests Grasslands
1. About seven percent of the Earth’s surface is occupied by evergreen forests. 1. About 30 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by grasslands.
2.  More than half of the earth’s terrestrial plants and animals are seen in evergreen forests. 2. Grazing animals are seen in grasslands.
3. Tropical evergreen forests are dense, multi-layered. 3. Grasslands consist of tall grass. There are wild grasses and there may be some trees.
4. These forests are found in the areas receiving more than 200 cm annual rainfall i.e. very heavy rainfall. 4. There is an average of 20 – 35 inches of rainfall a year in grasslands.
5. Tropical regions show evergreen forests. 5. Several parts of the world have grasslands.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

6. Describe the following pictures:

Question a.
Describe the following pictures
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems 1
The picture no. 1 is showing desert ecosystem, while the picture no. 2 is showing a forest ecosystem where a wetland (a lake) is also shown. In desert ecosystem, the producers are green cactus and a palm tree. Since in desert there are scanty rains, the vegetation is very less. The soil is sandy soil. The consumers of the desert are also limited.

In the above picture camel is shown which is a primary consumer in the desert ecosystem. Camel is very well adapted for desert life. There is also the scarcity of water in desert and hence cactus shows xerophytic (suitable to survive in desert) adaptations.

In second picture, the forest ecosystem is shown because we can see elephant and tiger in the picture. Also, giant hornbill is sitting on the tree. This forest must be tropical evergreen forest. The rainfall is heavy in such areas and hence different types of wetlands can be seen in forests. Wetlands support variety of life. A separate aquatic ecosystem does exist here which is closely interconnected with the terrestrial ecosystems through food chains and food web.

The birds utilize the fish as their prey. The wild animals come to wetlands to quench their thirst. In this picture the plants, grass, etc. are producers, small fishes in the lake are primary consumers. They will be eaten by larger fishes which are secondary consumer in the aquatic ecosystem. The elephant is herbivorous animal and hence it is primary consumer. Snake is the secondary consumer while the birds of prey (eagle that is flying) and tiger are tertiary consumers.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Can you recall?

Question 1.
Which factors do you find in your surroundings?
In our surroundings there are abiotic and biotic factors. The biotic factors are animals and plants in the surroundings. The invisible bacteria and fungi also have important role in the ecosystem as decomposers. Important abiotic factors are air, water, land, sunlight, etc.

Question 2.
Are these factors directly or indirectly related to you?
We are directly or indirectly connected to every single factor in the surrounding in which we reside. For the requirement of food, we are dependent on plants and animals. For our survival we continuously need oxygen, water and other minerals, etc.


Question 1.
Classify the following into living and non-living factors. Sunlight, Sunflower, Elephant, Lotus, Algae, Stone, Grass, Water, Ant, Soil, Cat, Fern, Air, Lion.

Living Factors Non-living Factors
Sunflower, Elephant, Lotus, Algae, Grass, Ant, Cat, Fern, Air, Lion. Sunlight, Stone, Water, Soil, Air.

Can you tell?

Question 1.
What is the role of microbes in above interaction?
Microbes play the role of decomposers in the above interactions.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 2.
How do producers obtain abiotic factors?
Producers obtain solar energy from sunlight. The other nutrients are obtained from soil, water and air.

Question 3.
From where do the consumers get their food?
Consumers get their food from producers and other consumers.


Question 1.
Visit an ecosystem nearby, List the biotic and abiotic factors in it. Show with pictures or sketches, how they are dependant on each other.

Question 2.
With the help of internet find out the loss of ecosystems due to wars or atomic explosions. Describe in your words.

Class 8 Science Chapter 18 Ecosystems Important Questions and Answers

Complete the following by using the correct option:

Question 1.
Biotic community is another name for ………. (ecology, ecosystem, population)
Biotic community is another name Biotic for ecosystem.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 2.
Microbes in an ecosystem are ………… (producers, consumers, decomposers)
Microbes in an ecosystem are decomposers.

Question 3.
Many types of ecosystems are found in ………… (oceans, deserts, biosphere)
Many types of ecosystems are found in biosphere.

Question 4.
………….. is a type of grassland ecosystem. (Taiga, Tundra, Desert)
Taiga is a type of grassland ecosystem.

Question 5.
Gir forest in Gujarat is the only habitat/shelter for the spectacular ………….. (Asiatic lion, Royal Bengal tiger, One-horned rhino)
Gir forest in Gujarat is the only habitat shelter for the spectacular Asiatic lion.

Correct the following statements by changing one or two words:

Question 1.
Primary, secondary, tertiary consumers are the abiotic factors of the ecosystem.
Primary, secondary, tertiary consumers are the biotic factors of the ecosystem.

Question 2.
Most of the ecosystems are simple.
Most of the ecosystems are complex.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 3.
The word ecosystem was brought in the use by Ray Claffam.
The word ecosystem was brought in the use by A.G. Tansle.

Question 4.
Specific ecosystem developed in a vast area is called a biosphere.
Specific ecosystem developed in a vast area is called a biomes.

Question 5.
Longer summer and limited rain develop very tall plants in the grassland ecosystem.
Longer summer and limited rain develop dwarf plants in the grassland ecosystem.

Question 6.
29 % of the earth surface is covered by water and only 71 % has land on it.
71 % of the earth surface is covered by water and only 29 % has land on it.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 7.
Dams increase the water current in lower area.
Dams lessen the water current in lower area.

Match the following:

Question 1.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. The Great Himalayan National Park a. Asiatic lion
2. Kaziranga b. Tigers
3. Bharatpur c. Aquatic birds
4. Ranthambore d. One-horned Rhino
5. Gir forest e. White panther


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. The Great Himalayan National Park e. White panther
2. Kaziranga d. One-horned Rhino
3. Bharatpur c. Aquatic birds
4. Ranthambore b. Tigers
5. Gir forest a. Asiatic lion

Find the odd one out:

Question 1.
Typha, Pistia, Eichhornia, Dipterocarpus
Dipterocarpus. (All others are aquatic plants.)

Question 2.
Teak, Parthenium, Pine, Sandalwood
Parthenium. (All others are forest trees.)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 3.
Giraffe, Zebra, Cheetah, Elephant
Cheetah.. (All others are surviving grassland animals, Cheetah is a forest animal that is extinct from Asia.)

Question 4.
Hyena, Cow, Deer, Rabbit
Hyena. (All others are primary consumers, Hyena is tertiary consumer.)

Question 5.
Fusarium, Leptocorsia, Aspergillus, Polycarpus
Leptocorsia. (All others are decomposers, Leptocorsia is primary consumer.)

Taking into consideration the relationship in the first pair, complete the second pair :

Question 1.
Plants : Producers : : ……… : Consumers

Question 2.
Secondary consumers : Jackals : : Tertiary consumer : ………..

Question 3.
Goat, sheep : Grassland ecosystem : : Tigers : …………..
Forest ecosystem

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 4.
Desert : Land biome : : Creek : …………….
Aquatic biome

Question 5.
Limited rain : Grassland ecosystem : : ……….. : Tropical rainforests
Excessive rain.

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
What is an ecosystem?
The structure which is formed due to interactions between abiotic and biotic factors is called an ecosystem.

Question 2.
What is an ecological niche?
The position of any living organism with reference to other living organisms and the role played by that organism is called ecological niche.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 3.
How are types of ecosystems formed?
Types of ecosystems are formed according to size, place, climate, types of plants and animals that survive in that ecosystem.

Question 4.
Give examples of land biomes.
Grasslands, evergreen forests, deserts, Tundra or polar ecosystem, ecosystems in Taiga, tropical rainforests, etc. are land biomes.

Question 5.
What are the reasons for tourism among the people?
Tourism is mainly because people like to visit scenic places, undertake nature watch, wish to visit to sacred places and for entertainment purpose.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 6.
Why we should protect natural ecosystems?
Natural ecosystems must be protected as they maintain balance in the biosphere.

Give my information Write short notes:

Question 1.
Dudhwa forest.
Dudhwa forest is in Uttar Pradesh. About a century back, Dudhwa forest was the habitat for one-horned Rhino. However, due to hunting and poaching in 20th century, this animal became endangered. Thus to restore their populations, on 1st April 1984 rhino were introduced there again. Rhinos can were bred in captivity followed by releasing them back into natural ecosystem.

For this purpose at first the land was selected. This was 27 square km grassland and forest with continuous water supply through natural resources. Two observatories were established for making these efforts successful. Now Dudhwa is known for one¬horned Rhino population.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 2.
Aquatic ecosystems.
Earth’s 71 % of surface is covered over by aquatic ecosystems. They are of three main types, viz. fresh water ecosystem, marine ecosystem and brackish water ecosystem. Rivers, lakes and ponds and streams are some of the fresh water ecosystem. Fresh water contains less salt and hence it is potable. Marine water has more salinity, i.e. its salt content is high. Brackish water ecosystem is present in the creeks. Here the saline and fresh water mix together. Hence salinity here is lesser than that of the marine water.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
Microbes are called decomposers.
Decomposition is the process in which the organic compounds are broken down to their inorganic constituents. The organic substances such as carbohydrates, proteins and lipids which are locked in the dead remains of plants and animals are converted into hydrogen, oxygen, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, etc. by microbes. Therefore, microbes are called decomposers.

Use your brain power:

Question 1.
Which biotic factors get affected due to a dam?
The biotic factors include plants, animals and humans. Lot of vegetation is submerged from the place where dam is constructed. The forests are wiped out. Large scale deforestation takes place in the proposed dam area. Wildlife is destroyed completely. The resident animals whose habitat are there either migrate away or are killed due to lack of their food and shelter. Many instances of animal-human conflicts arise when the wild animals drift to the neighbouring human settlements.

If human settlements are shifted, people are displaced. They lose their houses and agricultural land. Though compensation is given to them, there is great change for the people. Water current in lower area of the dam is reduced due to construction of dam-walls. Therefore, the original lotic (running 5 water) ecosystems that were present are destroyed after the construction of dam.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 2.
What will be the effects on biotic factors in the running water of river?
The aquatic flora (plants) and fauna (animals) are well adapted to their habitats. The running water ecosystems are known as lotic ecosystems. The non-moving waters on the contrary create lentic ecosystems. Lotic ecosystems provide special adaptations to the plants and animals living therein. Plants are mostly in the form of freely floating algae and phytoplankton. Animals are well adapted for swimming in the currents of water. The fishes especially show a stream-lined body, fins for swimming, and gills to take up dissolved oxygen in the water. The other animals are also well adapted to the currents of water.

Think about it:

Question 1.
Can we call a tree an independent ecosystem?
The huge tree can be an independent ecosystem. On one such tree there may be different habitats. Variety of insects thrive on huge tree by making their habitats in cracks and crevices on the tree. Many birds visit the tree to feed on such insects. There are many bird species that live in the hollow of the tree. Garden lizards, chameleons, snakes are the different reptiles seen associated with the tree ecosystem.

Squirrels, rabbits, bats are the mammals which take shelter in and around the trees, also inhabit a tree variety of fungi, lichens, mosses and epiphytic plants like orchids survive on the huge trees. Many food chains and complicated food webs are formed with the support of the tree. Thus one can say that a tree is an independent ecosystem.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 2.
Today Divija visited a hill. Honey: bees were hovering on flowers. One of them stung Divijia’s hand. Divija was hurt due to that sting and said with anger that all the honey-bees from the whole world must get destroyed. Afterwards, she thought what will happen if all honey-bees are destroyed? We will get honey, nothing more. What would be your explanation to Divija?
Honey bees provide us with honey and bee-wax. Both of these are commercial products. But more than that the role played by honey bees in the pollination of flowers is very important. Due to their nectar collecting behaviour, they bring about pollination of the flowers.

Presence of honey bees is thus very essential for the agriculture and horticulture. Without honey bees, the growth of fruits and grains will not be possible, if pollination and subsequent fertilization does not take place in nature. This will create famine-like conditions. Therefore, honey bees’ position in the nature is very important.

Chart based questions:

Question 1.
Complete the following chart in context to a grassland.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems 2
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems 3

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 2.
Write the information about various components of forest.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems 4
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems 5

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 3.
Observe such ecosystems around you and complete the following chart.
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Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems 7

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 4.
Complete the table.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems 8

National Park/Sanctuary State
1. Gir Gujarat
2. Dachigam Jammu-Kashmir
3. Ranthambore Rajasthan
4. Dajipur Maharashtra
5. Kaziranga Assam
6. Sunderbans Bengal
7. Melghat Maharashtra
8. Periyar Kerala

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 5.
Complete the following chart:
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Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Diagram based questions:

Question 1.
Correct the following diagram:
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems 12
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems 11

MCQs based on experiment:

Question 1.
Which one out of the following is not biotic factor?
(a) Humidity
(b) Rabbit
(c) Snake
(d) Bacteria
(a) Humidity

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 2.
Which climatic factor is causing migration of the birds in certain regions of the earth?
(a) Humidity and rainfall
(b) Ambient temperature
(c) Amount of carbon dioxide
(d) Amount of plant matter
(b) Ambient temperature

Question 3.
Which abiotic factor mainly distinguishes marine water from the fresh water?
(a) Temperature
(b) Dissolved oxygen:
(c) Salinity
(d) Surface tension
(c) Salinity

Question 4.
Why is creek water different from the river water?
(a) Creek water is more polluted than the river water.
(b) Creek water is less salty than the river water.
(c) Creek water is more saline than the river water.
(d) Creek water is less turbulent than the river water.
(b) Creek water is less salty than the river water.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 5.
Which land biome shows presence of cacti plants more?
(a) Polar regions
(b) Grasslands
(c) Rainforest
(d) Desert
(d) Desert


Collect information

Question 1.
What are the possible threats to grasslands?
Man tries to use grasslands for agricultural purpose. This transformation causes loss of natural ecosystem. Many animals from grasslands are killed by hunting and poaching. Though now Wildlife Act has protected these animals, many wildlife species are already extinct. There are chances of forest fires which is the greatest threat to grasslands. The global warming may also cause grasslands to become a desert.

Question 2.
Why did Asian Cheetah become extinct in last century?
When British ruled India, Asian Cheetah was hunted to a great extent. The kings and British rulers did rampant hunting. The forest lands were also reduced due to encroachment by humans to build their settlements. Dams were constructed. Mega highways, bridges and roads caused loss of habitat for Asian Cheetah. Cheetah needs large thickly forested territory. This was lost due to all man-made activities. All these reasons made Asian Cheetah extinct in last century.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Ecosystems

Question 3.
Observe Asian Cheetah on internet. Describe it.
Cheetah is the fastest running feline animal on the earth. Though from Asian regions it is said to be extinct, in African grasslands, its occurrence is still there. But it is endangered animal. By 2016, the global cheetah population is estimated at approximately 7,100 individuals in the wild. Several African countries have taken steps to improve cheetah conservation measures.

Cheetah has a slender body, deep chest, spotted coat. Its head is small rounded and on the face there is black tear-like streaks. It has long thin legs and a long spotted tail. Cheetah in India were tamed during Moghul period for assisting in hunting. Stories about such episodes are commonly told. However, the last Cheetah in India was spotted in Bastar, M.P. in 1948.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Sound Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the blank with appropriate word:

Question a.
The region in a sound wave, with higher pressure and density is called ………….. and that with low pressure and density is called ……….. .
The region in a sound wave, with higher pressure and density is called compression and that with low pressure and density is called rarefaction.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Question b.
Medium is …………… for generation of sound.
Medium is needed (or necessary) for generation of sound.

Question c.
The total number of compressions and rarefactions produced per second in a sound wave is 1000. The frequency of the sound wave is ………… .
The total number of compressions and rarefactions produced per second in a sound wave is 1000. The frequency of the sound wave is 500 Hz.
[Note: Total number: 100. ∴ 500 compressions and 500 rarefactions are produced per second.]

Question d.
Different sound notes have different ………………. .
Different sound notes have different frequencies.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Question e.
In a loudspeaker, …………… energy is converted into ………….. energy.
In a loudspeaker, mechanical energy is converted into sound energy.

2. Give scientific reasons:

Question a.
It is essential to change the tension in the vocal cords, as we produce different sound notes from our larynx.
Different sound notes correspond to different frequencies. The frequency of sound depends on the tension in the vocal cords. Hence, it is essential to change the tension in the vocal cords, as we produce different sound notes our larynx.

Question b.
Astronauts on the moon cannot hear each other directly.
Two astronauts on the moon talking to each other directly, will be unable to listen to each other, even if they are very close to each other. The moon does not have atmosphere. Since there is no medium which is necessary for generation and propagation of sound, between the astronauts, direct sound propagation between them is not possible. Therefore, the astronauts use some technology like the one used in our cell-phones to communicate with each other. The waves used in cell-phone do not need any medium for propagation.

Question c.
As the sound wave propagates from one place to the other in air, the air itself is not required to move from one place to the other.
Propagation of sound through air occurs due to energy transfer by vibrating air molecules in one region to those in the adjacent region away from the source. The molecules simply vibrate about their mean positions. Hence, the air itself is not required to move from one place to the other.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

3. How are different sound notes generated in musical instruments like guitar, which uses strings for sound generation, and flute, which uses blown air for sound generation?

Question a.
How are different sound notes generated in musical instruments like guitar, which uses strings for sound generation, and flute, which uses blown air for sound generation?
1. Guitar: It is a string based, flat- backed instrument. It has usually six strings, the strings are plucked or strummed with the fingers or a small piece of plastic, wood, etc. It has a flat sounding board with a circular sound hole in the centre. Also it has a fretted fingerboard. Its frequency range is more than three octaves. The frequency of vibration of the string is changed by changing the tension in the string or changing the vibrating length of the string. As the tension is increased, the frequency increases. As the vibrating length is increased, the frequency decreases. This is how different sound notes are generated.
[Note: The acoustic guitar has hollow body and six or twelve strings while the electric guitar usually has solid body and six strings. The electric bass guitar has four strings.]

2. Flute: It is a wind instrument where air is blown against the edge or rim of the blowing hole. The frequency of the sound produced depends upon the length of the vibrating air column in the tube. The greater the length of the vibrating air column, the less is the frequency of the sound produced. This is how different sound notes are produced. The flute has six or seven or eight holes to generate sounds of different frequencies. Different notes can be generated also by changing the way of air-blowing.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

4. How is sound produced in the human larynx and a loudspeaker?

Question a.
How is sound produced in the human larynx and a loudspeaker?
1. Sound production in the human larynx:
In the humans, sound is produced in the voice box called the larynx. It is located at the upper end of the windpipe. Two vocal cords (chords) are stretched across it with a narrow slit between them for the passage of air (Fig. 15.5). When the lungs force air through the slit, the cords start vibrating.

The frequency of the sound produced depends upon the length and thickness of the cords, and the tension in the chords. The frequency increases with the increase in tension and the more the length or the thickness of the cord, the less is the frequency. Muscles attached to the cords can make the cords tight (more tension) or loose (less tension).
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 1
2. Sound produced in a loudspeaker:
Figure shows the internal construction of a loudspeaker. Here, a coil is wound around a permanent magnet. The conical screen of the loudspeaker is attached to the coil.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 2
When a current is passed through the coil, a magnetic field is produced. Its interaction with the permanent magnet results in the back and forth motion of the coil. The frequency and the amplitude of the motion of the coil depends on the variation in the current through the coil.

As the coil moves, the conical screen also moves back and forth. The vibrations of the screen produce sound waves in air. Very loud sound can be produced by changing the current.
[Note: If you gently touch the vibrating screen, you can feel the vibrations.]

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

5. Explain the experiment, with0 a neat diagram, to prove the following:
‘Sound needs a material medium for propagation.’

Question a.
Explain the experiment, with0 a neat diagram, to prove the following:
‘Sound needs a material medium for propagation.’
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 3
Figure shows part of the set up used in this experiment. What is not shown is the electric circuit in which the electric bell is connected. A vacuum tight bell jar contains an electric bell connected to a power supply through the lid of the jar. The jar is placed on a smooth horizontal surface such as that of glass.

Initially the vacuum pump is off and the jar contains air. The circuit containing the bell is completed using the key or the switch so that the bell starts ringing. This can be heard outside the jar.

Then the vacuum pump is switched on so that it starts removing the air from the jar. We find that the level of ringing sound heard goes on decreasing as the quantity of air in the jar becomes less and less.

When the pump is operated for a sufficiently long time interval, the quantity of air in the jar becomes so less that the level of ringing sound becomes very low; sound is hardly audible. But we can see the striker in the bell hitting the gong. By extrapolation, we conclude that sound generation and propagation needs a medium.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

6. Match the following:

Question a.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 4

Column I Column II
Human larynx Vibrations in vocal cords
Loudspeaker Vibrations of screen
Jaltarang Vibrations in air column
Tuning fork Vibrations of metal arms
Sitar Vibrations in strings

Can you recall?

Question a.
How is sound produced?
Sound is produced by the vibrations of an object such as a stretched membrane or a string under tension.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound


Question 1.
Take two plastic glasses and tie a thread between them to make a toy phone. Does the voice of your friend reach you through the thread? Take metal wire instead of the thread and also change the length of the thread wire and repeat the activity. Discuss with your friends and teacher about your conclusions.

Question 2.
Take a plastic or tin can or a plastic glass. Remove its bottom. Stretch a piece of rubber balloon across one end and fix it with a rubber band. Put a few grains of say ragi or bajra on the stretched rubber. Now ask your friend to shout ‘Hoorrey ……… Hoorrey ………… ‘ from the open end of the glass. Observe the dancing of the grains up and down. Discuss the reason behind this.

Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Sound Important Questions and Answers

Select the correct option and write the completed statements:

Question 1.
Sound waves cannot travel through a ………… .
(a) solid
(b) liquid
(c) gas
(d) vacuum
Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum.

Question 2.
If the frequency of a sound wave is 512 Hz, the number of rarefactions produced per second is ……………… .
(a) 256
(b) 512
(c) 1024
(d) 128
If the frequency of a sound wave is 512 Hz, the number of rarefactions produced per second is 512.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Question 3.
In the experiment to show that a medium is necessary for propagation of sound, as the quantity of air inside the bell jar decreases, the level of ringing sound heard outside ……………… .
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) fluctuates randomly
(d) changes at regular intervals
In the experiment to show that a medium is necessary for propagation of , sound, as the quantity of air inside the bell jar decreases, the level of ringing sound heard outside decreases.

Find the odd one out and give the reason:

Question 1.
Sound waves, Waves on the surface of water, Waves on a stretched string, Light waves
Light waves. Light waves can travel in a vacuum. Other waves need a medium for propagation.

Question 2.
Sitar, Violin, Guitar, Flute.
Flute. It is not a string based instrument. Others are string based instruments.

State whether the following statements are True or False. (If a statement is false, correct it and rewrite it.)

Question 1.
If the vibrating length of a stretched string is kept constant and the tension in the string is increased, the frequency of the sound produced increases.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Question 2.
In Jaltarang, the frequency of sound produced is independent of the height of the air column inside the glass cup.
False. (In Jaltarang, the frequency of sound produced depends on the height of the air column inside the glass cup; the more the height of the air column, the less is the frequency of the sound produced.)

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
What is sound?
Sound is a form of energy which produces sensation of hearing in our ears.

Question 2.
What is vibration?
Vibration is a rapid, to and from periodic motion of an object about its mean position.

Question 3.
What is compression?
As a sound wave travels through air, the region in which air is at high pressure and high density is called compression.

Question 4.
What is rarefaction?
As a sound wave travels through air, the region in which air is at low pressure and low density is called rarefaction.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Question 5.
What is the relation between the frequency of vibration and the vibrating length (or height) of the air column?
The greater the vibrating length (or height) of the air column, the less is the frequency of vibration of the column.

Question 6.
For a particular string (given material and radius), what are the factors on which its frequency of vibration depends?
For a particular string (given material and radius), the frequency of vibration of the string depends upon its vibrating length and the tension in the string.
[Note: in the above case, frequency is proportional to the square root of the tension and inversely proportional to the length.]

Question 7.
Name an instrument in which a stretched skin is used to produce musical sound.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Explain the production and propagation of sound in air.
Let us consider production of sound by using a tuning fork. A tuning fork is made of a metal. It has a stem and two prongs (Fig). Figure (a) shows the state of air in the absence of propagation sound through it. Equally spaced vertical lines show that the average distance between the air molecules is the same everywhere. It means average pressure and average density in the regions A, B and C are the same.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 5

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 6

Suppose the tuning fork is held vertical, its stem is fixed in a stand (not shown in the figure) and its prongs are struck lightly using a light hammer with a piece of rubber at the top. The prongs then start vibrating.
Figure (b) shows what happens when the prongs move away from each other. The air outside the prongs is compressed (layers in the region A). The pressure and density increase in this region.

Figure (c) shows what happens when the prongs move close to each other. The air molecules near the prongs move away from each other resulting in lower pressure and lower density.

This region is called rarefaction. Meanwhile, the compression produced earlier moves forward, i.e., away from the prongs because the air molecules in this region transfer their energy to the air molecules in the region B producing a compression there. The periodic formation of compression and rarefaction results in propagation of sound waves away from the prongs.

Eventually, these sound waves reach our ears, the ear-drum vibrates, and we get a sense of hearing a sound as the specific signals reach the brain.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Use your brain power:

Question a.
If sound waves are generated in air, what moves away from the source? Is it the air itself or the state of compression and rarefaction created in the air?
If sound waves are generated in air, the state of compression and rarefaction created in the air moves away from the source.
[Note: The air does not move away from the source because air is elastic and the force due to the tuning fork varies periodically with time.]

Question 2.
Explain the term frequency of a sound wave.
Sound travels in the form of waves. A wave consists of cycles of alternate compression and rarefaction. The number of cycles produced in the air (or any other medium) per second is called the frequency of the sound wave. It is expressed in hertz (Hz). 1 hertz = 1 cycle per second or 1 vibration per second or 1 oscillation per second.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 7

[Note: The SI unit of frequency, the hertz, is named in honour of Heinrich Hertz (1857-94), German physicist.]

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Question 3.
State the factors on which the frequency of a tuning fork depends.
The frequency of a tuning fork depends on the dimensions of the prongs, i.e., length and thickness, and the material used for making the fork.

Try this:

Question a.
Take 6 – 7 glass cups. Arrange them in a line and fill them with water with gradually increasing water level from one end to other. Take a pencil and strike the cups sequentially. The sound generated by each cup will be different. Why is it so?
Use of ICT:
Download videos of Jaltarang from youtube and send them to your friends by email.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 8

When a cup is struck, waves are set up in the air column above the water level in the cup. The frequency of the generated wave depends on the height of the air column inside the glass cup. Since the water level in each glass is different, the height of the air column in each glass is also different. Therefore, the frequency of sound generated by each glass cup will also be different. So, the sound generated is different.

Question b.
An ‘app’ for measurement of sound frequency may be available on cellphones. With the help of your teacher, use the app to measure the frequency of the sound generated from each glass cup. Do you observe any relation between the frequency of generated sound and the height of the air column in the glass cup?
Yes. The greater the height of the air column in the glass cup, the less is the frequency of the sound produced.

Question c.
This is your simple ‘Jaltarang’! Can this experiment be performed with stainless steel pots of different size?
Do it. See what happens as the stainless steel pot itself starts vibrating producing a sound. Also see how this sound is damped by water.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Do you know?

Question a.
What are the frequencies of musical notes ‘sa’, ’re’, ‘ga’, ‘ma’, ‘pa’, ‘dha’, ‘ni’ in the ‘madhya saptak’?
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 9

[Note: The diatonic scale:
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 10.1
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 11.1
Such a simple fraction is pleasing to the ear and is called a musical interval. Frequency ratios 2 : 1, 3 : 2, 4 : 3 are examples of musical interval.

Observe and discuss:

Question 1.
Identify the instruments and discuss sound production in them. [Students should see these musical instruments.]
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 12
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 13

  1. Sitar
  2. Shehnai
  3. Flute
  4. Tabla
  5. Santoor
  6. Bugle
  7. Mandoline or Mandolin
  8. Saxophone.

Question i.
Sitar, Santoor and Mandoline or mandoline (String instruments):
Vibrating strings produce the sound. The greater the tension in the string, the higher is the frequency of the sound. The greater the vibrating length and the diameter of the string, the lower is the frequency of the sound.

Question ii.
Flute, Saxophone and Shehnai (Wind instruments):
Vibrating air column produces the sound. The greater the length of the column, the lower is the frequency of the sound.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Question iii.
Tabla (Percussion instrument):
Vibrating skin produces the sound. The greater the tension in the skin, the higher is the frequency of the sound. The greater the thickness of the skin, the lower is the frequency of the sound.

Try this:
‘Apps’ for generation of different sound notes (sound note generator app) may be available on cellphones. With the help of your teacher, using such an app, generate sound notes listed in the table.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound 9

Vocal cords are 20 cm in length in male, about 15 cm in female and even smaller in children. Therefore the voice of male, female and children are different.
[Note: Vocal cords are 20 mm in length in male, about 15 mm in female and even smaller in children. Reference NCERT textbook Std. VIII, published in 2017.]

Question 1.
Produce a sound ‘bho … bho …’ just like a dog-barking and ‘meow … meow…’ just like a mewing cat. Carefully notice the tension on the vocal cords, when you produce these sounds. Do you feel that the tension on the vocal cords changes when you produce these two different sounds?

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Sound

Question 2.
An ‘app’ may be available on cell-phones to measure the loudness of sound in decibel. With the help of your teacher, use the app to measure the sound level of a sound from a loudspeaker at some public place. Measure the sound level at different distances from the loudspeaker. Do you observe some relation between the distance from the loudspeaker and the sound level?
Yes. As the distance increases, the sound level decreases.

Always remember:

We should take care that others are not disturbed when we study sound and its production. Sound pollution is a major cause affecting the environment and social health. Hence we should find ways to avoid sound pollution.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Class 8 Science Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat Textbook Questions and Answers

1. A. Whom should I pair with?

Question a.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. Temperature of a healthy human body a. 296 K
2. Boiling point of water b. 98.6 °F
3. Room temperature c. 0°C
4. Freezing point of water d. 212 °F


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. Temperature of a healthy human body b. 98.6 °F
2. Boiling point of water d. 212 °F
3. Room temperature a. 296 K
4. Freezing point of water c. 0°C

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

B. Who is telling the truth?

Question a.
The temperature of a substance is measured in joule.
False. (The temperature of a substance is measured in °C or °F or K.)

Question b.
Heat flows from an object at higher temperature to an object at lower temperature.

Question c.
The joule is the unit of heat.

Question d.
Objects contract on heating.
False. (In general, objects expand on heating. There are some exceptions to this, you will learn about them in Standard X.)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question e.
Atoms of a solid are free.
False. (Atoms of a solid are bound to each other due to the forces acting between them.)

Question f.
The average kinetic energy of atoms in a hot object is less than the average kinetic energy of atoms in a cold object.
False. (The average kinetic energy of atoms in a hot object is more than the average kinetic energy of atoms in a cold object.)

C. You will find if you search.

Question a.
A thermometer is used to measure ……………. .
A thermometer is used to measure temperature.

Question b.
The apparatus used to measure heat is called a ………… .
The apparatus used to measure heat is called a calorimeter.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question c.
Temperature is the measure of the …………. kinetic energy of the atoms in a substance.
Temperature is the measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms in a substance.

Question d.
The heat contained in a substance is the measure of the ………….. kinetic energy of the atoms in the substance.
The heat contained in a substance is the measure of the total kinetic energy of the atoms in the substance.

2. Nishigandha kept a vessel containing all the ingredients for making tea in a solar cooker. Shivani kept a similar vessel on a stove. Whose tea will be ready first and why?

Question a.
Nishigandha kept a vessel containing all the ingredients for making tea in a solar cooker. Shivani kept a similar vessel on a stove. Whose tea will be ready first and why?
Shivani’s tea will be ready first.
Reason: In a given time, the amount of heat received by the vessel on a stove is far greater than that received by the vessel kept in a solar cooker.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

3. Write brief answers.

Question a.
Describe a clinical thermometer. How does it differ from the thermometer used in a laboratory?
A clinical thermometer has a narrow stem and a long bulb filled with mercury (or alcohol). There is a small constriction in the stem above the bulb. When the bulb of the thermometer is held in the armpit or the mouth of a patient, the mercury (or alcohol) in the bulb rises in the stem.

When it is taken out of the patient’s body, the small constriction does not allow the mercury (or alcohol) from the stem to retreat into the bulb. Thus, this arrangement enables us to read the temperature of the patient’s body at ease after the removal of the thermometer from his body.

The clinical thermometer is graduated from 35 °C to 42 °C (or from 95 °F to 108 °F). At 37 °C (98.6 °F), there is a red arrow mark which indicates the temperature of a healthy person.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 1
The thermometer used in a laboratory has wider range and does not have constriction like a clinical thermometer.

Question b.
What is the difference between heat and temperature?
Heat is related to the total kinetic energy of the atoms in a substance while temperature is related to the average kinetic energy of the atoms in the substance. Heat flows from a body at higher temperature to a body at lower temperature. Thus, temperature is a quantity that determines the direction of flow of heat. It is a quantitative measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.

Higher temperature does not mean higher heat content. Suppose a vessel A contains 2 litres of water at 90 °C and a vessel B contains 100 ml of water at 91 °C. Then the heat content of water in A is greater than that of water in B, but the temperature of water in B is higher than that of water in A.

Units of heat:
Heat is usually expressed in calorie, kilocalorie and joule. It can also be expressed in erg as heat is a form of energy.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question c.
Explain the construction of a calorimeter. Draw the necessary figure.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 3
Figure shows the construction of a calorimeter. Like a thermo flask, a calorimeter has two vessels. The inner vessel, made of copper, is (practically) thermally isolated from the surroundings. The outer vessel is made of wood and is covered with a heat resistant lid. The lid has two holes, one for the thermometer and the other for the stirrer. The inner and outer surfaces of the inner vessel are polished for minimizing exchange of heat with the surroundings by radiation. A heat resistant ring covers the inner vessel.

Question d.
Explain why rails have gaps at specific distances.
The rails expand in summer due to increase in the temperature of the atmosphere. Also, they expand due to rise in temperature caused by the friction between the rails and the wheels of the running train. If there is no gap between successive rails of a railway line, the rails would bend due to expansion. This bending and twisting of the rails would cause accidents. Hence, a gap is kept between successive rails of a railway line to make provision for their expansion in summer.

Do you know:

Have you seen rails? They are not continuous. A small gap is kept between them at regular intervals. This is shown in the figure. This is kept to accommodate the change in the length of the rails with change in temperature. If this gap is not kept, then the rail will get distorted due to expansion in summer which may lead to accidents.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 2

Similar to rails, the length of bridges can also increase due to expansion in summer. The length of the 18 km long great belt bridge in Denmark increases by 4.7 m in summer. Therefore, provision in made in the construction of the bridges to accommodate this expansion.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question e.
Explain with the help of formulae the expansion coefficients of liquid and gas.
1. A liquid is held in a container. When it is heated, both the container and the liquid expand. The expansion of the container is usually very small compared to that of the liquid in it. Often, it can be ignored.
Suppose a liquid is heated so that its temperature rises by ΔT (very small) and its volume increases from V1 to V2. Experimentally, it is found that the increase in volume, V2 – V1, is proportional to V1 and ΔT.
Hence, (V2 – V1) α V1ΔT.
∴ V2 – V1 = β V1ΔT, where β is a constant of proportionality called the volumetric expansion coefficient of the liquid.
β = \(\frac{V_{2}-V_{1}}{V_{1} \Delta T}\).
It is expressed in per °C.
We have V2 = V1 + βV1ΔT = V1(1 + β ΔT).
β is the increase in the volume of a liquid per unit original volume per unit rise in its temperature.

2. A gas is enclosed in a container. When it is heated at constant pressure, both the container and the gas expand. Suppose a gas is heated at constant pressure so that its temperature rises by ΔT (very small) and its volume increases from V1 to V2. Experimentally, it is found that the increase in volume, V2 – V1 is proportional to V1 and ΔT. Hence, (V2 – V1) a V1ΔT.
∴ V2 – V1 = β V1ΔT, where β is a constant of proportionality, the volumetric expansion coefficient, called the constant pressure expansion coefficient.
β = \(\frac{V_{2}-V_{1}}{V_{1} \Delta T}\).
It is expressed in per °C.
We have V2 = V1 + βV1T = V1(1 + β ΔT).
β is the increase in the volume of a gas per unit original volume per unit rise in its temperature when the pressure is kept constant.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

4. Solve the following examples.

Question a.
What must be the temperature in Fahrenheit so that it will be twice its value in Celsius?
Data: F = 2 C ∴ C = F/2, F = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 4
∴ F – 0.9 F = 32
∴ 0.1 F = 32
∴ F = \(\frac{32}{0.1}\) = 320 °F.

Question b.
A bridge is made from 20 m long iron rods. At temperature 18 °C, the distance between two rods is 0.4 cm. Up to what temperature will the bridge be in good shape?
Data: l1 = 20 m, l2 – l1 = 0.4 cm
= 4 × 10-3 m, Ti = 18 °C, λ for iron = 11.5 × 10-6/°C
l2 – l1 = λl1 Δt
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 5
= \(\frac{400}{23}\) °C = about 17.39 °C
Now, ΔT= Tf – Ti ∴ Tf = Ti + ΔT
∴ Tf = 18 °C + 17.39 °C = 35.39 °C.
The bridge will be in good shape up to 35.39 °C.

Question c.
At 15 °C the height of Eiffel Tower is 324 m. If it is made of iron, what will be the increase in length in cm, at 30 °C?
Data: ΔT = 30 °C – 15 °C = 15 °C, l1 = 324 m, λ for iron = 11.5 × 10-6/°C l2 – l1 = λl1 ΔT
= 11.5 × 10-6/°C × 324 m × 15 °C
= 55890 × 10-6 m
= 55890 × 10-6 × 102 cm
= 55890 × 10-4 cm
= 5.589 cm (nearly 5.6 cm)
This is the increase in the length, i.e., the increase in the height of Eiffel Tower.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question d.
Two substances A and B have specific heats c and 2 c respectively. If A and B are given Q and 4Q amounts of heat respectively, the change in their temperatures is the same. If the mass of A is m, what is the mass of B?
Data: c (A) = c, c (B) = 2c,
Q (A) = Q, Q (B) = 4Q, ΔT same,
m (A) = m, m (B) = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 6
∴ m(B) = 2m.
This is the mass of B.

Question e.
When a substance having mass 3 kg receives 600 cal of heat, its temperature increases by 10 °C. What is the specific heat of the substance?
Data: m = 3 kg = 3000 g,
Q = 600 cal, ΔT = 10 °C, c = ?
Q = mcΔT
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 7
= 0.02 cal/(g.°C)
This is the specific heat of the substance.

Can you recall?

Question a.
Which sources do we get heat from?

  1. Sun
  2. earth
  3. fuels like wood, coal, petrol
  4. electricity
  5. atomic energy
  6. air.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question b.
How is heat transferred?
Heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation.

Question c.
Which effects of heat do you know?
Expansion, change of state, rise in temperature, emission of light, burning.

Question d.
Some effects of heat are shown in Fig. What are they?
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 8
Rise in temperature/boiling, melting, burning, expansion.

Question e.
What are potential and kinetic energies?
The energy stored in a body because of its specific state or position is called its potential energy. The energy possessed by a body because of its motion is called it’s kinetic energy.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat


Question a.
Collect information about bimetallic strips and discuss in your class how a fire alarm is made using it.

Class 8 Science Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat Important Questions and Answers

Rewrite the following statements by selecting the correct options:

Question 1.
32°F is equal to …………….. .
(a) 212 °C
(b) 212 K
(c) 273.15 K
(d) 273.15 K
32°F is equal to 273.15 K.

Question 2.
-40°C is equal to ………….. .
(a) -40 °F
(b) 40 °F
(c) -8°F
(d) 40K
-40°C is equal to -40 °F.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 3.
The boiling point of water is ………… .
(a) 212 K
(b) 212 °F
(c) 273.15 K
(d) 32 °F
The boiling point of pure water is 212 °F.

Question 4.
Specific heat is expressed in …………… .
(a) J/(kg. °C)
(b) kg/(J C)
(c) J/kg
(d) cal/g
Specific heat is expressed in J/(kg.°C).

Question 5.
The freezing point of water is …………….. .
(a) OK
(b) 212°F
(c) 32°F
(d) 0°F
The freezing point of water is 32 °F.

Find the odd one out and give the reason:

Question 1.
0°C, 32°F, 273.15K, 212°F.
212 °F. This is the boiling point of water; others correspond to the freezing point of water.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 2.
373.15 K, 100 °C, 212 °F, 32 °F.
32 °F. This is the freezing point of water others correspond to the boiling point of water.

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
Name the biggest source of heat received by the earth.
The Sun is the biggest source of heat received by the earth.

Question 2.
What is the relation between the temperature in °C and the temperature in °F?
F – 32 °C
\(\frac{F-32}{9}\) = \(\frac{C}{5}\), where C denotes temperature in °C and F denotes temperature in °F.

Question 3.
Name the quantity expressed in cal/(g.°C).
Specific heat is expressed in cal/(g.°C).

Question 4.
State the formula for the coefficient of linear expansion of a solid substance.
λ = (l2 – l1]) / (l1 ΔT).

Question 5.
State the formula for the coefficient of areal expansion of a solid.
σ = (A2 – A1)/ (A1 ΔT).

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 6.
State the formula for the volumetric expansion coefficient of a solid.
β = (V2 – V1) / (V1 ΔT).

Question 7.
State the relation between λ and σ (if ΔT is very small).
σ = 2 λ.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
How is heat generated in the Sun?
In the interior of the Sun, at the centre, hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form helium nuclei. A lot of heat is generated in this process.

Question 2.
What is geothermal energy?
Heat within the interior of the earth, e.g., that coming from the molten core of the earth, is called geothermal energy.
[Note: Volcanoes, geysers, hot springs are sources of this energy.]

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 3.
What is atomic energy or nuclear energy?
Energy released or obtained in nuclear fission or nuclear fusion is called atomic energy or nuclear energy.

Question 4.
Name three sources of chemical energy.
Fuels like wood, coal and petrol are sources of chemical energy.

Try this:

  1. Take three similar vessels. Let us call them ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’.
  2. Fill A with hot water and B with cold water. Put some water from A and B in C.
  3. Dip your right hand in A and left hand in B and keep them immersed for 2 to 3 minutes.
  4. Now dip both the hands in C. What do you feel?

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 10
Even though, both the hands are dipped in water in the same vessel, i.e., water at the same temperature, your right hand will find the water to be cold while the left hand will find it to be hot. What is the reason for this? Think about it.
The right hand finds the water cold because it loses heat to water in C. The left-hand feels the water hot because it gains heat from water in C. (This shows that we cannot determine the temperature of an object accurately by simply touching it)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 5.
State the units in which temperature is expressed.
What are the units of temperature?
Temperature is expressed in °C (degree Celsius), °F (degree Fahrenheit) and K (kelvin).

Question 6.
Draw diagrams to illustrate motion of atoms in a gas and a solid. Also explain the type of motion.
Atoms of a gas are comparatively free and move at random. Figures a and b show the velocities of atoms in a gas at high and low temperature, respectively. The direction and the length of the arrows show respectively the direction and the magnitude of the velocity of the atoms. The velocity of atoms in the gas at higher temperature is larger in magnitude than the velocity of atoms in the gas at lower temperature.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 11
The velocities of atoms in a solid are shown by arrows in Fig. (c). The atoms in a solid are tied to one another because of the forces acting between them. This is indicated by drawing springs between adjacent atoms. Because of heat, they oscillate around their fixed mean positions. The higher the temperature of a solid, the greater is their velocity of oscillation.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Try this:

1. Take two steel vessels A and B of the same size.
2. Fill some water in A and double that amount in B. Make sure that the water in both vessels is at the same temperature.
3. Raise the temperatures of water in both vessels by 10 CC using a spirit lamp. Did it take the same time to increase the temperature in the two vessels?
You must have required more time to raise the temperature of water in B. This means that for the same increase in temperature, you had to give more amount of heat to B. Thus, even though the water in A and in B have the same temperature, the amount of heat in B is more than that in A.

Question 7.
How are the different units of temperature-related?
1. The SI unit of temperature is the kelvin (K). Temperature is also expressed in °C (degree Celsius) and °F (degree Fahrenheit).
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 12
Here, C denotes temperature in °C, F denotes temperature in 0F and K denotes temperature in K (kelvin).
[Notes: (i) The unît degree Celsius is named in honour of Anders Celsius (1701 – 44) Swedish astronomer. He devised a temperature scale in 1742.
(ii) The unit degree Fahrenheit is named in honour of Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686 – 1736) German physicist. He developed the mercury thermometer and devised the temperature scale.
(iii) The unit kelvin is named in honour of William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin (of Largs) (1824 – 1907) British physicist and electrical engineer. He made significant contribution in thermodynamics and electromagnetic theory. He proposed a scale of temperature now known as the Kelvin scale or thermodynamic scale.]

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 8.
What is a liquid (mercury or alcohol) thermometer?
A thermometer in which the change in the volume of a liquid (mercury or alcohol) with temperature is used for measurement of temperature is called a liquid thermometer.

Question 9.
Why has mecury been replaced by alcohol in a thermometer?
Because mercury is harmful for us, it has been replaced by alcohol in a thermometer.
[Notes: (i) Mercury thermometers are still widely used in laboratories in schools and colleges.
(ii) A thermometer is a device to measure temperature. A thermometer containing mercury in its bulb is called a mercury thermometer. There are other types of thermometer such as a thermocouple thermometer, a platinum resistance thermometer, a thermistor thermometer, etc.]

Question 10.
Describe the construction of mercury thermometer.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 13

  1. For constructing a thermometer, a thick-walled capillary tube with a uniform bore is taken. The tube has a thin-walled glass bulb at one end.
  2. The bulb and a small part of the tube is filled with mercury. The other end of the tube is sealed after removing air from it.
  3. The tube is then calibrated and the temperature of the substance can be read with it.

[Note: The range of an alcohol thermometer is different from that of a mercury thermometer.]

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 11.
How does a mercury thermometer work?
1. When the bulb of the thermometer is brought in contact with the substance whose temperature is to be measured, there is an exchange of heat between the substance and the mercury in the bulb.

2. The mercury expands or contracts depending upon whether it gains heat or loses heat. Accordingly there is a rise or fall of the level of mercury in the tube of the thermometer indicating the temperature of the substance when the mercury and the substance are in thermal equilibrium.

Question 12.
Why is the bore of a thermometer made very small?
The bore of a thermometer is made very small so that even a slight variation in the temperature may cause noticeable variation in the mercury level in the tube of the thermometer. As a result, the sensitivity of the thermometer increases and even small changes in the temperature can be recorded.

Question 13.
Why does the bulb of a thermometer have a thin glass wall?
The bulb of a thermometer is made of a thin glass so that it can easily conduct the heat from the substance in contact with the mercury in the bulb.

Question 14.
Why does a thermometer usually break at the bulb?
The bulb of a thermometer has a thin glass wall. Therefore, a thermometer usually breaks at the bulb.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 15.
Explain why the capillary tube of a clinical thermometer has a constriction.
When the temperature of a patient is measured with a clinical thermometer, the mercury in the bulb expands and rises in the tube. The small constriction in the thermometer prevents the mercury thread from retreating into the bulb. Thus, the patient’s temperature can be read at ease after removing the thermometer from his body.

Question 16.
Explain why a clinical thermometer should not be washed with hot water.
A clinical thermometer is constructed for the purpose of recording the temperature of the human body. Hence, its stem is such that it can allow the mercury to rise up to a temperature of about 42 °C. The temperature of hot water may be more than 42 °C. Therefore, when a clinical thermometer is washed with hot water, mercury will not have enough room for expansion and the thermometer would break.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 14

[Note: (1) A digital thermometer has a sensor that detects the heat coming out from the body directly and displays the temperature.
(2) The maximum-minimum temperature has two scales, one against each arm of the thermometer. One scale indicates the maximum temperature reached (generally during the day) and the other scale indicates the minimum temperature reached (generally during the night).]

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 17.
Explain what happens when there is exchange of heat between two objects.
When there is an exchange of heat between a hot object and a cold object, the temperature of the hot object falls and the temperature of the cold object rises. If this system of two objects is isolated from the surroundings so that no heat enters or leaves the system, then, heat lost by the hot object = heat gained by the cold object. After some time, the average kinetic energies of the atoms in the two objects become equal, i.e., the two objects attain the same temperature.

Question 18.
Define specific heat.
The specific heat of an object (substance) is the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of unit mass of that substance through one degree.

Question 19.
Write the formula for specific heat. Hence, obtain its unit.
Specific heat of a substance,
c = \(\frac{Q}{m\left(T_{\mathrm{f}}-T_{\mathrm{i}}\right)}\), where m is the mass of the substance and Q is the amount of heat supplied to the substance to increase its temperature from Ti to Tf.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 9
The SI unit of heat is the joule (J), that of mass is kg and that of temperature is kelvin (K).
∴ The SI unit of specific heat = \(\frac{\mathrm{J}}{(\mathrm{kg} \cdot \mathrm{K})}\)
[Note: Specific heat is also expressed in J/(kg°C) and cal/(g°C).]

Question 20.
The specific heat of aluminium is 0.21 cal/(g°C). What do you understand by this statement?
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of aluminium through 1 °C is 0.21 cal.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 21.
The specific heat of gold is 0.03 cal/(g°C). Express it in J/(kg°C).
1 cal = 4.18 joules (J)
1 gram = 10-3 kg
∴ 1 cal/(g°C) = 4.18 J/(10-3 kg°C)
= 4180 J/(kg°C)
∴ 0.03 cal/(g°C) = 0.03 × 4180 J/(kg°C)
= 125.4 J/(kg °C)

Question 22.
Arrange the following materials in increasing order of specific heat: aluminium, gold, iron, water.
Gold, iron, aluminium, water.

Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Why does your mother put folded cloth strips soaked in cold water on your forehead when you have high fever?
To remove heat quickly from our body and thereby lower the temperature of the body (as water has high specific heat).

Question 2.
Why is the calorimeter made of copper?
Copper is a good conductor of heat and has low specific heat. Also copper is durable and not highly reactive.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 23.
How will you determine the specific heat of a metal using a calorimeter?
Describe the experiment to determine the specific heat of iron using an iron ball, calorimeter and water.
1. Find the mass (mi) of the iron ball.
2. Find the total mass (mc) of the calorimeter (metal container) and the stirrer.

3. Fill the calorimeter to two-thirds of its capacity with water and find its mass (m’c) along with the stirrer. Hence, find the mass (mw) of the water in the calorimeter (mw = m’c – mc).
4. Keep the calorimeter in the wooden box and note the temperature (T1) of the water in the calorimeter with the thermometer.

5. Suspend the iron ball in water in a beaker. Heat the beaker so that the water starts boiling. Note the temperature (T2) of the boiling water.
6. Transfer the iron ball quickly to the calorimeter and cover the calorimeter with the lid immediately.

7. Stir the water in the calorimeter gently and continuously for uniformity of temperature and note the maximum temperature (T3) attained by the mixture.

8. Find the specific heat capacity of iron using the following formula:
heat lost by the iron ball = heat gained by the calorimeter, stirrer and water
[assuming that there is no exchange of heat between the system (calorimeter, stirrer, water and iron ball) and the surroundings].
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 15

where cc = specific heat of the material of the calorimeter and stirrer and cw = specific heat of water.
Hence, the specific heat of iron (ci) can be determined when other quantities are known.

Question 24.
Why is a calorimeter used in the study of the exchange of heat between a solid and liquid or between two liquids?
When a hot body is kept in contact with a cold one, there is an exchange of heat between the two. Hence, the temperature of the hot body decreases while that of the cold body increases till both the bodies attain the same temperature. During this process, if there is no exchange of heat between the surrounding and the bodies, the heat lost by the hot body is equal to the heat gained by the cold body.

As a calorimeter ensures that there is hardly any exchange of heat between the contents of the calorimeter and the surroundings, the calorimeter is used in the study of the exchange of heat between a solid and liquid or between two liquids.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 25.
Explain why the inside and outside of a calorimeter are polished.

  1. A calorimeter is used for the measurement of heat. Hence, it is essential to minimize the exchange of heat between the vessel and the surroundings.
  2. A polished surface is a good reflector of heat. Hence, by polishing the inside and outside of a calorimeter, the loss or gain of heat due to radiation is reduced to a considerable extent.

Question 26.
Explain with the help of a formula the coefficient of linear expansion of a solid.
Suppose a rod of length l1 at temperature T1 is heated to temperature T2 such that ΔT = T2 – T1 is very small. Let l2 be the length of the rod at temperature T2.
Experimentally, it is found that the increase in the length of the rod (linear expension), l2 – l1, is proportional to l1 and ΔT. Therefore, (l2 – l1) α, l1ΔT
∴ l2 – l1 = λl1 ΔT, where X is the constant of proportionality, called the coefficient of linear expansion of the solid.
λ = \(\frac{l_{2}-l_{1}}{l_{1} \Delta T}\) It is expressed in per °C.
We have l2 – l1 + λΔT = l1 (1 + λΔT).

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 27.
Define coefficient off linear explansion of a solid. Write the formula for it and obtain its unit.
Coefficient of linear expansion of a solid is defined as the increase in the length of a rod of the solid per unit initial length per unit rise in its temperature.
Coefficient of linear expansion of a solid,
λ = \(\frac{l_{2}-l_{1}}{l_{1} \Delta T}\), where l1 and l2 are respectively the initial and final length of the rod of the solid and ΔT is the rise in its temperature.
Unit of λ = \(\frac{\text { unit of length }}{\text { unit of length } \times \text { unit of temperature }}\)

Question 28.
The coefficient of linear expansion of silver is 18 ×10-6 per °C. What do you understand by this statement?
If the temperature of a silver rod of length lm is increased by 1 °C, the length of the rod increases by 18 × 10-6 m.

Question 29.
Explain with the help of a formula the coefficient of areal expansion of a solid.
Suppose a sheet of a solid with surface area A1 at temperature T1 is heated to temperature T2 such that ΔT = T2 – T1 is very small. Let A2 be the surface area of the sheet at temperature T2. Experimentally, it is found that the increase in the surface area of the sheet (areal expansion), A2 – A1, is proportional to A1 and ΔT. Therefore,
(A2 – A1)α A1 ΔT
∴ A2 – A1 = σ Al1ΔT, where a is the constant of proportionality, called the coefficient of areal expansion of the solid.
σ = \(\frac{A_{2}-A_{1}}{A_{1} \Delta T}\). It is expressed in per °C.
We have A2 = A1 + σA1ΔT = A1 (1 + σΔT).
σ is the increase in the area of a solid per unit original area per unit rise in its temperature.
[Note: Consider a thin square metal plate of length l. Area of one face of the plate = A = l2. Suppose the plate is heated so that the rise in its temperature is ΔT (assumed to be very small). Then in the usual notation, Δl = l λΔT and ΔA =
AσΔT = l2 σΔT. Also, ΔA = (l + Δl)2 – l2 = l2 + 2l.Δl + Δl2 – l2 = 2l.Δl + Δl2 . As Δl2 << 2l.Δl, we can write ΔA = 2l.Δl(approximately)
∴ ΔA = 2l(l λΔT) = 2l2λΔT but ΔA = l2σΔT
∴ σ = 2.λ]

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 30.
Explain with the help of a formula the volumetric expansion coefficient of a solid.
Suppose a solid with volume V1 at temperature T1 is heated to temperature T2 such that T1 = T2 – T1 is very small. Let V2 be the volume of the solid at temperature T2. Experimentally, it is found that the increase
in the volume of the solid (volumetric expansion), V2 – V1, is proportional to V1 and ΔT. Therefore, (V2 – V1)α V1ΔT.
∴ V2 – V1 = βV1ΔT, where β is the constant of proportionality, called the volumetric expansion coefficient of the solid.
β = \(\frac{V_{2}-V_{1}}{V_{1} \Delta T}\) It is expressed in per °C.
We have V2 = V1 + βV1 ΔT = V1 (1 + βΔT).
is the increase in the volume of a solid per unit original volume per unit rise in its temperature.
[Note: It can be shown that β = \(\frac{3}{2}\) σ 3λ.]

Question 31.
Obtain an expression for the variation of the density of a solid with temperature.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 16
As the temperature increases, density decreases.

Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Which use of the expansion of liquids in daily life do you know?
Use of a thermometer. The effect of heat on water is somewhat different from that for other liquids. This is called anomalous behaviour of water. We are going to learn about it in higher standard.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Can you recall?

Expansion of gases:

A gas does not even have a fixed volume. Gas expands on heating but if the gas is kept in a closed box, its volume cannot increase but its pressure increases. This is shown in Fig. Observe Fig. and find out answers to the questions.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 17

Question 1.
Using the formula density = mass/volume, explain what will be the effect of heat on the gas kept in a closed bottle.
The density of the gas will remain the same as there is no change on the mass and volume of the gas.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 2.
If the bottle is not closed but has a movable piston attached to its open end (see the figure), what will be the effect of heating the gas in the bottle?
The piston will move upwards as the gas expands.
Therefore, the expansion of a gas is measured by keeping its pressure constant.

Use your brain power!

Question 1.
The density of a gas decreases on heating. Which of the pictures in Fig. makes use of this?
Students should be able to answer this question.

Write short notes on the following:

Question 1.
The Celsius temperature scale:
In this case, the temperature at which pure ice melts at normal atmospheric pressure is taken as zero degree (0°C) and the temperature at which pure water boils at normal atmospheric pressure is taken as hundred degree (100 °C). The interval between them is divided into loo equal parts. Each part corresponds to a temperature difference of 1 °C.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 2.
The Fahrenheit temperature scale:
In this case, the normal melting point of pure ice is taken as 32 °F and the normal boiling point of pure water is taken as 212 °F. The interval between these two points is divided into 180 equal parts. Each part corresponds to a temperature difference of 1°F. If C is the temperature of a body on the Celsius scale and F is the corresponding temperature on the Fahrenheit scale, the two are related by
C = \(\frac{5}{9}\) (F – 32) or F = \(\frac{9}{5}\) C + 32.

Question 3.
The Kelvin temperature scale:
In this case, the melting point of pure ice at normal atmospheric pressure is taken as 273.15 kelvin (273.15 K) and the boiling point of pure water at normal f atmospheric pressure is taken as 373.15 I kelvin (373.15 K). The lowest possible temperature (called the absolute zero) on this scale corresponds to -273.15 °C.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
We heat the neck of a glass bottle in order to remove the firmly fitted stopper.
When we heat the neck of the glass bottle, it expands. Due to this, the stopper becomes loose and can be removed with ease.

Question 2.
A clinical thermometer has to be jerked before re-use.
The constriction above the bulb of the clinical thermometer prevents the mercury thread once risen from falling down to the bulb. Hence, in order to force the mercury thread back into the bulb, the 1 clinical thermometer has to be jerked before re-use.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 3.
Instead of the mercury thermometer, alcohol thermometer is used for measurement of very low temperature.
Mercury freezes at – 39 °C and turns to a solid. Hence, the mercury thermometer cannot be used to measure temperature below -39°C. The freezing point of alcohol is -117°C. Hence, the alcohol thermometer is used for i measurement of very low temperature.

Solve the following examples:

Question 1.
The normal armpit temperature in humans is 98.6 °F. What is this temperature in (i) degree Celsius (ii) kelvin ?
Data: F = 98.6 °F, C = ?, K = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 18
(ii) K = C + 273.15
= 37 + 273.15 = 310.15 K.

Question 2.

Find the heat needed to raise the temperature of 2.5 kg of water from 30 °C to 40 °C. Write the answer in calorie as well as joule.
Data: m = 2.5 kg = 2500 g,
ΔT = 40 °C-30 °C, Q = ?
Heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of water through 1°C is 1 calorie.
∴ Q = 2500 × 10 = 25000 calories
Now, 1 calorie = 4.18 joules
∴ Q = 25000 × 4.18 joules = 104500 joules
Heat needed, Q = 25000 calories = 104500 joules.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 3.
If the temperature of water rises by 5 °C when 500 cal of heat is supplied to it, what is the mass of water?
Mass of water = \(\frac{500}{5}\) = 100 g.

Question 4.
How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 500 g of mercury from 20 °C to 100 °C? [Specific heat of mercury = 0.033 kcal/(kg °C)]
Data: m = 500 g = 0.5 kg,
T1 = 20 °C,
T2 = 100 °C, c = 0.033 kcal/(kg . °C), Q = ?
Q = mc (T2 – T1)
= 0.5 kg × 0.033 kcal/(kg . °C) × (100 °C – 20 °C)
= 0.5 × 0.033 × 80 kcal
= 0.033 × 40 kcal
∴ Q = 1.32 kcal
Heat required = 1.32 kcal.
[Note: 1kcal/(kg-°C) = 1 cal/(g.°C)]

Question 5.
A certain mass of water at 84 °C is poured into an equal mass of water at 24 °C. What will be the resulting temperature of the mixture ?
Data: mx = m2 = m (say),
T1 = 84 °C, T2 = 24 °C, T = ?
Heat lost by the hot water = heat gained by the cold water
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 19
Resulting temperature of the mixture = 54 °C.

Question 6.
A bucket contains 8 kg of water at 20 °C. When 4 kg of hot water is mixed with it, the temperature of the mixture becomes 40 °C. Calculate the temperature of the hot water. (Ignore the heat absorbed by the bucket.)
Data: m1 = 8 kg, T1 = 20 °C, m2 = 4 kg, T = 40 °C, T2= ?
Heat lost by the hot water = heat gained by the cold water (ignoring the heat absorbed by the bucket)
∴ m2c (T2 – T) = m1c (T – T1)
∴ 4 kg × c × (T2 – 40°C)
= 8 kg × c × (40°C – 20°C)
∴ T2 – 40°C = 2 × 20°C = 40°C
∴ T2 = 40 °C + 40 °C = 80 °C
Temperature of the hot water = 80 °C.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 7.
A blacksmith plunges a 2 kg horseshoe at 400 °C into 1 kg of water at 20 °C. Find the maximum temperature of the water. [Specific heat of iron = 0.11 kcal/(kg-°C)]
Data: mx = 2 kg,
c1 = 0.11 kcal/(kg.°C), T2 = 400 °C, m2 = 1 kg,
c2 = 1 kcal/(kg.°C), T2 = 20 °C, T = ?
Heat lost by the horseshoe = heat gained by the water
∴ m1c1 (T1 – T) = m2c2(T – T2)
∴ 2 kg × 0.11 kcal/(kg.°C) × (400 °C – T)
= 1 kg × 1 kcal/(kg.°C) × (T – 20 °C)
∴ 0.22 × (400 °C – T) = T – 20 °C
∴ 1.22 T= 108 °C
∴ T = \(\frac{108}{1.22}\)°C = 88.52 °C
Maximum temperature of the water = 88.52 °C.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 8.
A copper sphere of mass 500 g is heated to 100 °C and then introduced into a copper calorimeter containing 100 g of water at 20 °C. Find the maximum temperature of the mixture, if the mass of the calorimeter is 100 g and the specific heat of the calorimeter is 0.1 cal/(g.°C).
Data: m = 500 g, c = 0.1 cal/(g.°C), T’= 100 °C, m1 = 100 g, c1 = 1 cal/(g.°C), T1 = 20°C, m2 = 100 g, c2 = 0.1 cal/(g.°C), T2 = 20 °C, T= ?
Heat lost by the sphere = heat gained by the water and the calorimeter.
∴ mc (T’ – T) = m1c1 (T – T1) + m2c2 (T – T2)
∴ 500 g × o.l cal/(g.°C) × (100 °C – T)
= 100 g × 1 cal/(g.°C) × (T – 20 °C) + 100 g × 0.1 cal/(g.°C) × (T – 20 °C)
∴ 50 (100 °C – T) = 100 × (T – 20 °C) + 10 × (T – 20 °C)
∴ 50 (100 °C – T) = 110 × (T – 20 °C)
∴ 500 °C – 5T = 11T – 220 °C
∴ 16T = 720 °C
∴ T = \(\frac{720^{\circ} \mathrm{C}}{16}\) = 45 °C
Maximum temperature of the mixture = 45 °C.

Question 9.
A metal rod 1.8 m long, increases ( in length by 1.4 mm, when heated from 0 °C to 50 °C. Find the coefficient of linear expansion of the metal.
Data: l1 = 1.8 m, l2 – l1 = 1.4 mm = 1.4 × 10-3 m.
T1 = 0 °C, T2 = 50 °C.
l2 – l1 = l1 λ (T2 – T1)
∴ The coefficient of linear expansion of the metal is
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 20

Question 10.
A thin metal disc of surface area 500 cm2 at 0 °C is heated to 40 °C. Find the increase in the surface area of the disc. (σ = 4 × 10-5 °C -1)
Data: A1 = 500 cm2, T1 = 0 °C,
T2 = 40 °C, σ = 4 × 10-5 °C-1, A2 – A1 = ?
The increase in the surface area of the disc is
A2 – A1 = A1σ(T2 – T1)
= (500 cm2) (4 × 10-5 °C-1) (40 °C – 0 °C)
= 500 × 4 × 10-5 × 40 = 0.8 cm2.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 11.
The surface area of a metal plate is 2.4 × 10-2m2 at 20 °C. When the plate is heated to 185 °C, its area increases by 0.8 cm2. Find the coefficient of areal expansion of the metal.
Data: A1 = 2.4 × 10-2 m2,
T1 = 20 °C, T2 = 185 °C, ΔA = 0.8 cm2 = 0.8 × 10-4 m2, σ = ?
ΔA = A2 – A1 = A1 σ(T2 – T1)
∴ The coefficient of areal expansion of the metal is
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 21

Question 12.
A lead bullet has a volume of 25 cm3 at 0 °C, and 25.21 cm3 at 90 °C. Find the volumetric expansion coefficient of lead.
Data: V1 = 25 cm3, T1 = 0 °C,
V2 = 25.21 cm3, T2 = 90 °C
T2 – T1 = 90 °C – 0 °C = 90 °C β = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 22
The volumetric expansion coefficient of lead is 9.333 × 10-5 °C-1.

Example Questions for practice:

Question 1.
The temperature of a body is 30 °C. Express it in (i) degree Fahrenheit (ii) kelvin.
86 °F, 303.15 K

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 2.
The temperature of a body is 283.15 K. Express it in °C and °F.
10 °C, 50 °F

Question 3.
The temperature of a body is 68 °F. Express it in °C and K.
20 °C, 293.15 K

Question 4.
Find the heat needed to raise the temperature of 5 kg of water from 20 °C to 25 °C. Write the answer in calorie as well as joule.
25 × 103 cal, 1.045 × 105 J

Question 5.
When a substance having mass 2 kg absorbs 2000 cal of heat, its temperature increases by 10 °C. Find the specific heat of the substance.
0.1 cal/(g.°C)

Question 6.
Find the heat needed to raise the temperature of 100 g of a metal through 10 °C if the specific heat of the metal is 0.1 cal/g. °C.
100 cal

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 7.
If water of mass 80 g and temperature 40 °C is mixed with water of mass 20 g and temperature 25 °C, what will be the maximum temperature of the mixture?
37 °C

Question 8.
A metal rod 2.5 m long, increases in length by 1.25 mm when it is heated from 10 °C to 60 °C. Find the coefficient of linear expansion of the metal.
1 × 10-5 °C-1

Question 9.
The surface area of a metal plate is 2 × 10-2 m2 at 10 °C. When the plate is heated to 60 °C, its area increases by 0.2 m2. Find the coefficient of areal expansion of the metal.
2 × 10-5 °C-1

Question 10.
A metal ball has volume 50 cm3 at 0 °C and 50.4 cm3 at 100 °C. Find the volumetric expansion coefficient of the metal.
8 × 10-5 °C-1


Ref. Project. Useful information:
A bimetallic strip: A bimetallic strip consists of two strips of equal lengths but of different metals rivetted together. At room temperature the strip is straight.

Question 1.
The principle on which a bimetallic strip works:
When two different metal strips of the same length at a given temperature are heated to the same higher temperature, they expand in different proportion.
A bimetallic strip of brass and iron is straight at room temperature. The expansion of brass is nearly 1.5 times that of iron. Hence, when this bimetallic strip is heated, it bends, making the iron side concave.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 23

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat

Question 2.
How a bimetallic strip is used in fire alarm:
A bimetallic strip of brass and iron is
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 14 Measurement and Effects of Heat 24
connected to a battery and an electric bell as shown in the diagram. One terminal of the bell is connected to a screw which is at a very small distance from the iron side of the strip. In case, there is an accidental fire, the bimetallic strip bends towards iron and touches the screw. Thus, the circuit is completed and the bell rings, thereby warning the people of the accidental fire.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Class 8 Science Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Search and you will find:

Question a.
Our galaxy is called ………… .
Our galaxy is called the Milky Way and Mandakini.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Question b.
For measuring large distances, ………… is used as a unit.
For measuring large distances, the light year is used as a unit.

Question c.
The speed of light is …………. km/s.
The speed of light is 300000 km/s.

Question d.
There are about ………… stars in our galaxy.
There are about 100 billion stars in our galaxy.

Question e.
The end stage of the Sun will be …………. .
The end stage of the Sun will be a white dwarf.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Question f.
Stars are born out of ………… clouds.
Stars are born out of interstellar clouds.

Question g.
Milky way is a ………. galaxy.
Milky way is a spiral galaxy.

Question h.
Stars are gigantic spheres of ………… gas.
Stars are gigantic spheres of hot gas.

Question i.
The masses of other stars are measured relative to the mass of the …………. .
The masses of other stars are measured relative to the mass of the Sun.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Question j.
Light takes ……………. to reach us from the Sun while it takes …….. to reach us from the moon.
Light takes about 8 minutes to reach us from the Sun while it takes about 1 second to reach us from the moon.

Question k.
The larger the mass of a star, the faster is its ……….. .
The larger the mass of a star, the faster is its evolution.

Question l.
The number of fuels used in the life of a star depends on its …………. .
The number of fuels used in the life of a star depends on its mass.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars 1.2

2. Who is telling lies?

Question a.
Light year is used to measure time.
False. (Light year is used to measure distance.)

Question b.
End stage of a star depends on its initial mass.

Question c.
A star ends its life as a neutron star when the pressure of its electrons balances its gravity.
False. (A star ends its life as a neutron star when the pressure of its neutrons balances its gravity.)

Question d.
Only light can emit from the black hole.
False. (Not even light can be emitted by a black hole.)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Question e.
The Sun will pass through the supergiant stage during its evolution.
False. (The Sun will pass through the red giant stage during its evolution.)

Question f.
The Sun will end its life as a white dwarf.

3. Answer the following question:

Question a.
How do stars form?
There are huge clouds of gas and dust in the empty spaces between the stars in a galaxy. These clouds are called interstellar clouds. The size of an interstellar cloud is about a few light years.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars 2.1
When an interstellar cloud starts contracting due to some disturbance, its density and temperature increase. This results in formation of a dense sphere of hot gas and nuclear energy generation starts at the centre of the star. Therefore, the gas sphere becomes self-luminous. Thus a star is formed, i.e., a star is born.
A huge interstellar cloud can produce thousands of stars at a time.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars 3

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Question b.
Why do stars evolve?
Although stars appear stable for quite a long period of time, their properties do change, though very slowly. A change in the properties of a star, leading to its passing through different stages, is called evolution of the star. Burning of the fuel at the centre of the star and a gradual decrease in its amount is the main reason of evolution of a star.

Question c.
What are the three end stages of stars?

  1. Stars having initial mass less than 8 times the mass of the Sun ultimately become white dwarfs.
  2. Stars having initial mass between i 8 and 25 times the mass of the Sun ultimately become neutron stars.
  3. Stars having initial mass larger than 25 times the mass of the Sun ultimately turn into black holes.

Question d.
Why was the name black hole given?
When a star having initial mass larger than 25 times the mass of the Sun reaches its end stage, its gravitational force and density increase exponentially. All nearby objects get attracted towards the star and nothing can come out of it, not even light. All incident light is absorbed by the star. We can probably see a very minute black hole at its place. Hence, the name is given as black hole.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Question e.
Which types of stars end their life as a neutron star?
Stars having initial mass between 8 and 25 times the mass of the Sun end up as neutron stars. When these stars pass through ( the supergiant stage, their size increases to 1000 times. Huge explosion that occurs in the last stage of these stars is very powerful and very high energy is given off. After the huge explosion, called the supernova explosion, their central portion contracts in size to about 10 km. In this stage, such stars are completely made up of neutrons and hence are called neutron stars.

4. A. If you are the Sun, write about your properties in your own words.
B. Describe white dwarfs.

Question A.
If you are the Sun, write about your properties in your own words.

If you are the Sun, write about your properties in your own words.
There are billions of stars in the galaxy called the Milky Way and Mandakini. I am one of the small stars called the Sun. I have my own family called the solar system. There are planets, satellites, asteroids, comets and meteors in my family. My mass is 2 × 1030 kg which is about 3.3 lakh times that of the earth. With a radius of 695700 km, my size is about 100 times that of the earth. My surface temperature is about 5800 K while it is 1.5 × 107 K at the centre.

72 % of my mass consists of hydrogen while 26 % consists of helium. Rest 2 % is made up of elements heavier than helium. I am about 4.5 billion years old and the scientists on the earth have concluded that not much change has taken place in my properties during this period. According to the scientists, in the end stage of my life, I will turn into a red giant star. Thereafter, I will first explode and then contract to become as small as the earth. I will appear small as well as white and hence, I will be called a white dwarf. This will be my last stage for ever.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Question B.
Describe white dwarfs.
Depending on the initial mass, stars can reach one of the three end stages. White dwarf is one such stage of stars having initial mass less than 8 times the mass of the Sun. These stars undergo huge expansion and their radius increases by a factor of 100 to 200. These stars appear reddish because of their large size and lower temperature. Hence, these stars are also called red giant stars.

At the end of their evolution, these stars explode, their outer gas envelope is thrown outward and the inner part contracts to the size of the earth. However, the density in the star becomes very high. In this stage, the pressure due to electrons becomes independent of temperature and sufficient to balance the gravitational force for ever.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars 4
In this stage, such stars look white and due to their small size they are called white dwarfs.

Can you recall?

Question 1.
What is a galaxy?
A system of billions of stars, their planetary systems and interstellar clouds of gas and dust held together by gravitational attraction is called a galaxy.

Question 2.
What are the different constituents of our solar system?
The different constituents of our solar system are as follows :

  1. Sun as a star.
  2. Eight planets, namely, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; of which Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are made up of rocks and minerals, while Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are made up of gases.
  3. Natural satellites of some planets revolving around the respective planets.
  4. Asteroids located between Mars and Jupiter.
  5. Comets made up of ice, dust and gases.
  6. Meteors and meteoroids.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Question 3.
What are the major differences between a star and a planet?

  1. Nuclear/atomic explosions regularly take place at the centre of stars. This causes the discharge of heat and light. Hence, stars shine. Planets do not discharge any light. They are visible due to the light reflected by them.
  2. Stars are very big in size and massive relative to planets.
  3. Stars twinkle, planets do not.
  4. Stars are made up of hydrogen, helium and other light elements.
  5. Planets are made up of solid, liquid or gaseous substances or a combination thereof.

Question 4.
What is a satellite?
An astronomical object orbiting a planet is called a satellite.

Question 5.
Which is the star nearest to us?
The star nearest to us is the Sun.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars


Question 1.
Use your imagination and make models of the Milky Way and the solar system.
N.B. Students can make these models and display the same in science exhibition. You can use sand, scrap material, stones, pebbles, marbles, pieces of glass, beads, etc.

Question 2.
Write the effects: If the Sun disappears ………..
N.B. You can write the effects with the help of the following points:

  1. No sunrise, no sunset, no beauty of morning and evening wee hours.
  2. In the absence of the gravitational force due to the Sun, the earth will drift away in the galaxy.
  3. Darkness, no source of energy, end of life on the earth.
  4. Moon will be invisible.
  5. The temperature of the earth will fall below the freezing point of water. All oceans will also freeze.
  6. Even the atmosphere will freeze and fall on the earth. This will cause more cosmic rays to reach the earth.

Class 8 Science Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars Important Questions and Answers

Match the columns:

Question 1.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Gravitational force a. Alpha Centauri
2. The star nearest to us other than the Sun b. 2 × 1030 kg
3. Mass of the Sun c. 10 30 g
d. towards the centre of a star or a planet


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Gravitational force d. towards the centre of a star or a planet
2. The star nearest to us other than the Sun a. Alpha Centauri
3. Mass of the Sun  b. 2 × 1030 kg

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Question 2.
Mass of the star:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. < 8 MSun a. Proton star
2. between 8 and 25 times MSun b. Black hole
3. > 25 MSun c. Neutron star
d. White dwarf

Mass of the star:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. < 8 MSun d. White dwarf
2. between 8 and 25 times MSun c. Neutron star
3. > 25 MSun b. Black hole

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
Name the star nearest to the earth.
The Sun.

Question 2.
Other than the Sun, which is the star nearest to the earth?
Alpha Centauri.

Question 3.
What would be the last stage of the Sun?
The last stage of the Sun would be white dwarf.

Question 4.
Name two forces that act on any star.
Gravitational force and the force due to the pressure of hot gas are the two forces that act on any star.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Question 5.
What is a black hole?
A black hole is the end stage of a quite big star, where due to the extremely high gravitational force, nothing, not even light, comes out.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
How is stability of stars maintained?
Properties of a star remain unchanged for quite a long time. The gravitational force and the force due to the pressure of the hot gas act together on a star. The gravitational force acts towards the centre of the star and tries to bring the gas particles close together. Hot gas shows the tendency to spread and its force acts away from the centre of the star. This force tries to disperse the gas particles. A balance between the gravitational force and the force due to the hot gas keeps the star stable.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars 5

However, if the magnitude of any one force is more than that of the other force, the star either contracts or expands depending upon which force dominates.

Question 2.
Why is the Sun called an ordinary star?
The star nearest to the earth is the Sun. Hence, it appears quite big and bright. There are billions of stars in our galaxy called the Milky Way and Mandakini which are greater or lower in mass, size and temperature than the Sun. Hence, the Sun is called an ordinary star.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Do you know?

When the Sun will become a red giant, its diameter will increase so much that it will swallow Mercury and Venus. It is possible that the earth will also be absorbed by the Sun. It will take about 4-5 billion years for the Sun to reach this state.

Question 3.
Describe various stages of evolution of star.
Though the properties of a star remain unchanged for quite a long time, this situation is never static. A star passes through different stages. This process is called the evolution of a star.
Important stages of the evolution of a star are as follows:

1. Initial stage of stability: The gravitational force and the force due to the pressure of the hot gas act together on a star. The gravitational force acts towards the centre of the star and tries to bring the gas particles close together. Hot gas shows the tendency to spread and its force acts away from the centre of the star.

This force tries to disperse the gas particles. A balance between the gravitational force and the force due to the hot gases keeps the star stable, as long as the energy generation continues at the centre of the star.

2. Burning of the fuel: As a star continuously emits energy, its energy constantly decreases. When the fuel at the centre of the star is exhausted, the energy generation stops and the temperature of the star starts decreasing. Decreasing temperature causes the gas pressure to decrease and the balance between the gravitational force and the force due to the gas pressure is no more maintained.

As the magnitude of the gravitational force is now more than that of the force due to the gas pressure, the star starts contracting. This causes another fuel to start burning, e.g. on exhausting hydrogen, helium starts undergoing fusion. Availability of multiple fuels depends on the mass of the star.

The higher the mass of the star, the more is the number of fuels used. The star either contracts or expands during the course of using these fuels. This may cause the imbalance between the gravitational force and the force due to the hot gas.

3. Total exhaustion of the fuel: When all fuels are exhausted, the energy generation in the star finally stops completely and the temperature of the star starts decreasing. The balance between the gravitational force and the force due to the gas pressure can no more be maintained. The evolution of the star ends and the star proceeds to its end stage.

4. End stage of a star: Once the fuel in the star is totally exhausted, the energy generation in the star stops and subsequently the gas pressure decreases, the star starts contracting and its density starts increasing. When the density becomes very high, some new types of pressures are generated which are independent of the temperature of the gas.

In such a case, the pressure remains stable despite low temperature and absence of any energy generation and thus the star remains stable for ever. This stage is the end stage of the star. Depending on the initial mass, stars can reach one of the three end stages.

  • Stars having initial mass less than 8 times the mass of the Sun ultimately become white dwarfs.
  • Stars having initial mass between 8 and 25 times the mass of the Sun ultimately become neutron stars.
  • Stars having initial mass larger than 25 times the mass of the Sun ultimately turn into black holes.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Write short notes on the following:

Question 1.
End stages of stars having initial mass less than 8 times the mass of the Sun.
These stars undergo huge expansion and their radius increases by a factor of 100 to 200 during their various stages of evolution. These stars appear reddish due to their lower temperature. Hence, they are called red giant stars.

At the end of evolution, these stars explode, their outer gas envelope is thrown out and the inner part contracts roughly to the size of the earth. Hence, the density of the star becomes very high. In this stage, the pressure due to electrons becomes independent of temperature and sufficient to balance the gravitational force for ever. Such stars look white and due to their small size they are called white dwarfs.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars 6

Question 2.
End stage of the stars having mass between 8 and 25 times the mass of the Sun.
These stars pass through the red giant stage and later super giant stage, during which their size may increase to 1000 times. The huge explosion, called the supernova explosion, occurs in the last stage of the evolution. It is very powerful and very high energy is given off in this case.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars 7

As a result, the stars are visible even during the day. Later their central portion contracts to about 10 km. In this stage, the stars are completely made up of neutrons and are called neutron stars. The pressure of these neutrons is independent of temperature and sufficient enough to balance the gravitational force for ever.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars

Question 3.
End stages of stars having mass larger than 25 times the mass of the Sun.
After the supernova explosion, no pressure can balance the gravitational force. Hence these stars contract continuously and their gravitational force and density increase exponentially. All nearby objects get attracted towards these stars and not even light can come out of them. Light falling on these stars is completely absorbed by the star. We cannot see these stars. A very minute black hole is formed at the place of such a star. This is the end stage of these stars.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 19 Life Cycle of Stars 8

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Class 8 Science Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Identify the following solutions, whether they are acid or base.

Question a.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base 1
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base 2

2. Write chemical names from given formulae.
H2SO4, Ca(OH)2, HCl, NaOH, KOH, NH4OH

Question a.
Write the chemical names from given formulae: H2SO4, Ca(OH)2, HCl, NaOH, KOH, NH4OH

  1. H2SO4 – Sulphuric acid
  2. Ca(OH)2 – Calcium hydroxide
  3. HCl – Hydrochloric acid
  4. NaOH – Sodium hydroxide
  5. KOH – Potassium hydroxide
  6. NH4OH – Ammonium hydroxide

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

3. Sulphuric acid has highest importance in chemical Industry. Why?

Question a.
Sulphuric acid has highest importance in chemical Industry. Why?
Sulphuric acid has highest importance in the chemical industry because it is used in the manufacturing of fertilizers like ammonium sulphate and superphosphate of lime. It is used in the manufacturing of hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, ether, plastics and metal sulphates. It is also used in the manufacturing of dyes, drugs, perfumes, disinfectants and glue.

4. Give answers.

Question a.
Which acid is used for getting chloride salt?
Hydrochloric acid is used for getting chloride salt.

Question b.
By squeezzing lemon on a piece of rock the gas liberated turned lime water milky. Which compound is present in the rock?
Metal carbonate is present in the rock.

Question c.
The label on the bottle of chemical is spoiled. How will you find whether the chemical is acidic or not?
The chemical is tested with blue litmus paper. If it turns red it is an acidic otherwise tested with red litmus paper, if it turns blue, it is an alkaline.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

5. Answer the following questions. 

Question a.
Explain the difference between acid and base.

  1. Acids have sour taste.
  2. Acids turn blue litmus red.


  1. Bases have bitter taste.
  2. Bases turn red litmus blue.

Question b.
Why indicator does not affect by salt?
Mostly indicators are organic compounds which do not react with a salt.

Question c.
Which substances are produced i by neutralization process?
Salt and water are produced in the f neutralization process.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Question d.
Which are the industrial uses of acids?
Acids which are used in the industry are:

  1. Sulphuric acid
  2. Hydrochloric acid
  3. Nitric acid.;

1. Sulphuric acid: Sulphuric acid is 5 used (a) in the manufacture of chemical? fertilizers like ammonium sulphate, (b) for cleaning gold and silver articles and (c) in car batteries.

2. Hydrochloric acid: Hydrochloric acid is used (a) to clean toilets and (b) to obtain glucose from starch and also for producing gelatine.

3. Nitric acid: Nitric acid is used (a) in the manufacture of perfumes (b) for engraving on copper, brass or silver and (c) in the manufacture of paints and explosives.

6. Select proper word given in bracket and fill in the blanks.

Question a.
Main constituent of acid is ……………. .
Main constituent of acid is H+ ion.

Question b.
Main constituent of alkali is …………….. .
Main constituent of alkali is OH ion.

Question c.
Tartaric acid is a …………… acid.
Tartaric acid is a weak acid.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

7. Match the pairs. 

Question a.

Group A Group B
1. Tamarind a. Acetic acid
2. Curd b. Citric acid
3. Lemon c. Tartaric acid
4. Vinegar d. Lactic acid


Group A Group B
1. Tamarind c. Tartaric acid
2. Curd d. Lactic acid
3. Lemon b. Citric acid
4. Vinegar a. Acetic acid

8. State true or false.

Question a.
Oxides of metals are alkaline in nature.

Question b.
Salt is acidic.
False. (Salt is neutral)

Question c.
Metal corrodes due to salts.
False. (Acids and bases corrode metals)

Question d.
Salts are neutral.
True. (Not all salts neutral)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

9. Classify the following substances into acidic, basic and neutral group:
HCl, NaCl, MgO, KCl, CaO, H2SO4, HNO3, H2O and Na2CO3.

Question a.
Classify the following substances into acidic, basic and neutral group:
HCl, NaCl, MgO, KCl, CaO, H2SO4, HNO3, H2O and Na2CO3.

Group Substances
Acid HCl, H2SO4, HNO3
Base CaO, MgO, Na2CO3
Neutral H2O, NaCl, KCl.


Question a.
Write in your own language the uses and importance of neutralization reaction in daily life.

Class 8 Science Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
Acid reacts with metal to form …………. gas.
Acid reacts with metal to form hydrogen gas.

Question 2.
DNA is an acid present in our body, it decides …………. properties.
DNA is an acid present in our body, it decides heredity properties.

Question 3.
The chemical formula of milk of magnesia is ………….
The chemical formula of milk of magnesia is Mg (OH)2.

Question 4.
…………. are used to control hyperacidity.
Antacids are used to control hyperacidity.

Question 5.
Alkali has …………. taste.
Alkali has bitter taste.

Question 6.
Proteins are made up of ………….
Proteins are made up of amino acids.

Question 7.
…………. is used in batteries.
Dil. H2SO4 is used in batteries.

Rewrite the following statements by selecting the correct options:

Question 1.
The colour of phenolphthalein indicator in alkaline solution is ………….
(a) yellow
(b) green
(c) orange
(d) pink
The colour of phenolphthalein indicator in alkaline solution is pink.

Question 2.
…………. is sour to taste.
(a) An acid
(b) An alkali
(c) A salt
(d) Alcohol
An acid is sour to taste.

Question 3.
When phenolphthalein is added to NaOH, the colour of the solution will become ……………… .
(a) colourless
(b) red
(c) pink
(d) yellow
When phenolphthalein is added to 5 NaOH, the colour of the solution will become pink.

Question 4.
When phenolphthalein is added to HCl, the colour of the solution will be ………….. .
(a) red
(b) pink
(c) green
(d) colourless
When phenolphthalein is added to HCl, the colour of the solution will be colourless.

Question 5.
…………. is a natural indicator.
(a) Phenolphthalein
(b) Methyl orange
(c) Litmus
(d) Methyl red
Litmus is a natural indicator.

Question 6.
The litmus paper or the litmus solution is obtained from …………. plants.
(a) moss
(b) rose
(c) hibiscus
(d) lichen
The litmus paper or the litmus solution is obtained from lichen plants.

Question 7.
…………. is not an alkali.
(a) Sodium hydroxide
(b) Potassium hydroxide
(c) Copper hydroxide
(d) Calcium hydroxide
Copper hydroxide is not an alkali.

Question 8.
…………. is a weak acid.
(a) Hydrochloric acid
(b) Nitric acid
(c) Carbonic acid
(d) Sulphuric acid
Carbonic acid is a weak acid.

Question 9.
When methyl orange is added to HCl, the colour of the solution will be …………… .
(a) red
(b) pink
(c) yellow
(d) colourless
When methyl orange is added to HCl, the colour of the solution will be pink.

Question 10.
When blue litmus paper is added to NaOH, the colour of the litmus paper will be ……………. .
(a) blue
(b) red
(c) pink
(d) yellow
When blue litmus paper is added to NaOH, the colour of the litmus paper will be blue.

State whether the following statements are true or false. If a statement is false, correct it and rewrite:

Question 1.
Red cabbage is a natural indicator.

Question 2.
Fats of our body are formed by fatty acids.

Question 3.
Ammonium hydroxide is used in the production of fertilizers.

Question 4.
Lime water is a weak acid.
False. (Limewater is a weak base)

Question 5.
Orange colour of methyl orange turns yellow in acid.
False. (Orange colour of methyl orange turns pink in acid)

Question 6.
Methyl red turns yellow in alkali.

Question 7.
Oxalic acid is used in aerated cold drinks.
False. (Carbonic acid is used in aerated cold drinks).

Find the odd one out and justify:

Question 1.
Acetic acid, carbonic acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid.
Acetic acid. (Others are mineral acids.)

Question 2.
Hydrogen chloride, sodium hydroxide, calcium oxide, ammonia.
Hydrogen chloride. (Others are bases.)

Question 3.
CH3COOH. (Others are strong acids.)

Question 4.
NaOH, Ca(OH)2, NH4OH, Ba(OH)2
NaOH (Others are weak bases.)

Question 5.
H2SO4, H2CO3, HCl, HNO3
H2CO3 (Others are strong acids.)

Question 6.
Citric acid, formic acid, lactic acid, nitric acid.
Nitric acid. (Others are organic acids.)

Question 7.
Lime, litmus, phenolphthalein, methyl orange.
Lime. (Others are indicators.)

Match the following:

Question 1.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Strong acid a. Magnesium hydroxide
2. Weak alkali b. Carbonic acid
3. Weak acid c. NaOH
4. Strong alkali d. Nitric acid


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Strong acid d. Nitric acid
2. Weak alkali a. Magnesium hydroxide
3. Weak acid b. Carbonic acid
4. Strong alkali c. NaOH

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Question 2.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Sodium hydroxide a. Whitewashing
2. Magnesium hydroxide b. Fertilizers
3. Calcium hydroxide c. Washing soap
4. Ammonium hydroxide d. Antacid


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Sodium hydroxide c. Washing soap
2. Magnesium hydroxide d. Antacid
3. Calcium hydroxide a. Whitewashing
4. Ammonium hydroxide b. Fertilizers

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Define the following:

1. Acid: A substance which gives H+ ions in water is called an acid.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base 3

2. Alkali: A substance which gives OH ions in water is called an alkali.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base 4

3. Indicator: Substances which change their colours in presence of acid or base are called indicators.

4. Neutralization: The reaction between an acid and an alkali to form the r salt and water is termed as neutralization.

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
What are natural acids?
Acids present in foodstuffs are called natural acids.

Question 2.
State three vegetables from which natural indicators can be prepared.
Natural indicators: Red cabbage, radish, tomato.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Question 3.
State names of any three strong acids.

  1. Hydrochloric acid
  2. Sulphuric acid
  3. Nitric acid.

Question 4.
State the names of the acids found in lemon juice, Amla, tamarind water and curd.

  1. Lemonuice – citric acid
  2. Amla – ascorbic acid
  3. tamarind water – tartaric acid
  4. curd – lactic acid.

Question 5.
State names of any three alkalis.

  1. sodium hydroxide
  2. potassium hydroxide
  3. calcium hydroxide.

Question 6.
State the names of three indicators.

  1. Litmus paper
  2. Methyl orange
  3. Phenolphthalein.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Question 7.
State the names of three weak alkalis.

  1. Calcium hydroxide
  2. ammonium hydroxide
  3. magnesium hydroxide.

Question 8.
From which plant is litmus obtained?
Litmus is obtained from plants called lichens.

Question 9.
Name the antacid which is used to control the hyper acidity.
Milk of magnesia [Mg(OH)2] is used to control the hyper acidity.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Question 10.
How will you neutralize the excess of acid present in the soil?
Lime stone or lime water is mixed in the soil to neutralize the excess of acid.

Question 11.
When lemonuice falls on a marble kitchen counter, which is the gas that bubbled out?
Carbon dioxide.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What are indicators?
Substances which change their colours in presence of acid or base are called indicators.

Question 2.
State two acid-base indicators and mention their colour change.
Phenolphthalein and methyl orange are two acid-base indicators. Phenolphthalein is colourless in an acidic solution while it turns pink in a basic solution. Methyl orange gives orange colour with an acidic solution and yellow colour with a basic solution.

Question 3.
State the colour change for each of the following solutions with red litmus, blue litmus, phenolphthalein and methyl orange solutions.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base 5

Question 4.
Name the acid present in (1) Orange (2) Vinegar (3) Tamarind (4) Curd (5) Tomato (6) Lemon.

Substance Acid
Orange Citric acid
Vinegar Acetic acid
Tamarind Tartaric acid
Curd Lactic acid
Tomato Oxalic acid
Lemon Citric acid

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Question 5.
Classify the following into acidic substances, basic substances and salts.
(1) Lime water, (2) soda water, (3) soap water, (4) sea water, (5) sweet limeuice, (6) sugar caneuice, (7) buttermilk, (8) a mixture of ash in water, (9) tamarind water.
a. Acidic substances: (1) Soda water, (2) sweet limeuice, (3) buttermilk, (4) tamarind water.
b. Basic substances: (1) Lime water, (2) Soap water, (3) a mixture of ash in water.
c. Salts: (1) Sea water, (2) sugar caneuice.

Question 6.
What happens when sour substances like limeuice, tamarind water falls on shahabad stones or kitchen platform? Why?
When sour substances like limeuice, tamarind water falls on shahabad stones or kitchen platform, citric acid present in limeuice and tartaric acid in tamarind water reacts with metal carbonates present in shahabad stones or kitchen platform, carbon dioxide gas is evolved resulting in the formation of uneven surface.

Question 7.
Collect soil samples from your surroundings and find out whether it is acidic or alkaline or neutral?
Soil samples collected from the surroundings are acidic in nature.

Question 8.
Which substances are used to clean greenish stains on copper vessels and to shine blackish silver utensils?
Tamarind pulp is used to clean greenish stains on copper vessels. To shine blackish silver utensils, ammoniacal solution or limeuice or detergent is used.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Question 9.
Why toothpaste is used for brushing teeth?

  1. Toothpaste contains fluorides and alkali to neutralize the mouth acid.
  2. Hence, the tooth paste, which is generally alkaline, is used for cleaning the teeth as it can neutralize the excess acid in i the mouth and prevent tooth decay.

Question 10.
State the properties of acids.

  1. Acids are sour in taste.
  2. Acid molecules contain hydrogen ion (H+) as a main constituent.
  3. Acid reacts with metal to form hydrogen gas.
  4. Acid reacts with carbonates and liberates CO2 gas.
  5. Blue litmus turns red in acid.

Question 11.
State the uses of acids.

  1. Acids are used in the production s of chemical fertilizers.
  2. Acids are used in the production of explosives, oil purification, medicines, dyes and paints.
  3. Hydrochloric acid is used for the preparation of different types of chloride salts.
  4. Dil. H2SO4 acid is used in the batteries (electric cell).
  5. Dil. HCl is used for sterilization of water.
  6. Acid is used for making of white paper from wood pulp.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Question 12.
The iron knife shines better after cutting the sour fruits like lemon, raw mangoes. Why?
Acids present in sour fruits clean and dissolves the salts present on the surface of iron knife as a result iron knife shines better after cutting the sour fruits.

Question 13.
What is meant by neutralization? Give example.
When an acid reacts with an alkali to form a salt and water, it is called neutralization.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base 6

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
When we have stomachache, doctors prescribe medicine containing magnesium hydroxide.

  1. There is hydrochloric acid in our stomach which helps in the digestion of food.
  2. Sometimes in the stomach, there is more hydrochloric acid than we need.
  3. This excess acid causes acidity and indigestion resulting in stomachache.
  4. When magnesium hydroxide is administered it neutralizes the extra acid in the stomach.
  5. Therefore, magnesium hydroxide is the best cure for stomachache.
  6. So, when we have stomachache, doctors prescribe medicine containing magnesium hydroxide.

Question 2.
Quicklime or slaked lime is added to the soil.

  1. When chemical fertilizers are added to the soil, the soil becomes acidic.
  2. To reduce its acidity quicklime or slaked lime is added to the soil.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Question 3.
Tarnished and stained copper vessels are brought to a shine by using tamarind pulp.
In due course, unus6d copper vessels
are covered with a coating of black copper oxide and other compounds of copper which tarnish the vessel. Tamarind contains tartaric acid. When the vessel is rubbed with tamarind pulp, tartaric acid reacts with copper oxide and removes the layer. Thus, the copper vessel regains its shine.

Question 4.
Copper and brass utensils are tinned.
Copper and brass reacts with i organic acids present in food materials and poisonous salts are formed. Tin does not react with organic acids present in food materials. Therefore, copper or brass vessels are tinned.

Distinguish between acid and alkali. OR Distinguish between the following:

Question 1.
Acid and Alkali:

Acid Alkali
1. Acid has sour taste. 1. Alkali has bitter taste.
2. Acid turns blue litmus red. 2. Alkali turns red litmus blue.
3. An acid in an aqueous solution gives H+ ions. 3. An alkali in an aqueous solution gives OH+ ions.
4. Oxides of non – metals form acids. 4. Oxides of metals form bases.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Activity-based questions:

Activity 1:
Apparatus: Hibiscus, rose, turmeric, red cabbage leaves, filter paper, etc.
Activity: Rub red petals of hibiscus flower on the white filter paper. This gives hibiscus indicator paper. Similarly rub, rose petals on the white filter paper. Cut strips of this paper, it is a rose indicator paper. Take turmeric powder, add a little water in it. Dip filter paper or ordinary paper in the turmeric water for some time.

After drying make strips of that paper. Prepare turmeric indicator paper in this way. Put leaves of red cabbage in small quantity of water and heat it. Once solution of cabbage leaves cool down, dip papers in it and dry it. Make strips of dried paper. In this way prepare red cabbage indicator paper. Put some drops of following substances on the indicator papers prepared by the above method and write the effect in the following table:

Substance Effect on turmeric paper Acidic/basic
1. Lime juice Yellow Acidic
2. Lime water (calcium hydroxide) Red Basic

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Activity 2:
Take baking powder. Add a little water to it. Add this solution on to limeuice, vinegar, orangeuice, appleuice, etc. and note the findings.
What do you observe on addition of baking soda solution in the fruituice? Whether bubbles formed or effervescence came out of fruituice?
From the above first activity we came to know that yellow turmeric indicator paper’s turns red in certain solutions. Similarly on addition of baking soda solution in the acidic solution bubbles come out or effervescence is produced.
By these simple and easy activity we can identify acidic or alkaline substance:
[Note for Activity 1 and Activity 2: Students should perform the experiments under the guidance of school teachers and record their observations.]

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base

Activity 3:
Under the guidance of teacher take limeuice, ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH), dil. hydrochloric acid (dil. HCl) and nitric acid (HNOs) in different test-tubes. Add drops of following indicators in them. Also dip litmus papers in the solutions. Observe and record in the following table.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Introduction to Acid and Base 7

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Land Use Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Examine the following statements and correct the incorrect ones:

Question A.
Mining Is not type of land use.
Correct statement: Mining is a type of land use.

Question B.
There are factories in the Central Business District.
Correct statement: There are many shops, banks and offices in the Central Business District.

Question C.
In urban areas, the largest area is used for residential purposes.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question D.
The village attendant issues the 7/12 extract.
Correct statement: The village talathi issues the 7/12 extract.

Question E.
In rural areas, residential areas occupy large tracts.
Correct statement: In rural areas, residential areas occupy small tracts.

Question F.
Extract 7 indicates Record of Rights.

Question G.
Extract 12 indicates change in ownership.
Correct statement: Extract 12 indicates tracts under cultivation.

2. Give geographical reasons.

Question A.
Land use for public facility is extremely important in urban areas.

  1. Government provides various services to fulfill the needs of citizens. The land used for fulfilling these needs is known as public utility/ facility area.
  2. The lands used for post offices, police stations, public grounds, public schools, public hospitals, etc. are included public facility land use.
  3. Land use for public facility increases the’ social welfare. Therefore, land use for public facility is extremely important in urban areas.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question B.
The record of ownership of non- agricultural land is same as that of agricultural land.
1. The record of agricultural land is maintained in the form of 7/12 extract. Similarly the record of ownership of non-agricultural land is maintained in the form of property card.

2. Like 7/12 extract, property card provides details of ownership of land, city survey number, plot number, amount of tax, area of property assessed, right to access, etc. Thus, the record of ownership of non-agricultural land is same as that of agricultural land.

Question C.
A region can be classified as developed or developing on the basis of land use.

  1. The land used in a particular region for agriculture, grazing, etc. indicates that the region is underdeveloped or developing.
  2. The land used in a particular region for commercial purposes, transportation, recreation, etc. indicates that the region is developed. In this way, a region can be classified as developed or developing on the basis of land use.

3. Write answers:

Question A.
Why is agriculture important in rural land use?

  1. In India, agriculture is the main occupation of most of people in rural areas.
  2. In India, farming occupation is very important as it satisfies the need of food grain and provides raw material to industries.
  3. The maximum land in rural areas is used for carrying out agricultural activities. Therefore, agriculture is important in rural land use.

Question B.
State the factors affecting land use.
(a) The factors affecting rural land use :

  1. The factors like climatic conditions, fertility of soil, altitude and slope of land, irrigational facilities, natural resources, government policies, etc. affect rural land use.
  2. For example, the land with gentle slope is not used for residential purpose, but is used for step farming.

(b) The factors affecting urban land use :

1. The factors like location of land, natural resources, housing development policies of government, transportation routes, industrialisation, trade and commerce, entertainment facilities, government policies, etc. affect urban land use.

2. For example, the land site near the railway station, market, etc. is mostly used for commercial purposes.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question C.
Clarify the differences between rural and urban land use.
The differences between rural and urban land use are as follows :

  1. Land in rural areas is used for limited purposes. On the other hand, land in urban areas is used for many purposes.
  2. The pattern of rural land use is comparatively simple. On the other hand, the pattern of urban land use is comparatively complex.
  3. Use of land for cultivation is the major form of rural land use. On the other hand, use of land for commercial activities and residence are the major forms of urban land use.

Question D.
Differentiate between 7/12 extract and property card.
The differences between 7/12 extract and property card are as follows :

  1. 7/12 extract is issued by public revenue department of the government. On the other hand, property card is issued by city survey office of government.
  2. 7/12 extract is the land record of ownership and history of ownership of the land in rural areas. Property card is the land record of ownership and history of ownership of the land in urban areas.


Question A.
Obtain information about a town close to your village based on the following points and make a presentation in class.
(site, condition. development, land use pattern work)
a. Classify your settlement as rural or urban
b. Note the changes in land use from Central Business District outwards to the periphery in your settlement after consulting elders. Prepare a land use pattern.

Question B.
Study the 7/12 extract or the Property Card in your house and write a note.

Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Land Use Additional Important Questions and Answers

Choose the correct answer:

Question a.
Recreational land use is use of land for …………………
(A) garden
(B) farming
(C) industry
(D) rail route
(A) garden

Question b.
Which of the following is a planned city in India?
(A) Seoul
(B) Zurich
(C) Chandigarh
(D) Brasilia
(C) Chandigarh

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question c.
Of which city are Bandra, Bhandup, etc. suburbs?
(A) Pune
(B) Nagpur
(C) Nashik
(D) Mumbai
(D) Mumbai

Examine the following statements and correct the incorrect ones:

Question A.
Government policies affect the land use.

Question B.
The areas of mixed land use are found in cities.

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question A.
What is meant by land use?
Land use is the way or purpose for which land in a particular region is used.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question B.
What is called fallow land?
The agricultural land which is temporarily not in use is called fallow land.

Question C.
What is called forest land?
The land which is reserved for forest area is called forest land.

Question D.
Which products are obtained from forest areas?
The products like firewood, flowers, fruits, gum, grass, honey, etc. are obtained from forest areas.

Question E.
What is called grassland?
The land owned by Village Panchayat or the government and which is used for grazing is called grassland.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question F.
What is meant by commercial land use?
Commercial land use is the use of land in urban areas for commercial purpose.

Question G.
What is meant by mixed land use?
Mixed land use is the use of land in urban areas for more than one purpose at a time.

Answer the following questions in brief:

Question A.
How does the pattern of land use get developed?

  1. The pattern of land use gets developed through the continuous interactions between man and geographical factors.
  2. The interaction between the factors like availability of land, quality of land, human needs, etc. leads to the development of specific pattern of land use.
  3. For example, mineral rich land is used for carrying out mining activity.
  4. For example, fertile piece of land is used for carrying out farming activity, etc.

Question B.
Write in brief about residential land use in rural areas.

  1. The density of population is found to be low in rural areas.
  2. As population in rural areas is comparatively limited, the residential land use in rural areas is found to be limited.
  3. In rural areas, the land close to the areas of main occupations is used for settlements.
  4. For example, farmers’ residences are found near farms, fishermen’s settlements are found near coastal areas, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question C.
Write in brief about features of trAnswer:itional areas.
The following are the features of transitional areas:

  1. The intermediate areas between rural settlements and urban settlements are known as transitional areas.
  2. The blend of rural and urban land use and culture is found in transitional areas.
  3. Over time, trAnswer:itional areas are converted into urban areas and they are called suburbs.
  4. For example, Bandra, Bhandup, etc. are the suburbs of Mumbai city.

Question D.
Write in brief about property card.
The brief information of property card is as follows:

  1. Property card is the land record of ownership and history of ownership of the land in urban areas.
  2.  It is a land record of non-agricultural land.
  3. Property card is issued by city survey office of government.
  4. Property cards provide details of city survey number, plot number, amount of tax, area of property assessed, right to access, etc.

Answer the following questions in detail:

Question A.
Give information about arable land use and fallow land use in rural areas.
The information about arable land : use and fallow land use in rural areas is as follows :
(a) Arable land use :

  1. The use of land for cultivation is called arable land use.
  2. In India, in 2011, nearly 57 per cent of land was under arable land use.
  3. Generally, arable land is owned I individually.
  4. The arable land can be classified on the basis of ownership of the land and types of agriculture.

(b) Fallow land use:

  1. The agricultural land which is temporarily not in use is called fallow land.
  2. Fallow land use is a form of rural land use.
  3. To increase the fertility of soil, farmers do not use a part of agricultural land for few seasons.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question B.
Give information about grassland use and forest land use in rural areas.
The information about grassland use and forest land use in rural areas is as follows:
(a) Grassland land use:

  1. The land owned by village panchayat or the government and which is used for grazing purpose is called grassland.
  2. It is also called pastureland.
  3. Mostly, grassland is owned by entire village. Very limited individual ownership of grassland is found.

(b) Forest land use:

  1. The land kept reserved for forest area is called forest land.
  2. Large trees, bushes, creepers and grass are found in forest land.
  3. The forest products like firewood, fruits, flowers, gum, grass, honey, etc. are obtained from forest land.

Question C.
Give information about commercial land use and residential land use in urban areas.
The information about commercial land use and residential land use in urban areas is as follows:
(a) Commercial land use:

  1. The use of urban land for commercial use is called commercial land use.
  2. Many shops, banks and offices are found in commercial land areas.
  3. The concept of Central Business District (CBD) has emerged from commercial land use.
  4. For example, Fort area or BKC (Bandra Kurla Complex) in Mumbai are the areas of commercial land use.

(b) Residential land use:

  1. The use of urban land for residential purpose is called residential land use.
  2. Houses and residential buildings are found in residential land areas.
  3. The density of population is found to be high in urban areas. As its effect, the percentage of residential land use in urban areas is increasing day by day.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question D.
Give information about trAnswer:port land use and public utility area in urban areas.
The information about transport land use and Public utility area in urban areas is as follows:
(a) TrAnswer:port land use:

  1. The use of urban land for providing transportation facilities is called transport land use.
  2. The land used for roadways, railways, petrol pumps, vehicle repairing centres, etc. is included in transport land use.

(b) Public utility area:

  1. Government provides various services to fulfill the needs of citizens. The land used for fulfilling these needs is known as public utility area.
  2. Post offices, police stations, public grounds, public schools, public hospitals, etc. are included in public utility area.

Question E.
Give information about recreational land use and mixed land use in urban areas.
The information about recreational land use and mixed land use in urban areas is as follows:
(a) Recreational land use:

  1. Recreational land use is a use of urban land for fulfilling the needs of entertainment of people.
  2. Public parks, swimming pools, theatres, etc. are included in recreational land use.

(b) Mixed land use:

  1. Mixed land use is a use of urban land for fulfilling more than one wants at a time.
  2. For example, area used for residential and entertainment purposes.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question F.
Write about the features of planned cities.
The features of planned cities are as follows:
(a) Need:

  1. After industrial revolution, unplanned urbanisation occurred on a large scale all over the world.
  2. Due to unplanned urbanisation, cities began to develop in a very haphazard manner.
  3. People started migrating to cities in search of employment opportunities.

(b) Nature: City which is developed as per the pre-determined and planned layout of land use is called planned city.

(c) Singapore, Seoul from South Korea, Zurich from Switzerland, Washington D.C. from U.S.A., Brasilia from Brazil, Chandigarh, Bhubaneshwar from India are the examples of planned cities.

Question G.
Give information about 7/12 extract.
The information about 7/12 extract is as follows:

  1. 7/12 is an extract published and given by public revenue department of the government.
  2. 7/12 extract gives detailed information of a particular registered land.
  3. The register of the revenue department keeps a record of details of ownership rights of family, status of debt and loans, transfer of ownership, areas under different crops etc. related to registered land.
  4. Village form no. 7 and Village form no. 12 are combined and 7/12 extract is prepared.
  5. These village forms are available with the talathi of every village.
  6. The accurate reading of 7/12 extract gives exact idea about ownership of land, tax levied on land, status of loan taken, etc.

Study the following map/figure/graph and answer the following questions:

Can you tell?

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use 1

Study the Figure and answer the following questions:

Question A.
In which country is the land under forests more?
The land under forests is more in Japan.

Question B.
In which country is the land under agriculture more?
The land under agriculture is more in India.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question C.
Considering the two questions above, how will you relate the physiography and climate of India and Japan with their respective land uses?
Due to plains and monsoon climatic conditions, the population in India is more. Therefore, agricultural land use is prominent in India. Due to mountainous region and more proportion of precipitation, the forest land use is prominent in Japan.

Question D.
Correlate their land use and development.
The land use in India shows comparatively low development. On the other hand, land use in Japan shows comparatively high development.

Question E.
Which land use is found in Japan?
The land use like agricultural land use, forest land use, grassland land use, other land use, etc. are found in Japan.

Question F.
Considering the land use in both the countries, make a list of factors affecting land use.
Considering the land use in both the countries, lists of factors affecting land use are as follows:
(a) Factors affecting land use in India:

  1. Fertility of soil
  2. Climatic conditions
  3. Natural resources
  4. Slope of land, etc.

(b) Factors affecting land use in Japan:

  1. Technical advancement
  2. Availability of resources
  3. Government policies, etc.

Can you tell?

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use 5 Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use 6 Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use 7

Study the Figure and answer the following questions:

Question A.
What kind of land use is shown in Figure 6.2 and 6.3?
Land use shown in Figure 6.2 is agricultural land use and land use shown in Figure 6.3 is non-agricultural land use.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question B.
Can you tell in which area the property is located?
The property shown in Figure 6.2 is located in rural areas and the property shown in Figure 6.3 is located in urban areas.

Can you tell?

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use 2

Study the Figure and answer the following questions:

Question A.
Which are the land uses of 1990-91 that show decline in 2010-11? What could be reasons for this?
Total agricultural land use and other non-agricultural land use of 1990-91 show decline in 2010-11. Increased urbanisation could be reason for this.

Question B.
Which type of land use is the maximum? What would be the impact of this on India’s environment?
Agricultural land use is the maximum. It indicates that India is an agrarian country and its environment is comparatively more natural.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question C.
Can a decline in the area under agriculture equated with food shortage?
A decline in the area under agriculture cannot be equated with food shortage. With modern technology, the maximum agricultural food production can be undertaken in limited areas.

Can you tell?

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use 3

Study the figure and answer the following questions:

Question A.
What is the percentage of land suitable for cultivation?
The percentage of land suitable for cultivation is 56.8.

Question B.
What is the percentage of barren land?
The percentage of barren land is 8.3.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Question C.
What is the percentage of land under forest in Maharashtra?
The percentage of land under forest in Maharashtra is 16.9.

Question D.
What is the percentage of non- agricultural land in Maharashtra?
The percentage of non-agricultural land in Maharashtra is 10.2.

Give it a try.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use 4

Study the Figure. It shows the satellite images of Mondha Village (Taluka – Hingna, District – Nagpur).

Question A.
Find out the changes in land use pattern over time and write a note.

  1. The satellite image of Mondha Village in Hingna taluka in Nagpur district shows that agricultural land use in the village has declined from 2010 to 2017.
  2. The satellite image of Mondha Village in Hingna taluka in Nagpur district shows that residential land use in the village has increased from 2010 to 2017.
  3. Urbanisation, increasing population, etc. factors must be responsible for changes in land use pattern over time in Mondha Village.

Thought Provoking Question:

Think about it.

Question A.
If land is left fallow, or is not in use, then can it be termed as a kind of land use?
1. The agricultural land which is temporarily not in use is called fallow land.
2. Fallow land use is a form of rural land use.
3. To increase the fertility of soil, farmers do not use a part of agricultural land for few seasons. After one or two seasons fallow land is again utilized for cultivation. Therefore, if land is left fallow, or is not in use, then it can be termed as a kind of land use.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Land Use

Open-Ended Question:

Question A.
Write the advantages of planned cities in your own words.
The advantages of planned cities are as follows:

  1. There will not be a problem of traffic jam in planned cities.
  2. The level of pollution will be the minimum in the planned cities.
  3. The planned cities will be clean and they will maintain environmental balance.
  4. The quality of human life will be superior in planned cities.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Class 8 Science Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Find out my partner.

Question a.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. Heartbeats a. 350 ml
2. RBC b. 7.4
3. WBC c. 37° C
4. Blood donation d. 72 per min
5. Normal body temperature e. 50 – 60 lakh/mm3
6. pH of oxygenated blood f. 5000 – 6000 per mm3


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. Heartbeats d. 72 per min
2. RBC e. 50 – 60 lakh/mm3
3. WBC  f. 5000 – 6000 per mm3
4. Blood donation a. 350 ml
5. Normal body temperature c. 37° C
6. pH of oxygenated blood b. 7.4

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

2. Complete the following table.

Question a.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System 1
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System 2 Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System 3

3. Draw neat and labeled diagrams. 

Question a.
Respiratory system.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System 4

Question b.
Internal structure of heart.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System 5

4. Explain with reasons.

Question a.
Human blood is red coloured.
The red colour of human blood is due to hemoglobin which is a red coloured conjugated protein with iron that is present on the red blood cells. Therefore, it looks red.

Question b.
Upward and downward movement of diaphragm occurs consecutively.
The breathing movements are possible due to contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm. The rib muscles also help in these movements. When the ribs rise and diaphragm is lowered at the same time, then there is a decrease in pressure on lungs.

This causes movement of air into the lungs at the time of inhalation. On the other hand, when ribs come back to their normal position and diaphragm is risen, then pressure on the lungs increases. This causes movement of the air out of the body through the nose in the form of exhalation. These movements are possible only due to consecutive upward and downward movement of the diaphragm.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ Systemb

Question c.
Blood donation is considered to be superior of all donations.
Blood cannot be manufactured by any artificial chemical process. The only way to obtain blood is by donations of blood from a live donor. Blood is needed at times of emergency. The life of person can be saved if timely blood transfusion is given to the needy victim or a patient. Since such donation can save a valuable human life, it is called superior of all donations.

Question d.
Person with ‘O’ blood group is considered as ‘universal donor’.
Person with ‘O’ blood group does not have any antigen on his/her RBCs. The ‘O’ type blood thus cannot cause clotting reactions in the body of the recipients. Such persons with ‘O’ blood group can donate blood to any person having any blood group therefore they are considered as ‘universal donor’.

Question e.
Food must have limited amount of salts.
More salt in diet means more sodium ions. These extra sodium salts cause rise in blood pressure. Such condition is called hypertension. This condition can be dangerous and fatal in some cases. Therefore, one must keep control over sodium content of the food.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

5. Answer the following questions in your own words.

Question a.
Explain the functional correlation of circulatory system with respiratory, digestive and excretory system.
1. Three systems viz. respiratory, digestive and circulatory always work in coordination.
2. Digestive system helps in breaking down complex food molecules into simple soluble nutrients at the end of the digestion process.
3. The soluble nutrients are absorbed in the circulating blood in the villi of the intestine.
4. The blood carries these nutrients to each cell during its circulation.
5. The respiratory system helps the oxygen from the air to be absorbed in the blood.
6. This process takes place in alveolus present in lungs. The oxygen is absorbed in the blood and through haemoglobin it is taken to every cell of the body. At the same time the unwanted carbon dioxide produced in each cell is given out in a process of gaseous exchange.
7. The soluble nutrients, and chiefly glucose is metabolized with the help of oxygen-producing energy. Thus, all the three systems bring about coordinated functions to keep the body alive.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question b.
Explain the structure and function of human blood.
I. Structure, i.e. components of the human blood: Human blood is a fluid connective tissue consisting of blood plasma and blood corpuscles suspended in it.

1. Plasma: Plasma is the fluid part of the blood which is pale yellow in colour. It is slightly alkaline in nature. It has 90-92% water, 6-8 % proteins and 1-2 % inorganic salts.
It contains proteins such as albumin, globulin, fibrinogen, etc. There are inorganic ions such as Ca, Na and K.

2. Blood cells:
a. Blood cells are mainly of three types, viz. RBCs, WBCs and blood platelets. They are produced in the red bone marrow.
b. RBCs are small, circular and enucleated cells. They are full of haemoglobin which is essential in transporting oxygen. RBCs are red blood cells which are 50 to 60 lakh per cubic millimetre. Their life span is 100 to 127 days.
c. WBCs are large, nucleated and colourless. They are of five subtypes, viz. neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. They are 5 to 10 thousands per millimetre of blood.
d. Platelets are very small disc-shaped blood cells which are 2.5 to 4 lakh per cubic millimetre of blood.

II. Function of human blood:

1. Transport functions:

  • Gases: Oxygen is carried via blood from lungs to cells in various parts of body and carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs.
  • Nutrients: Simple nutrients like glucose, amino acids, fatty acids are taken up by blood from wall of alimentary canal and transported up to each cell in the body.
  • Waste materials: Nitrogenous wastes like ammonia, urea, creatinine are released by tissues into blood which carries those to kidney for excretion.
  • Enzymes and hormones: Blood transports the enzymes and hormones from the site of their production to the site of their action.

2. Protection: Antibodies are produced in the blood and they protect the body from microbes and other harmful particles.
3. Thermoregulation: Body temperature is maintained constant at 37 °C by vasodilation and vasoconstriction.
4. Maintaining the balance of minerals like Na, K in the body.
5. If bleeding occurs at the injury, platelets and a protein called fibrinogen of the blood form a clot and seal the injury.
6. Functions of blood cells:

  • RBCs: With haemoglobin it carries out transport of respiratory gases.
  • WBCs: Soldiers of the body. Produce antibodies and give immunity to body.
  • Platelets: Help in blood clotting.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question c.
Explain the importance and need of blood donation.
Blood can never be synthesized artificially. There is no substitute for natural blood. Every healthy person possesses about 5 litres of blood in his or her body. In case of haemorrhage i.e. blood loss, the blood volume may reduce which can result into threat to life. Moreover, the loss of blood should be immediately taken care of, otherwise it may cost the life.

Therefore blood transfusion is very crucial in case of victims of accidents, patients of surgeries or mothers who suffer from blood loss during childbirth (parturition). Some diseases such as thalassemia, blood cancer, etc. also need regular transfusions. Therefore, blood is always needed in many such conditions. Blood donation is only option for such transfusions.

6. Explain the differences.

Question a.
Arteries and veins.

Arteries Veins
1. Arteries carry blood away from the heart to the tissues of the body. 1. Veins carry blood from the tissues of the body back to the heart.
2. Arteries are located deeper within the body. 2. Veins are usually located superficially beneath the surface of the skin.
3. Arteries are thick walled Veins are thin walled.
4. Arteries do not have valves. 4. Veins have valves.
5. Arteries would generally remain open if blood flow stopped, due to their thick muscular layer. 5. Veins would collapse if blood flow stops.
6. Except pulmonary artery, all arteries carry oxygenated blood. 6. Except pulmonary vein, all veins carry deoxygenated blood.
7. Arteries are more muscular than veins, which helps in transporting blood that is full of oxygen efficiently to the tissues. 7. Veins are less muscular than arteries, but contain valves to help keep blood flowing in the right direction, usually toward the heart.
8. There is maximum blood pressure in the arteries. 8. There is minimum blood pressure in the veins.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question b.
External and internal respiration.

External respiration Internal respiration
1. Intake of air from the outside into the body and release of air from the body to outside is called external respiration. 1. Exchange of gases between cells and tissue fluid is called internal respiration.
2. External respiration occurs between cells and the external environment. 2. Internal respiration occurs only in the cells of the body.
3. It involves processes of inspiration and expiration. 3. It involves movement of O2 from blood into tissue fluid and movement of CO2 from tissue.
4. External respiration involves breathing and gaseous exchange. 4. Internal respiration involves neither breathing nor gaseous exchange.
5. Oxygen combines with haemoglobin in external respiration. 5. Chemical reactions occur in the cells to form energy.

7. Which health parameters of blood donor should be checked? 

Question a.
Which health parameters of blood donor should be checked?
Blood donor should be healthy. He or she should have good haemoglobin’s content. The RBC and WBC count should also be normal. They should not carry any parasites in their blood such as malarial parasite or dengue virus. The donor should not be HIV positive or should not have any infectious diseases. He should not have any addictions such s drug-abuse or alcohol consumption.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

8. Fill in the blanks using appropriate words given in the bracket.
(hemoglobin, alkaline, diaphragm, red bone marrow, acidic, voluntary, involuntary,)

Question a.
RBCs of the blood contain ……….., an iron compound.
RBCs of the blood contain haemoglobin, an iron compound.

Question b.
……………….. is present between thoracic and abdominal cavity.
Diaphragm is present between thoracic and abdominal cavity.

Question c.
Cardiac muscles are …………… .
Cardiac muscles are involuntary.

Question d.
pH of oxygenated blood is …………… .
pH of oxygenated blood is alkaline.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question e.
Production of RBCs occurs in ……………… .
Production of RBCs occurs in red bone marrow.

8. Find odd one out.

Question a.
A, O, K, AB, B.
K (All others are blood groups.)

Question b.
Blood plasma, platelets, blood transfusion, blood corpuscles.
Blood transfusion (All others are components of blood.)

Question c.
Trachea, alveoli, diaphragm, capillaries.
Capillaries (All others are parts of respiratory system. Capillaries exist throughout the body.)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question d.
Neutrophils, globulins, albumins, prothrombin.
Neutrophils (All others are proteins present in the plasma.)

10. Read the following paragraph and identify the disease.

Today, her child became one and half year old. However, that child does not seem to be healthy and happy. It was continuously crying and gradually becoming weak. It has shortness of breath. Its nails have become blue.
The heart of the child is not functioning properly. Bluish nails show lack of oxygen, thus the baby may be suffering also from respiratory problems.

11. Your neighboring uncle has been diagnosed with hypertension. What should he do to keep his blood pressure within normal range?

Question a.
Your neighboring uncle has been diagnosed with hypertension. What should he do to keep his blood pressure within normal range?
Hypertension has many causes. Try to find out what is the exact cause. Is it lack of exercise, obesity, lots of fast and junk food consumption, over-intake of salt, mental tension, etc. He should visit a proper physician and take prescribed blood pressure control medicines. He should never miss a single tablet. He should avoid salty and preserved food. He should practice yoga and meditation. He should also undertake some stress- management techniques.


Question a.
Collect information about various modern treatments on heart diseases.

Class 8 Science Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System Important Questions and Answers

Rewrite the statements after correcting them:

Question 1.
Cells need supply of insoluble nutrients and oxygen for the energy production.
Cells need the supply of soluble nutrients and oxygen for the energy production.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question 2.
Respiratory system and respiration begins with mouth.
Respiratory system and respiration begins with nose.

Question 3.
A lung is present on either sides of heart in abdominal cavity.
A lung is present on either sides of heart in thoracic cavity.

Question 4.
Continuous upward and downward movement of diaphragm is necessary to bring about the beating of heart.
Continuous upward and downward movement of diaphragm is necessary to bring about the breathing.

Question 5.
Blood vessels which carry the blood away from heart are called veins.
Blood vessels which carry the blood away from heart are called arteries.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question 6.
William Harvey described the blood groups in man.
William Harvey described the mechanism of circulation in the body.

Question 7.
Capillaries unite together to form the arteries.
Capillaries unite together to form the veins.

Match the columns/Find out my partner:

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. William Harvey a. Blood group AB.
2. Carl Landsteiner b. A, B, O blood group system.
3. Decastello and Sturli c. Mechanism of circulation of blood.


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. William Harvey c. Mechanism of circulation of blood.
2. Carl Landsteiner b. A, B, O blood group system.
3. Decastello and Sturli a. Blood group AB.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Complete the following table:

Question 1.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System 6

Type Systolic pressure Diastolic pressure
Normal blood pressure 90 – 119 mmHg 60 – 79 mmHg
Primary hypertension 120 – 139 mmHg 80 – 89 mmHg
Hypertension stage – I 140 – 159 mmHg 90 – 99 mmHg
Hypertension stage – II > 160 mmHg > 100 mm

Define the following terms:

  1. Inhalation: Inhalation is taking in air through the nose from the surrounding
  2. Exhalation: Exhalation is giving out the air back to the outer environment.
  3. External respiration: The processes of inhalation and exhalation both together are called external respiration.
  4. Internal respiration: Exchange of gases between cells and tissue fluid is called internal respiration.
  5. Cellular respiration: Production of energy in the form of ATP from oxidation of glucose and other soluble nutrients is called cellular respiration.
  6. Thermoregulation: Maintenance of the body temperature to a constant level by performing vasoconstriction or vasodilation is called thermoregulation.
  7. Blood pressure: Pressure exerted by the flowing blood on the blood vessel wall is called blood pressure.
  8. Systolic pressure: The maximum blood pressure exerted by the flowing blood when the heart is contracting is called systolic pressure.
  9. Diastolic pressure: The minimum blood pressure exerted by the flowing blood when the heart is not contracting but receiving (i.e. relaxing) the blood is called diastolic pressure.
  10. Hypertension or High Blood Pressure: The blood pressure value of 140 – 159 mm Hg which is more than the normal blood pressure is called hypertension or high blood pressure.
  11. Sphygmomanometer: The instru¬ment used for measuring blood pressure is called sphygmomanometer.
  12. Hematology: The branch of medical science in which the blood, haemapoietic organs (organs that produce blood cells) and blood disorders are studied is called haematology.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each:

Question 1.
What are the heart sounds and why are they produced?
There are two types of heart sounds, one is ‘lubb’ and other is ‘dub’. These are produced due to closure of the heart valves.

Question 2.
What is blood circulation?
The process of pumping the blood to all the parts of the body and bringing it back again to the heart is called the blood circulation.

Question 3.
Name any four proteins present in the blood plasma.
The proteins present in the blood plasma are albumin, globulins, fibrinogen and prothrombin.

Question 4.
Which inorganic ions control the function of muscles and nerves?
Calcium, sodium and potassium control the functions of muscles and nerves.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question 5.
What is the basis on which blood group is determined?
The antigen present on the RBCs: and the antibodies present in the plasma of I the blood determine the type of blood group. The genes of parents are responsible for the type of blood group that the child inherits.

Question 6.
Under which conditions, blood is required for donation?
Whenever there is hemorrhage, the patient requires blood. Such patients are accident victims, those who excessively bleed, women during childbirth (parturition) and for patients undergoing surgeries.

Question 7.
How much blood is collected from a person during donation?
About 350 ml of blood is collected from a person during donation.

Question 8.
When is National Voluntary Blood Donation Day observed?
National Voluntary Blood Donation Day is observed on 1st October every year.

Explain the differences:

Question 1.
Atria and ventricles:

Atria Ventricles
1. Atria are the upper chambers of the heart. 1. Ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart.
2. Atria are the smaller receiving chambers. 2. Ventricles are the larger distributing chambers.
3. Atria are thin walled chambers having lesser blood pressure. 3. Ventricles are thick walled chambers with greater blood pressure.
4. Atria do not have inlet valves. 4. Ventricles have inlet valves.
5. Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from whole body through the inferior vena cava (lower body), superior vena cava (from upper body). It pumps blood into right ventricle. 5. Right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood received from right atrium to lungs for oxygenation which is known as pulmonary circulation.
6. Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from lungs through pulmonary veins. It pumps blood into left ventricle. 6. Left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood received from left atrium to whole body. This is called systemic circulation.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question 2.
RBCs and WBCs:

1. RBCs are red in colour due to haemoglobin present in them. 1. WBCs are colourless as there is no pigment in them.
2. RBCs are produced in red bone marrow. 2. WBCs are produced mostly in bone marrow. But they are also produced in lymph nodes, spleen, etc.
3. RBCs are smaller in size and rounded in .shape. 3. WBCs are larger in size and are of different shapes.
4. RBCs have an average lifespan of 120 days. 4. Life span of WBCs vary according to their role. They have a life span from a few days to 3 weeks.
5. Normal RBC count is 50 – 60 lakh RBCs per cubic mm. of blood. 5. Normal WBC count is 5 thousands to 10 thousands per cubic mm. of blood.
6. Their function is to transport the respiratory gases (Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide). 6. Their main function is to produce antibodies and fight against the infections. Thus they are called soldiers of the body.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
A very large number of alveoli is present in lungs, which are covered over by capillary network.
Due to very large number of alveoli the surface area of the lungs is increased many a times for the gaseous exchange. The alveoli are covered over by capillary network for rapid gaseous exchange. The oxygen is taken in the body and at the same time carbon dioxide is given out of the body only by the gaseous exchange occurring at the alveolar surface.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question 2.
Heart is covered by double layered pericardial membrane.
Pericardium is the protective double membrane that covers the heart. In between the two layers of this membrane there is protective fluid. The pericardium and the fluid together protect the heart from friction and mechanical shock. Since heart is a vital organ, it is well protected by such pericardial membrane.

Question 3.
Veins are provided with valves.
Valves prevent the backflow of the blood. Blood in the veins is not under great pressure so it is likely that it may flow back. But valves prevent such movements. Therefore they are provided with valves.

Write short notes on the following:

Question 1.
Cellular respiration:

  1. During respiration, the glucose molecules along with some other soluble nutrients are slowly oxidized with the help of oxygen in each cell.
  2. In this process the energy is released in the form of ATP, CO2 and water vapours are produced.
  3. These products are not needed for the body and hence given out of the body in exhalation.
  4. This process of cellular respiration is shown by the following reaction:
    C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy (38ATP)

Question 2.

  1. Pair of lungs is the main respiratory organ in the human body. They are located in thoracic cavity.
  2. They are present on either sides of heart.
  3. Each lung has double layered pleural membranes.
  4. Trachea bifurcates into two bronchi. Each bronchus enters lung on its side and S divide and re-divide into fine bronchioles.
  5. At the end of each bronchiole there is alveolus. Alveolus is surrounded by capillary network.
  6. Each alveolus is extremely thin walled and hence gaseous exchange can occur through diffusion here. Due to thousands of alveoli, the lung surface is increased many a times.
  7. Deoxygenated blood coming from heart by pulmonary arteries is purified here in the lungs.
  8. It is mixed with oxygen due to gaseous exchange and returned back to the heart by pulmonary veins. Lungs thus continuously help in oxygenation of blood with the help of all of the alveoli.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question 3.

  1. Diaphragm is a muscular partition that divides the thoracic and abdominal cavity.
  2. Located at the base of thoracic cage, it is very important in breathing movements.
  3. Diaphragm can undergo consecutive upward and downward movements.
  4. These movements along with movements of thoracic cage cause rise and fall of the pressure in the thoracic cavity.
  5. Rising up of ribs and lowering of diaphragm causes the decrease in air pressure which makes the air to move into the lungs through nose. This is inhalation.
  6. When the pressure rises in the thoracic cavity again, the air is given out. This is exhalation.
  7. This is caused due to ribs returning to their original position and rising diaphragm. This simultaneously increases the pressure in thoracic cavity.

Question 4.
Structure of human heart:

  1. Human heart is four chambered muscular organ.
  2. The size of the heart is about one’s own fist and its weight is about 360 gm.
  3. For protection, it is covered over by double-layered pericardium.
  4. The wall of the heart is made up of cardiac muscles which are involuntary in nature. They have the capacity of rhythmic beating.
  5. The upper two chambers are called right and left atrium and lower two chambers are called right and left ventricle.
  6. Between right atrium and right ventricle there is tricuspid valve which guards the opening. Similarly between left atrium and left ventricle there is bicuspid valve.
  7. On entire right side of the heart there is deoxygenated blood.
  8. On entire left side of the heart there is oxygenated blood.
  9. Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood by superior and inferior vena cava. These two major veins bring deoxygenated blood from entire body to the heart.
  10. Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from lungs by pulmonary vein.
  11. Right ventricle sends the deoxygenated blood to lungs for oxygenation, through pulmonary artery.
  12. Left ventricle supplies oxygenated blood to entire body through systemic aorta.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question 5.
Human Blood Groups:

  1. The A, B, O blood group system is the most popular and medically important blood group system of human beings.
  2. The blood group is determined due to antigenic protein present on the RBCs and the antibody present in the plasma.
  3. The four main groups of human blood are A, B, AB and O.
  4. According to the presence or absence of Rh antigen the blood groups are further said to be Rh-positive or Rh-negative.
  5. This makes total eight blood groups which are taken into consideration at the time of blood transfusions.
  6. Blood groups are dependent on genes and are thus hereditary in nature.

Answer the following:

Question 1.
How do the organisms like amoeba, earthworm, cockroach, plants, various aquatic animals, bird, respire? Prepare a chart.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System 7

Diagram – based questions:

Question 1.
Sketch and label structure of alveolus showing gaseous exchange.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System 8

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question 2.
Sketch and label artery and vein showing structural difference between the two.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System 9

Question 3.
Draw a diagram to show formation of capillaries. Also show how capillaries form a vein.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System 10

MCQs based on experiments:

I. Human respiratory system:

Question 1.
From which organ does respiratory system of man begin?
(a) Trachea
(b) Lungs
(c) Alveolus
(d) Nose
(d) Nose

Question 2.
Which of the statement given below is correct?
(a) Wind pipe is present in front of food pipe.
(b) Food pipe is present in front of wind pipe.
(c) Wind pipe and food pipe are not near each other.
(d) Wind pipe is same as oesophagus and food pipe is called trachea.
(a) Wind pipe is present in front of food pipe.

Question 3.
Which type of respiration includes inhalation and exhalation?
(a) Internal respiration
(b) External respiration
(c) Cellular respiration
(d) None of the above
(b) External respiration

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question 4.
How many molecules of ATP are produced from one molecule of glucose ?
(a) 26
(b) 36
(c) 38
(d) 40
(c) 38

Question 5.
Where is sound box located in the body?
(a) At the beginning of the wind pipe.
(b) At the beginning of the food pipe.
(c) At the end of the wind pipe.
(d) At the end of the food pipe.
(a) At the beginning of the wind pipe.

II. Structure of heart:

Question 1.
What is the location of a bicuspid valve in human heart?
(a) Between right and left ventricle.
(b) Between left and right atrium.
(c) Between left atrium and left ventricle.
(d) Between right atrium and right ventricle.
(c) Between left atrium and left ventricle.

Question 2.
Which blood vessels bring deoxygenated blood to the right atrium?
(a) Superior and inferior vena cava
(b) Pulmonary veins
(c) Pulmonary artery
(d) Systemic aorta
(a) Superior and inferior vena cava

Question 3.
Which artery carries deoxygenated blood and which vein carries the oxygenated blood respectively?
(a) Dorsal aorta and inferior vena cava respectively.
(b) Pulmonary vein and pulmonary artery respectively
(c) Pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein respectively
(d) Superior vena cava and inferior vena cava respectively.
(c) Pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein respectively

Question 4.
Under which of the following condition will rate of heartbeat be faster?
(a) Sleeping
(b) Resting
(c) Running
(d) Sitting
(c) Running

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 11 Human Body and Organ System

Question 5.
Which chambers of the heart are called receiving chamber?
(a) Both atria
(b) Right ventricle
(c) Left ventricle
(d) Only left atria
(a) Both atria

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Composition of Matter Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Choose the appropriate option and rewrite the following statements:

Question a.
The intermolecular force is ……………. in the particles of solid.
(a) minimum
(b) moderate
(c) maximum
(d) indefinite
(c) maximum

Question b.
Solids retain their volume even when external pressure is applied. This property is called …………… .
(a) plasticity
(b) incompressibility
(c) fluidity
(d) elasticity
(d) elasticity

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question c.
Matter is classified into the types mixture, compound and element, by applying the criterion …………… .
(a) states of matter
(b) phases of matters
(c) chemical composition of matter
(d) all of these
(c) chemical composition of matter

Question d.
Matter that contain two or more constituent substances is called ……… .
(a) mixture
(b) compound
(c) element
(d) metalloid
(a) mixture

Question e.
Milk is an example of type of matter called …………. .
(a) solution
(b) homogeneous mixture
(c) heterogeneous mixture
(d) suspension
(c) heterogeneous mixture

Question f.
Water, mercury and bromine are similar to each other, because the three are ……….. .
(a) liquids
(b) compounds
(c) nonmetals
(d) elements
(a) liquids

Question g.
Valency of carbon is 4 and that of oxygen is 2. From this, we understand that there are …………. chemical bond/bonds between the carbon atom and one oxygen atom in the compound- carbon dioxide.
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4.
(b) 2

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

2. Identify the odd term out and explain.

Question a.
Gold, silver, copper, brass.
Brass. (Others are elements.)

Question b.
Hydrogen, hydrogen peroxide, carbon dioxide, water vapour.
Hydrogen. (Others are compounds.)

Question c.
Milk, lemon juice, carbon, steel.
Carbon. (Others are mixtures.)

Question d.
Water, mercury, bromine, petrol.
Petrol. (Others are inorganic compounds.)

Question e.
Sugar, salt, baking soda, blue vitriol.
Sugar. (Others are inorganic compounds.)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question f.
Hydrogen, sodium, potassium, carbon.
Carbon. (Others are monovalent elements)

3. Answer the following question.

Question a.
Plants synthesize glucose in sunlight with the help of chlorophyll from carbon dioxide and water and give away oxygen. Identify the four compounds in this process and name their types.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 1
Carbon dioxide, water, glucose, and Chlorophyll are compounds.
Types: Organic compounds: Glucose
Inorganic compounds: Carbon dioxide and water
Complex compounds: Chlorophyll.

Question b.
In one sample of brass, the following ingredients were found: copper (70%) and zinc (30%). Identify the solvent, solute and solution from these.
Brass is an alloy, it contains 70% copper and 30% zinc. The largest proportion is solvent, i.e. copper. The smaller proportion is solute, i.e. zinc. The solution is Brass.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question c.
Seawater tastes salty due to the dissolved salt. The salinity (the proportion of salts in water) of some water bodies Lonar lake – 7.9%, Pacific Ocean 3.5%, Mediterranean sea – 3.8%, 5 Dead sea – 33.7%. Explain two characteristics of mixtures from the above information.

  1. The constituents of a mixture (the proportion of salts in water) do not combine chemically.
  2. Their constituents are present in any proportion by weight.
  3. The constituent of a mixture can be separated by a physical process.

4. Give two examples each.

Question a.
Liquid element.
Mercury (Hg), Bromine (Br2)

Question b.
Gaseous element.
Hydrogen (H2), Oxygen (O2).

Question c.
Solid element.
Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Silver (Ag).

Question d.
Homogeneous mixture.
Sea water, blue vitriol dissolved in water.

Question e.
Milk, blood.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question f.
Organic compound.
Glucose, urea.

Question g.
Complex compound.
Chlorophyll, Haemoglobin.

Question h.
Inorganic compound.
Soda, rust, limestone.

Question i.
Silicon, arsenic.

Question j.
Element with valency 1.
Sodium (Na), potassium (K), chlorine (Cl).

Question l.
Element with valency 2.
Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca).

5. Write the names and symbols of the constituent elements and identify their valencies from their molecular formulae given below:
KCl, HBr, MgBr2. K2O, NaH, CaCl2, CCl4, HI, H2S, Na2S, FeS, BaCl2.

Question a.
Write the names and symbols of the constituent elements and identify their valencies from their molecular formulae given below:
KCl, HBr, MgBr2, K2O, NaH, CaCl2, CCl4, HI, H2S, Na2S, FeS, BaCl2.

Molecular formula Constituent element/Name symbol Valency
1. KCl Potassium (K)
Chlorine (Cl)
2. HBr Hydrogen (H)
Bromine (Br)
3. MgBr2 Magnesium (Mg)
Bromine (Br)
4. K2O Potassium (K)
Oxygen (O)
5. NaH Sodium (Na)
Hydrogen (H)
6. CaCl2 Calcium (Ca)
Chlorine (Cl)
7. CCl4 Carbon (C)
Chlorine (Cl)
8. HI Hydrogen (H)
Iodine (I)
9. H2S Hydrogen (H)
Sulphur (S)
10. Na2S Sodium (Na)
Sulphur (S)
11. FeS Iron (Fe)
Sulphur (S)
12. BaCl2 Barium (Ba)
Chlorine (Cl)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

6. Chemical composition of some matter is given in the following table. Identify the main type of matter from them.

Question a.
Chemical composition of some matter is given in the following table. Identify the main type of matter from them.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 2

Name of matter Chemical composition Main type of matter
Sea water H2O + NaCl + MgCl2 +… Mixture
Distilled water H2O Compound
Hydrogen gas filled in a balloon H2 Element
The gas in LPG cylinder C4H10 + C3H8 Mixture
Baking soda NaHCO3 Compound
Pure gold Au Element
The gas in oxygen cylinder O2 Element
Bronze Cu + Sn Mixture
Diamond C Element
Heated white powder of blue vitriol CuSO4 Compound
Limestone CaCO3 Compound
Dilute hydrochloric acid HCl + H2O Mixture

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

7. Write scientific reason.

Question a.
Hydrogen is combustible, oxygen helps combustion, but water helps to extinguish fire.

  1. Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.
  2. In a compound, the constituents do not retain their individual properties. Hence, hydrogen is combustible and oxygen helps combustion, but water is neither combustible nor supports combustion, it helps to extinguish fire.

Question b.
The constituent substances of a colloid cannot be separated by oridinary filtration.

  1. A colloidal solution is heterogeneous.
  2. The diameters of colloidal particles are of the order of 10-5 m.
  3. The particles of a colloid can easily pass through a filter paper as the pore size of a filter paper is big. Hence, the constituents of a colloidal cannot be separated by filtration.

Question c.
Lemon sherbat has sweet, sour and salty taste and it can be poured in a glass.

  1. Lemon sherbat is a mixture. It is made up of lemon juice, sugar, salt and water.
  2. Formation of lemon sherbat does not involve any chemical reaction.
  3. The constituents of sherbat retain their individual properties. Hence, lemon sherbat is sweet, sour and salty to taste and it can be poured in a glass.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question d.
A solid matter has the properties of definite shape and volume.

  1. The forces among the constituent particles (atom/molecules) are called intermolecular forces.
  2. In solids these forces are strong enough to keep the particles together in fixed positions, as a result solids have a definite shape and volume.

8. Deduce the molecular formulae of the compound obtained from the following pairs of elements by the cross multiplication method.

Question a.
C (Valency 4) & Cl (Valency 1)
Step 1: Write the symbols of the constituent elements.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 4
Step 2: Write the valency below the respective elements.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 5
Step 3: Cross multiply the valencies.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 6
The molecular formula: CCl4

Question b.
N (Valency 3) & H (Valency 1)
Use your brain power!
Step 1: Write the symbols of the constituent elements.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 7
Step 2: Write the valency below the respective elements.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 8
Step 3: Cross multiply the valencies.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 9
The molecular formula: NH3

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question c.
C (Valency 4) & O (Valency 2)
Step 1: Write the symbols of the constituent elements.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 10
Step 2: Write the valency below the respective elements.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 11
Step 3: Cross multiply the valencies.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 12
The formula: C2O4
The number of constituent atoms in the final molecular formula should be the smallest possible whole number. Divide the formula C2O4 by suitable number.
Final molecular formula obtained by dividing by ‘2’.
Molecular formula: CO2

Question d.
Ca (Valency 2) & O (Valency 2)
Step 1: Write the symbols of the constituent elements.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 13
Step 2: Write the valency below the respective elements.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 14
Step 3: Cross multiply the valencies.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter 15
The formula: Ca2O2
Divide the formula by suitable number ‘2’.
The molecular formula: CaO.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter


Question a.
Collect the wrappers of ready-made foodstuff. Use the information given and prepare a chart of foodstuff and the ingredients in it. Procure the ingredients available. Discuss with friends and teacher, test the procured ingredients with combustion test under the supervision of your teacher. Thereby identify the ingredients as organic or inorganic.

Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Composition of Matter Additional Important Questions and Answers

Rewrite the sentences after filling the blanks:

Question 1.
………….. have no definite shape, but have a definite volume.
Liquids have no definite shape, but have a definite volume.

Question 2.
………… have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume.
Gases have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume.

Question 3.
The properties of a …………… are different than those of the constitute elements.
The properties of a compound are different than those of the constitute elements.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 4.
The part of matter having uniform composition is called ………………. .
The part of matter having uniform composition is called phase.

Question 5.
The heterogeneous mixture of a liquid and a solid is called a ……………. .
The heterogeneous mixture of a liquid and a solid is called a suspension.

Question 6.
A colloid is a ………………. .
A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture.

Question 7.
Bronze contains atoms of the elements ……………. and ………….. .
Bronze contains atoms of the elements copper and tin.

Question 8.
When all the components of a mixture form one phase, it is called ………….. .
When all the components of a mixture form one phase, it is called homogeneous mixture.

Question 9.
…………… is a mixture of water, lactose, fats and proteins.
Milk is a mixture of water, lactose, fats and proteins.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 10.
The intermolecular force is …………….. in the gaseous state.
The intermolecular force is very weak in the gaseous state.

Choose the appropriate option and rewrite the following statements:

Question 1.
When a liquid is poured from one container to another, its shape may change, but its volume ………….. .
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains the same
(d) none of them
(c) remains the same

Question 2.
The property by which some solids maintain their shape even when subjected to external forces is called ………. .
(a) elasticity
(b) fluidity
(c) rigidity
(d) plasticity
(c) rigidity

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 3.
…………… is a complex compound.
(a) Glucose
(b) Blue vitriol
(c) Chlorophyll
(d) Soda
(c) Chlorophyll

Question 4.
………….. is a homogeneous mixture.
(a) Sand + water
(b) Flour + water
(c) Salt + water
(d) Oil + water
(c) Salt + water

State whether the following statements are True or False:

Question 1.
Liquids do not have a definite shape

Question 2.
Gases have a definite shape and volume.
False. (Gases do not have shape and volume.)

Question 3.
The crystals of blue vitriol form a single phase.

Question 4.
Water is a mixture.
False. (Water is a compound)

Question 5.
Milk is a colloid.

Question 6.
A suspension does not scatters light.

Question 7.
Copper sulphate is a mixture.
False. (Copper sulphate is a compound.)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 8.
An atom forms as many chemical bonds with other atom as its valency.

Question 9.
The strength of intermolecular forces is weak in the liquid state.
False. (The strength of intermolecular forces is moderate in the liquid state.)

Question 10.
All the gases present together constitute a single phase.

Match the column:

Question 1.

Column I Column II
1. Potassium dichromate a. Complex compound
2. Cyanocobalamine b. Element
3. Air c. Compound
4. Silver d. Mixture


Column I Column II
1. Potassium dichromate c. Compound
2. Cyanocobalamine a. Complex compound
3. Air d. Mixture
4. Silver b. Element

Question 2.

Column 1 Column II
1. Milk a. Alloy
2. Lemonade b. Colloid
3. Sand and water c. Solution
4. Brass d. Suspension


Column 1 Column II
1. Milk b. Colloid
2. Lemonade c. Solution
3. Sand and water d. Suspension
4. Brass a. Alloy

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 3.

Column I Column II
1. Sea water a. Solid in solid
2. Vinegar b. Solid in liquid
3. Air c. Liquid in liquid
4. Bronze d. Gas in liquid
5. Chlorinated water e. Gas in gas


Column I Column II
1. Sea water b. Solid in liquid
2. Vinegar c. Liquid in liquid
3. Air e. Gas in gas
4. Bronze a. Solid in solid
5. Chlorinated water d. Gas in liquid

Answer the following questions in one sentence:

Question 1.
Why does a solid have definite volume ?
In solids intermolecular forces are strong enough to keep the particles together in fixed positions, as a result solids have definite volume.

Question 2.
Why does a liquid have indefinite shape?
In a liquid intermolecular forces are not strong enough to keep the particles together in fixed positions, as a result liquid has indefinite shape.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 3.
Why does a gas have indefinite volume and shape?
In a gas intermolecular forces are very weak and the distance between the particles is very large, as a result gas has indefinite volume and shape.

Question 4.
What can you say about the distance between the neighbouring particles of solid?
The particles of solid are very close to each other and the distance between them is minimum.

Question 5.
What can you say about the distance between the constituent particles of gas?
The intermolecular force is very weak in gases. The distance between the particles of gas is very large. They move freely and occupy all the available space.

Question 6.
State whether the mixture of oil in water is a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture.
The mixture of oil in water is a heterogeneous mixture.

Question 7.
State whether seawater is a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture.
Seawater is a homogeneous mixture.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 8.
Give two examples of liquid in liquid.
Examples of liquid in liquid:
Vinegar, dilute sulphuric acid.

Question 9.
Give two examples of gas in gas.
Examples of gas in gas: Air, cooking gas.

Question 10.
Give two examples of solid in solid.
Examples of solid in solid: Brass, stainless steel.

Question 11.
Give two examples of gas in liquid.
Examples of gas in liquid: Chlorinated water, hydrochloric acid.

Question 12.
Give molecular formulae of 1. potassium chloride, 2. sodium sulphide.

  1. Molecular formula of potassium chloride: KCl
  2. Molecular formula of sodium sulphide: Na2S.

Question 13.
State the molecular formula and number of hydrogen atoms in methane.
Molecular formula of methane: CH4
The number of hydrogen atoms in methane is 4.

Question 14.
Identify the valency of chlorine in
(i) KCl and (ii) CaCl2.
i. The valency of chlorine in KCl is 1.
ii. The valency of chlorine in CaCl2 is 1.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
State two principal ways of classifying matter.
Two principal ways of classifying matter are:

  1. On the basis of physical state as a solid, liquid or gas.
  2. On the basis of chemical constitution as an element, compound or mixture.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 2.
What are the different states of matter?
The different states of matter are solid, liquid and gas.

Question 3.
Define solid.
A substance which has a definite shape and volume is called a solid.

Question 4.
State any three characteristics of solids.

  1. Solids have a definite shape and volume.
  2. Most of the solids are rigid while some are plastic and some elastic.
  3. Solids have practically negligible compressibility, i.e., their volume is not very much changed by external forces.

Question 5.
What is meant by rigidity of solids?
The property by which solids maintain their shapes when subjected to external forces is called rigidity.

Question 6.
What is meant by elasticity of solids?
Some solids undergo a change in their shapes and volume when subjected to external forces and regain their original shapes and volume on removal of the forces. This property of solids is called elasticity.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 7.
What is meant by plasticity?
Some solids are deformed by external forces and do not regain their original shapes on removal of the forces. This property of solids is called plasticity.

Question 8.
Solids have a high density and negligible compressibility. Explain.

  1. The forces among the constituent particles (atoms/molecules) are called intermolecular forces.
  2. In solids these forces are strong enough to keep the particles together in fixed positions, as a result solids have a high density and negligible compressibility.

Question 9.
Define liquid.
A substance which does not have a definite shape, but has a definite volume is called a liquid.

Question 10.
State any three characteristics of liquids.

  1. Liquids have a definite volume.
  2. Liquids do not have a definite shape. They take the shape of the container in which they are stored.
  3. When they spill on a plane surface, they spread and flow in the surrounding areas, i.e., they have fluidity.
  4. They have very small compressibility.

Question 11.
What is meant by fluidity?
Liquids flow easily and change their shapes in response to external forces. This property of liquids is called fluidity. It is exhibited by gases also.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 12.
Liquids have fluidity and they do not have a definite shape. Explain.
1. The forces among the constituent particles (atoms/molecules) are called intermolecular forces.
2. In liquids, the intermolecular forces are strong enough to keep the particles within the bulk in aggregation, but not strong enough to keep them in fixed positions. As a result, they flow easily and change shapes according to that of container.

Question 13.
Define gas.
A substance which has neither a definite shape nor a definite volume is called a gas.

Question 14.
State any three characteristics of gases.

  1. Gases have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume.
  2. They spread in all directions.
  3. They can be compressed or expanded easily.
  4. In gases intermolecular forces are very weak.

Question 15.
Gases have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume. Explain.

  1. The forces among the constituent particles (atoms/molecules) are called intermolecular forces.
  2. In gases the intermolecular forces are extremely weak. As a result, the molecules of a gas move freely and a gas occupies all the available space.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 16.
Why are gases more compressible, than liquids?
In liquids the distances between the neighbouring molecules are less than those in the gases. The intermolecular forces are extremely weak in gases, but not so weak in liquids. Hence, gases are more compressible than liquids.

Question 17.
What is an element? Give two examples.
A type of matter composed of only one kind of substances where each smallest indivisible part of it has the same properties is called an element. It cannot be subdivided into simpler substances by any physical or chemical means.
Examples: Oxygen, nitrogen, silver.

Question 18.
Write any two characteristics of an element.

  1. All the atoms/molecules of an element are alike.
  2. Atoms/molecules of different elements are different.
  3. An element cannot be decomposed into simple substances by any chemical reaction or simple physical process.

Question 19.
What is a compound? Give two examples.
A substance produced by a chemical reaction of two or more elements combined in a fixed proportion is called a compound.
Examples: Water, common salt, sugar.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 20.
Write any two characteristics of a compound.

  1. The proportion of constituent elements in a compound is constant.
  2. The properties of a compound is different than those of the constituent elements.

Question 21.
What is a mixture? Give two examples.
When two or more elements or compounds which do not react chemically with each other are mixed in any proportion, a mixture is formed.
Examples: Air, steel, milk.

Question 22.
Write any two characteristics of a mixture.

  1. The constituent molecules of mixture are different from each other and notoined by chemical bonds.
  2. The proportion of constituent substances are retained in the mixture.
  3. The constituents of a mixture can be separated by a physical process.

Question 23.
Classify the following into elements, compounds and mixtures:
Sugar, sodium, nitrogen, sodium carbonate, air, sulphuric acid, mercury, stainless steel, cement, potassium dichromate.

  • Elements: Sodium, nitrogen, mercury.
  • Compounds: Sugar, sodium carbonate, sulphuric acid, potassium dichromate.
  • Mixtures: Air, stainless steel, cement.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 24.
Write the composition of the following materials by means of chemical formulae and classify them accordingly.
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Name of the material Chemical formulae/composition Type of matter
Water H2O Compound
Carbon C Element
Oxygen O2 Element
Air O2 + N2 + CO2 + other gases Mixture
Aluminium Al Element
Brass Cu + Zn Mixture
Carbon dioxide CO2 Compound

Question 25.
What is meant by an organic compound? Give two examples.
The compound which when heated strongly gives black coloured carbon residue is called an organic compound or carbon compound.
Examples: Carbohydrates, proteins, hydrocarbons (petrol, cooking gas).

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 26.
What is meant by an inorganic compound? Give two examples.
Compounds which when heated strongly decomposes to give a residue behind are called inorganic compounds.
Examples: Common salt, rust, blue vitriol, limestone.

Question 27.
What is meant by complex compounds? Give two examples.
The molecules of compounds which have a complex structure formed by many atoms and in the centre of this structure metal atoms are also included are called complex compounds.
Examples: Haemoglobin, chlorophyll.

Question 28.
Classify the following compounds into organic compounds, inorganic compounds and complex compounds.
Petrol, common salt, haemoglobin, blue vitriol, cyanocobalamine, cooking gas.

  • Organic compounds: Petrol, cooking gas
  • Inorganic compounds: Common salt, blue vitriol.
  • Complex compounds: Cyano cobalamine, haemoglobin.

Question 29.
What is a phase?
The part of matter with uniform composition is called a phase.

Question 29.
What is a homogeneous mixture? Give two examples.
When all the components of a mixture form one phase, it is called homogeneous mixture.
Example: Solution of blue vitriol in water, solution of sugar in water.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 30.
What is heterogeneous mixture? Give two examples.
When the components of a mixture are distributed into two or more phases, it is called a heterogeneous mixture.
Examples: Oil and water, sand and water.

Question 31.
Define solution or What is meant by a solution? Give two examples.
A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances is called a solution.
Examples: Seawater, sugar, syrup.

Question 32.
What is meant by a solvent?
Define solvent. Give two examples.
The component which is present in largest proportion in a solution is called a solvent.

  1. In sea water, water is the solvent.
  2. In tincture iodine, alcohol is the solvent.

Question 33.
What is meant by a solute?
Define solute. Give two examples.
The component of a solution which is present in smaller proportion than the solvent is called a solute.

  1. In sea water, salt is a solute.
  2. When a small of amount of sugar is dissolved in water, sugar is the solute in the solution.

Question 34.
Define suspension.
What is meant by a suspension?
A heterogeneous mixture of a liquid and a solid is called a suspension. The diameter of the solid particles in a suspension is larger than 10-4 m.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 35.
Define colloid.
A heterogeneous mixture in which the particles cannot be seen with a naked eye is called a colloid. The diameter of colloidal particles is around 10-5 m.

Question 36.
State the characteristics of a solution.

  1. A solution is clear and transparent, it passes through a filter paper.
  2. The particles are not visible to the naked eye.
  3. A light can easily pass through it without scattering.
  4. A solution is homogeneous mixture.

Question 37.
State the characteristics of a suspension.

  1. In suspension, the solute particles do not dissolve but remain suspended in it. The liquid and solid components of suspension are separated by filtration.
  2. The particles are visible to the naked eye.
  3. The particles in suspension are of very small size and scatter a beam of light passing through it.
  4. It is heterogeneous in nature.

Question 38.
State the characteristics of a colloid.

  1. In a colloid, the particles are spread uniformly throughout the solution.
  2. The size of the particles is less than that of the particles in a suspension.
  3. The particles are not visible to the naked eye.
  4. The particles scatter a beam of light.
  5. A colloidal solution appears to be homogeneous, but actually it is heterogeneous. ‘

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 39.
Give two examples of each of the following:

  1. Phase
  2. Homogeneous matter
  3. Heterogeneous matter
  4. Homogeneous mixture
  5. Heterogeneous mixture
  6. Solution
  7. Suspension
  8. Colloid.


  1. Phase: (i) Solid: Sodium chloride, blue vitriol, sand, (ii) Liquid: Water, alcohol, (iii) Gas: Chlorine, ammonia.
  2. Homogeneous matter: Blue vitriol (solid), a solution of blue vitriol in water (a solid in a liquid), chlorinated water (a gas in a liquid).
  3. Heterogeneous matter: Sand and water, sand and alcohol, blue vitriol and sand.
  4. Homogeneous mixture: A solution of sodium chloride in water, air, a mixture of water and alcohol.
  5. Heterogeneous mixture: A mixture of sand and blue vitriol, sodium chloride and iron filings, oil and water.
  6. Solution: Seawater, a solution of sugar in water, a solution of blue vitriol in water.
  7. Suspension: A mixture of sand and water, sand and alcohol, muddy water, limestone in water.
  8. Colloid: Milk, milk of magnesia, blood, printing ink.

Question 40.
State the different types of solutions. Give one example.
The different types of solutions:

  • Liquid in liquid. Examples: Vinegar, dilute sulphuric acid.
  • Gas in gas. Example: Air.
  • Solid in solid. Examples: Brass, stainless steel, bronze.
  • Gas in liquid. Examples: Chlorinated water.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 41.
Classify the following into homogeneous solution and heterogeneous solution?
Soda water, potassium permanganate solution, milk, alcohol in water, ink solution, wheat flour in water.

  • Homogeneous solution: Soda water, potassium permanganate solution, alcohol in water.
  • Heterogeneous solution: Milk, ink solution, wheat flour in water.

Question 42.
Classify the following into solution, suspension and colloids:
Milk, sand in water, lemonade, smoke, oxygen in water.

  • Solution: Lemonade, oxygen in water.
  • Suspension: Sand in water.
  • Colloids: Milk, smoke.

Question 43.
What is meant by molecular formula?
The number of atom of each of the constituent elements present in one molecule of a compound is called molecular formula.

Question 44.
What is meant by valency of an element?
The capacity of an element to combine with another element is known as valency.

Question 45.
Deduce the molecular formulae of the compound obtained from the following pairs of elements by the cross multiplication method.
Question a.
H (Valency 1) and O (Valency 2)
Step 1: Write the symbols of the constituent elements.
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Step 2: Write the valency below the respective elements.
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Step 3: Cross multiply the valencies.
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∴ The molecular formula: H2O.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question b.
Fe (Valency 2) and S (Valency 2)
Step 1: Write the symbols of the constituent elements.
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Step 2: Write the valency below the respective elements.
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Step 3: Cross multiply the valencies.
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The molecular formula: FeS

Question c.
The valencies of the atom H, O and N are 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The molecular formulae of these gaseous elements are H2, O2 and N2 respectively. How many chemical bonds are there in each of these molecules?
Chemical bond in H2 is one
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Chemical bond in O2 are two
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Chemical bond in N2 are three
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Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
Hydrogen is an element.

  1. Hydrogen has only one kind of atoms.
  2. Hydrogen cannot be further divided into new substances by any physical or chemical means. Therefore, hydrogen is an element.

Question 2.
Water is a compound.

  1. The composition of water is same throughout i.e., the elements hydrogen and oxygen whose atoms are combined in the ratio by weight is always 1 : 8.
  2. The properties of water are totally different from those of its constituents, i.e. hydrogen and I oxygen. Hence, water is a compound.?

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 3.
Air is a mixture.

  1. Air contains nitrogen, oxygen and other gases.
  2. These gases retain their original properties. They do not combine with each other. Hence, air is a mixture.

Question 4.
A potassium permanganate solution in water is a homogeneous mixture, while a mixture of oil and water is a heterogeneous mixture.

  1. In a potassium permanganate solution in water the constituents, i.e. potassium permanganate and water are uniformly mixed throughout.
  2. The properties and composition of a homogeneous mixture are the same throughout the mixture. Hence, potassium permanganate solution is a homogeneous mixture.
  3. In a mixture of oil and water, the constituents are not uniformly mixed throughout the mixture.
  4. The properties and composition of a heterogeneous mixture are not the same throughout the mixture. Hence, a mixture of oil and water is a heterogeneous mixture.

Question 5.
Milk is a colloid.

  1. In milk, the particles are spread uniformly throughout and due to very small size of the particles, milk appears to be homogeneous.
  2. But milk is a colloid solution and it is a heterogeneous mixture. Here, milk is liquid particles of proteins and fats having a diameter around 10-5 m dispersed in the aqueous medium. Hence, a milk is a colloid.

Distinguish between the following:

Question 1.

Solids Liquids
1.  Solids have a definite shape. 1. Liquids have no definite shape.
2.  They have very low compressibility. 2. They have moderate compressibility.
3. In solids, the intermolecular forces are very strong. E.g. iron, stone, salt. 3. In liquids, the intermolecular forces are moderately strong. E.g., water, alcohol, mercury.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 2.
Liquids and Gases:

Liquids Gases
1. Liquids have a definite volume. 1. Gases do not have a definite volume.
2. They have moderate compressibility. 2. They have high compressibility.
3. In liquids, the intermolecular forces are moderately strong. E.g. water, alcohol, mercury. 3. In gases, the intermolecular forces are very weak. E.g. oxygen, air.

Question 3.
Solids and Gases:

Solids Gases
1. Solids have a definite shape and volume. 1. Gases have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume.
2. They have incompressibility. 2. They have high compressibility
3. In solids, the intermolecular forces are very strong. E.g. iron, stone. 3. In gases, the intermolecular forces are very weak. E.g. hydrogen, oxygen.

Question 4.
Element and Compound:

Element Compound
1. An element consists of only one kind of substance. 1. A compound is formed from two or more elements.
2. An element cannot be further divided into simpler substances by any physical or chemical means. E.g. iron, copper, oxygen. 2. A compound can be further divided into simple substances by chemical means. E.g. common salt, sugar, water.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 5.
Compound and mixture:

Compound Mixture
1. A compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion. 1. A mixture is obtained by just mixing two or more substances in any proportion.
2. A compound can be further subdivided into simpler substances by chemical means only. 2. A mixture can be further subdivided into simpler substances by simple physical processes.
3. The properties of a compound are entirely different from the properties of its constituents. E.g. common salt, sugar, water. 3. The constituents of a mixture retain their original properties. E.g. air, seawater.

Question 6.
Colloidals and Suspension:

Colloidals Suspension
1. The particles in a colloidal solution can pass through a filter paper. 1. The particles in a suspension cannot pass through a filter paper.
2. The colloidal particles cannot be seen with a naked eye. 2. The suspended particles can be seen with a naked eye.
3. The diameter of solid particles is around 10-5 m 3. The diameter of the solid particles is larger than 10-4 m.

Activity-based questions:

Activity 1:
Apparatus: Plastic jar, balloon, thread
Material: Mustard seeds
Take some mustard seeds in a transparent plastic jar. Thread a long thread at the centre of a big balloon by means of a needle and tie it tight. Stretch this rubber diaphragm and fix it on the mouth of the jar by means or a rubber band. Pull the diaphragm up and down with the help of the thread first slowly, then with moderate force and then vigorously. Record your observation in the following table.
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Question 1.
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Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Activity 2:
Apparatus: Hammer, sand paper
Material: Iron nail, copper wire, aluminium wire, coal.
Take the following objects: iron nail/sheet, copper wire, aluminium wire, a piece of coal. Rub each object on a fresh surface of sandpaper and observe. Hammer each object with force. (Take care not to hurt yourself.) Record your observations in the following table.
The objects in the activity are made of the elements iron (Fe), copper (Cu), aluminium (Al) and carbon (C); respectively. Fill the following table on the basis of the observations obtained on doing the above two tests on each of the objects.

Question 1.
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Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Activity 3:
Apparatus: Evaporating dish, tripod stand, burner, etc.
Chemicals: Camphor, washing soda, blue vitriol, sugar, glucose, urea.
Keep the evaporating dish on the tripod stand. Take some camphor in the evaporating dish. Heat the camphor in the dish strongly with the help of a burner. Find out what remains behind in the evaporating dish. Repeat the above procedure using limestone, washing soda, blue vitriol, sugar, glucose and urea instead of camphor. Record your observation in the following table. (Do this activity carefully under the supervision of your teacher, as some of the powders may catch fire.)
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Question 1.
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Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Activity 4: (Textbook page 43)
Apparatus: Beakers, rods
Chemicals: Blue vitriol, sand, water, etc.
Take three beakers. Take a little sand and water in the first beaker. Take some crystals of blue vitriol and water in the second beaker. Take some blue vitriol and sand in the third beaker. Stir the materials in all the three beakers and observe. Record your observation in the following table.

Question 1.
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Question 2.
In the above activity after stirring a homogeneous mixture is formed in only one beaker? Which is that?
The homogeneous mixture is formed in the second beaker. It is a solution of blue vitriol.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Activity 5:
Apparatus: Beaker, conical flask, funnel, filter paper
Chemicals: Common salt, saw dust, milk.
Procedure: Take three beakers. Take 10 g common salt in the first beaker, 10 g saw dust in the second beaker and 10 ml milk in the third beaker. Add 100 ml water to all the three beakers and stir. Which of the mixtures shows separate water phase ? Place the three beakers in front of a vertically held paper and pass a laser beam through the beakers from the opposite side. (Use the laser beam under the guidance of teacher.) At the same time observe what appears on the paper in front of the beaker. Also look at the beaker from the side. Arrange three filtration assemblies using conical flask, funnel and filter paper for doing filtration. Stir the mixtures in the three beakers and carry out filtration. Record all the observations in the following table.

Question 1.
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Activity 6: (Textbook page 44)
Apparatus: Horseshoe magnet, evaporating dish, burner. Chemicals: Iron filings, sulphur.
Procedure: Take two evaporating dishes. Take 7 g iron filings in the first dish and 4 g sulphur in the second. Take a horseshoe magnet near the matter in both the dishes and observe. Transfer the entire iron filings from the first dish to the second, stir with a glass rod and observe by taking the horseshoe magnet near the matter. Also observe the colour of the matter. Now heat the matter in the second dish for a while and let it cool. Observe the colour change, if any in the matter and observe whether there is any effect of the horseshoe magnet on it. Record all the observation in the following table.

Question 1.
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Complete the following:

Question 1.
Complete the table:
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Molecular formulae of some compounds are given in the following table. Use these to fill in the gaps in the table.
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Maharashtra Board Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Composition of Matter

Question 2.
Complete the table:
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Molecular formulae of various compounds formed by hydrogen with other elements are given in the following table. From that, deduce the valencies of the concerned elements.
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Question 3.
Complete the table:
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Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Class 8 Geography Chapter 7 Population Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Complete the following sentences:

Question A.
If the birth rate is greater than the death rate then the population …………. .
(i) decreases
(ii) increases
(iii) remains constant
(iv) becomes surplus
(ii) increases

Question B.
People of …………… age group are included in the productive population.
(i) 0 to 14
(ii) 14 to 60
(iii) 15 to 60
(iv) 16 to 59
(iv) 16 to 59

Question C.
The spread of modern technology in society is mostly dependent on …………….. .
(i) sex ratio
(ii) birth rate
(iii) literacy
(iv) migration
(iv) migration

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

2. Examine the following statements and correct the incorrect ones:

Question a.
The population density of a region can be understood from its area.
Correct sentence: The population density of a region can be understood from its area and the total volume of population living in it.

Question b.
The quality of population is determined on the basis of literacy.

Question c.
There is an adverse impact on manpower in the regions of out migration.

Question d.
Greater economic prosperity indicates the development of region.
Correct sentence: Greater economic prosperity as well as higher standards of living, higher quality of life, availability of opportunities, freedom, etc, indicate the development of region.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question e.
Developing countries have an HDl of 1.
Correct sentence: Developing countries have and HDI of 0.50 to 0.60.

3. Answer in brief.

Question a.
What are the aspects considered in the structure of population?
The following are the aspects considered in the structure of the population:

  1. Sex ratio/structure: Sex ratio/structure is a structure that considers the sub division of population on the basis of gender.
  2. Age structure: Age structure is a structure that considers the sub division of population as per age groups.
  3. Occupational structure: Occupational structure is a structure that considers sub division of population on the basis of dependency and workability.
  4. Rural – urban structure: Rural – Urban structure is a structure that considers sub division of population on the basis of area of residence.
  5. Literacy structure: Literacy structure is a structure that considers sub division of population on the basis of capability of reading and writing.

Question b.
Prepare a list of advantageous and disadvantageous factors, affecting population distribution.
A list of advantageous factors affecting population distribution is as follows:

  1. Availability of sufficient sunlight, clean air and water.
  2. Region with low altitude
  3. Moderate rainfall and temperature
  4. Fertile soil
  5. Deposits of minerals
  6. Industrialisation
  7. Urbanisation
  8. Availability of transportation facilities
  9. Availability of market
  10. Political stability
  11. International peace
  12. Favourable government policies
  13. Favourable social customs and traditions.

A list of disadvantageous factors affecting population distribution is as follows:

  1. Shortage of sufficient sunlight, clean air and water.
  2. Region with high altitude
  3. Extremely less or more rainfall and temperature
  4. Infertile soil
  5. Scarcity of minerals
  6. Low industrialisation
  7. Lack of urbanisation
  8. Non-availability of transportation facilities
  9. Non-availability of market
  10. Political instability
  11. International disputes
  12. Unfavourable government policies
  13. Evil social customs and traditions.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question c.
What are the problems in areas of high population densities?
The ratio of the population of a country to its area is population density. While discussing population distribution, density of population is also considered. The density is calculated, as per the formula given below.
Density of population = Population of a region/Area of a region.

The problems in areas of high population densities are as follows:
1. Pollution – Pollution is one of the major reasons which people face due to high population density. Due to an increase in land degradation by making houses and flats, land pollution will be caused, water will be contaminated by a huge number of people, resulting in water pollution and huge number of vehicles will cause air pollution.

2. Overcrowded – The areas with high population density become overcrowded, which bring chaos and lack of peace in the society.
3. Lack of open space – High population density makes it difficult to get a free open space.

Question d.
What arc the problems in area of low population densities?
The development of a country depends upon its size of population. A lower population is somehow manageable and resources can be distributed equally. But, sometimes the low population leads to lower demands of goods and services and lower tax revenues for the government to provide goods and services.

4. Give geographical reasons:

Question a.
Population is an important resource.

  1. The economic and cultural development of any country depends upon the volume and the quality of population.
  2. If a country has a high volume and less quality of population, it has slow economic growth and development.
  3. If a country has optimum population with high quality of population, it has fast economic growth and development. Thus, population is an important resource.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question b.
Productive population is an important group.

  1. People belonging to age group of 16 to 59 age are considered as productive. Therefore this population is called productive population.
  2. People below 16 years of age and above 60 years of age are considered as dependent or non-working population.
  3. Productive population/people are involved in services or businesses. Therefore they play very important role in economic
  4. If country has more proportion of productive population and youth, it develops rapidly. Thus, productive population is an important group.

Question c.
The study of age structure is important.

1. The study of age structure helps to know the percentage of children, adolescents, youth, middle aged, and old aged in population.

2. The study of age structure helps to know the proportion of productive people (Working people between 16 years to 59 years of age) and unproductive people (Non working people below 16 years of age and above 60 years of age).

3. The study of age structure helps government in planning various economic, social, educational, medical, etc. schemes for the overall development of country.

4. The study of age structure helps to know the speed of economic growth. Thus, the study of age structure is important.

Question d.
Literacy is directly related to development.

  1. The country with high literacy rate, develops rapidly in economic, social and cultural aspects.
  2. The country with low literacy rate, faces many obstacles in its economic, social and cultural growth and development.
  3. Literacy rate is related to quality of life, the opportunities available and freedom. Thus, literacy is directly related to development.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question e.
The real progress of a country is understood with the help of the Human Development Index.
1. Human Development Index is calculated by taking into account the values of economic, health and education parameters.

2. Thus, Human Development Index is calculated on the basis of Gross National Product, life expectancy and literacy rate.

3. Human Development Index indicates the standard of living, economic and social welfare, quality of life, opportunities available and freedom. Therefore, the real progress of a country is understood with the help of the Human Development Index.

5. Write notes.

Question a.
Sex ratio.
1. The number of females per thousand males is called sex ratio.

2. The sex ratio is calculated with the help of the following formula :
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 1

3. If the number of females per thousand males is less, the sex ratio is considered to be low. On the other hand, if the number of females per thousand males is more, the sex ratio is considered to be high.

4. According to Census 2011, the sex ratio was highest (1084) in the state of Kerala. According to Census 2011, the sex ratio was 929 in the state of Maharashtra.

5. Out-migration of males leads to high sex ratio in a region from where males have out-migrated. Less female birth rate leads to low sex ratio.

Question b.
Age structure.

  1. Sub division of population as per age groups is known as age structure.
  2. Age structure is helpful in knowing the proportion of children, adolescents, young, middle aged and old people in population.
  3. It is also helpful in knowing proportion of active population (Population between the ages 16 and 59) and dependent population (Population below 16 years of age and above 60 years of age).
  4. Age structure is helpful to the government in framing various policies.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question c.
1. Population above the age of seven can be sub divided on the basis of capability of reading and writing.

2. People above the age of seven and are unable to read and write are considered illiterate. On the other hand, people above the age of seven and are able to read and write are considered literate.

3. High literacy rate is an indicator of social and economic development of society. On the other hand, high illiteracy rate leads to slow economic, social and cultural development of society.

4. Literacy rate is related to quality of life, the opportunities available and freedom. Thus, it is directly related to development.


Question a.
Survey 5 families in your neighbourhood on the basis of the following points and make a presentation.
(a) Sex
(b) Age groups
(c) Education
(d) Occupation

Class 8 Geography Chapter 7 Population Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the correct word and complete the sentences:

Question A.
……………… state of India has the highest sex ratio.
(i) Maharashtra
(i) Kerala
(c) Punjab
(d) Haryana
(b) Kerala

Question B.
………………. district of Maharashtra has low density of population.
(a) Mumbai City
(b) Mumbai Suburb
(c) Thane
(d) Osmanabad
(d) Osmanabad

Examine the following statements and correct the incorrect ones:

Question a.
The state of Maharashtra has a balanced population.
Correct sentence: The state of Maharashtra has imbalanced population.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question b.
The areas with plenty of natural resources normally have more volume of population.

Question c.
The region with more proportion of youth in population has a rapid speed of development.

Question d.
Most of people in rural areas are engaged in tertiary activities.
Correct sentence: Most of people in rural areas are engaged in primary activities.

Question e.
Human Development Index is published by World Health Organisation.
Correct sentence: Human Development Index is published by United National Development Programme.

Question f.
Density of population is found to be more in the state of Goa.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question g.
The state of Rajasthan is densely populated.
Correct sentence: The state of Rajasthan is sparsely populated.

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question a.
What is birth rate?
Birth rate is the number of live births per one thousand people in a year.

Question b.
What is death rate?
Death rate is the number of deaths per one thousand people in a year.

Question c.
What is life expectancy?
Life expectancy is the expected average life span of an individual at the time j of his/her birth.

Question d.
What is meant by in-migration?
Migration of people in a particular region from outside regions is known as in-migration.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question e.
What is meant by out-migration?
Migration of people from a particular region to outside regions is known as out-migration.

Question f.
What is meant by sex ratio?
The total number of females per thousand males is known as sex ratio.

Question g.
In which types of occupations are people in urban areas involved?
People in urban areas are involved in secondary and tertiary occupations.

Question h.
Who put forth the concept of Human Development Index?
Mahbub Ul Haq and Amartya Sen put forth the concept of Human Development Index.

Answer the following questions in brief:

Question a.
Explain the various types of migration.
The various types of migration are as follows:

  1. In-migration: In-migration is migration of people in a particular region from outside regions.
  2. Out-migration: Out-migration is migration of people from a particular region to outside regions.
  3. Short term mfgration: Short term migration is migration of people on a i temporary basis. For example, migration due to tourism or natural disaster or education is a short term migration.
  4. Long term migration: Long term migration is migration of people on a permanent basis. For example, migration due to transfer of service or marriage or war j and partition is a long term migration.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question b.
Explain the effects of migration.
The effects of migration are as follows:

1. Out-migration leads to fall in population of a region from where people have migrated outside. This in turn leads to shortage of manpower in a region from where out-migration has occurred.

2. In-migration leads to increase in population of a region in which people from outside regions have migrated. This in turn, puts a pressure on public amenities and infrastructure of a region in which people have migrated.

3. Migration leads to redistribution of population.
4. Migration also leads to a change in the structure of population in a particular region.

Give geographical reasons:

Question a.
The density of population is found to be high in Mumbai City and Mumbai Suburb district.

  1. Mumbai is economic capital of India.
  2. In Mumbai City and Mumbai Suburb district, industrialisation and urbanisation has taken place on a large scale.
  3. Transportation, educational, medical, etc. facilities are available on a large scale in these districts.
  4. Many employment opportunities are also available in these districts.

Due to all these favourable factors, many people from other districts of Maharashtra as well as from other states of India have migrated to Mumbai on a permanent basis. Therefore, the density of population is found to be high in Mumbai City and Mumbai Suburb district.

Study the following map/figure/graph and answer the following questions:

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 4

Study the Figure is given and answer the following questions:

Question a.
Which state has the highest sex\ratio?
Kerala state has the highest sex j ratio.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question b.
Which state has the lowest sex J ratio?
Haryana state has the lowest sex ratio.

Question c.
What changes should take place in Maharashtra, to bring about a balanced > sex ratio and how much change is i necessary?
The following changes should take place in Maharashtra to bring about a balanced sex ratio:

  1. Sex ratio must get increased by having total control over female infanticide and launching various government schemes for women empowerment, etc.
  2. The sex ratio must get increased by 71 i.e. the number of females per thousand males must get increased from 929 to 1000.

Try this: 

Question a.
Prepare bar graphs on the basis of the table given below and write a note. (Discuss in group about the issue of literacy in the country.)?
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 2
(A) Bar graph:
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 3

(B) Note:

  1. From the above bar diagram it can be seen that the literacy rate is found to be high in developed countries, moderate in developing countries and low in underdeveloped countries.
  2. In 2010, the literacy rate was 72.1°/e in India.
  3. In 2010, the literacy rate was 98.1% in Argentina and it was 38.1% in Afghanistan.
  4. Literacy rate is directly or indirectly related to quality of life, opportunities available and the freedom.

Can you tell? 

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 5

Study Figure is given and answer the following questions:

Question a.
Which are the most densely populated districts?
The most densely populated districts are:

  1. Mumbai City
  2. Mumbai Suburb
  3. Thane
  4. Pune
  5. Kolha5ur, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question b.
Name the sparsely populated districts with a density of less than 100 per sq. km.
The sparsely populated districts with a density of less than 100 sq. km:

  1. Gadchiroli
  2. Beed
  3. Osmanabad, etc.

Question c.
Name two districts with moderate population.
District with moderate population:

  1. Nashik
  2. Nagpur.

Question d.
What is the density of the dark shaded regions?
The density of the dark shaded regions is greater than 1000 person per sq. km.

Question e.
Why is the density of population less in Gadchiroli?
The density of population is less in Gadchiroli due to dense forests.

Question f.
Have a discussion in the class on the effect of physiography, climate, area under forest, industries, etc. on the density of population.
1. Physiography: The density of population is found to be high in plain areas. On the other hand, the density of population is found to be low in mountainous regions.

2. Climate: The density of population is found to be high in the areas with moderate temperature and moderate rainfall. On the other hand, the density of population is found to be low in the areas of extremely low or high temperature and extremely high or low rainfall.

3. Area under forest: The density of population is found to be high in the area where forest cover is limited. On the other hand, the density of population is found to be low in the area under dense forests.

4. Industries: The density of population is found to be high in industrially developed region. The density of population is found to be low in industrially backward: region.

Thought-Provoking Questions:

Can you tell? 

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 6

Study the table is given and answer the following questions:

Question a.
Which city has greater number of newly born children?
‘B’ City has greater number of newly born children.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question b.
Which city records greater number of deaths?
‘B’ City records greater number of deaths.

Question c.
Looking at the figures of in-migration and out-migration which city has received more migrants?
Looking at the figures of in-migration and out-migration, ‘A’ City has received more migrants. .

Question d.
Calculate the population of both the cities in 2017.
The population of ‘A’ City in 2017 is 121, 500 and of ‘B’ City in 2017 is 120, 550.

Question e.
After considering all the points, which city has recorded more growth of population in one year?
After considering all the points, ‘A’ City has recorded more growth of population in one year. .

Question f.
The total number of births are given. What would be this figure per thousand population? What is the term for this?
The total number of births are given. This figure would be 20 per thousand. The term for this is ‘Birth rate’.

Question g.
What would be the number of deaths per thousand population? What is the term used for this?
The number of deaths per thousand would be 25. The term used for this is ‘Death rate’.

Complete the following table:
(Note: The answer is given directly.)

Question a.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 7.1

State Population (2011) Area (Sq. Km) Density
1. Uttar Pradesh 19,98,12,341 2,40,926 829.35
2. Maharashtra 11,23,74,333 3,07,713 356.19
3. Tamil Nadu 7,26,26,809 1,30,058 558.41
4. Rajasthan 68,54,837 3,42,239 20.02
5. Manipur 27,21,756 22,327 121.90
6. Goa 14,58,545 3,702 393.98

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Think about it:

Question a.
Even though area wise Rajasthan is a large state, the population is less. Which geographical factors may be responsible for this?
The amount of rainfall is comparatively less in the state of Rajasthan. The Thar desert is located in the western part of the state of Rajasthan. Therefore, even though area wise Rajasthan is a large state, the population is less.

Can you tell? 

Question a.
Classify Male, Adolescent, Illiterate, Children, Unemployed, Infants, Literate, Rural, Working population, Urban, Female, Old, Young, Dependent population and Adult into the following categories:

  1. Sex
  2. Age
  3. Rural
  4. Urban
  5. Literacy
  6. Productive population.


  1. Sex: Male, Female
  2. Age: Adolescent, Children, Infants, Old, Young, Adult
  3. Rural: Rural
  4. Urban: Urban
  5. Literacy: Illiterate, Literate
  6. Productive population: Unemployed, Working population, Dependent population.

Can you tell? 

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 8

Study the figure and answer the following questions:

Question a.
What do you think are the reasons for the changing land use pattern of Mondha village?
Urbanisation and rise in population are the reasons for the changing land use pattern of Mondha village.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question b.
What kind of changes have taken place?
In Mondha village, the agricultural land use has decreased and the non-agricultural land use (i.e. commercial land use, residential land use) has increased.

Question c.
Due to this change in land use, do you think there has been a change in population? If yes, what is the change and why?
Due to this change in land use, there has been a change in population. The population of Mondha has increased due to the in-migration.

Can you tell?

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 8

Study the table showing percentage of immigrant population of various countries given on page 46 and answer the following questions:

Question a.
Which countries have less than 10% migrant population?
Afghanistan, Brazil, Bangladesh, India and Great Britain have less than 10% migrant population.

Question b.
Which are the countries with a migrant population of between 10% and 20%?
Germany and U.S.A. are the countries with a migrant population of between 10%
and 20%.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question c.
Which are the countries with a migrant population of more than 20%
Kuwait, Hong Kong, Oman and Saudi Arabia are the countries with a migrant population of more than 20%.

Question d.
Find the reasons behind the migrant population of more than 20%.
The reasons behind the migrant population of more than 20% are:

  1. Huge stock of mineral oil and other natural resources
  2. Availability of employment opportunities
  3. Great demand for labour in these countries.

Question c.
Draw pie diagrams for any two countries.
1. Kuwait: A pie diagram showing percentage of immigrant population for Kuwait is as follows:

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 12

2. Oman: A pie diagram showing percentage of immigrant population for Oman is as follows:

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 13

Question d.
Have a discussion on migration and development.
1. Out-migration leads to a shortage of manpower/labour supply. This in turn adversely affects the development of the region from where out-migration has occurred.
2. In-migration leads to increase in population of a region in which in-migration has occurred. This too, adversely affects the development of the respective region.
3. The migration up to certain extent increases the mobility of labourer and it boosts the development of a particular region.

Use your brainpower: 

Question a.
In India, 0.52 % of the population are migrants. What is the actual number of people who have migrated to India?
According to Census 2011, the population of India was nearly 121 crore. In India, 0. 52 % of the population are migrants. Thus, according to Census 2011, the actual number of people who have migrated to India is nearly 629,200.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Try this:

Question a.
Write a note on the Human Development Index. (HDI) of various countries on the basis of the following table:
HDI Rank wise Country Value of HDI Level of Development
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Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 11

  1. Norway ranks first in the world with respect to Human Development Index (HDI). The value of HDI for Norway is 0.949.
  2. The countries like Japan, United Kingdom, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany and Australia have the value of Human Development Index (HDI) more than 0.900. These countries show very high level of development.
  3. The countries like Sri Lanka, Brazil and China have the value of Human Development Index (HDI) between 0.700 and 0.800. These countries show high level of development.
  4. The countries like India, Bhutan and Pakistan have the value of Human Development Index (HDI) between 0.500 and 0.600. These countries show medium level of development.
  5.  The countries like Niger and Central African Republic have value of Human Development Index (HDI) between 0.300 and 0.400. These countries show less development.
  6. From the above table it can be seen that Human Development Index (HDI) is an indicator of development.
  7. Higher value (around 1) of Human Development Index indicates high level of development and lower value (around 0) of Human Development Index indicates low level of development.

Use your brain power:

Question a.
Discuss and write the advantages and disadvantages of low population or high population with reference to the following factors:
(Note: The answer is given directly.)
Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 14

Headings Low population High population
Per capita land availability Per capita land availability is comparatively more. Per capita land availability is comparatively less.
Foodgrains Food grains are available in plenty. There is shortage of food grains.
Resources Resources are available in plenty. There is strain on resources.
Per capita income Per capita income is comparatively high. Per capita income is comparatively low.
Basic amenities and facilities Basic amenities and facilities are available in sufficient quantity. There is strain on basic amenities and facilities.
Percentage of unproductive consumers Percentage of unproductive consumers is comparatively low. Percentage of unproductive consumers is comparatively high.
Planning Planning is comparatively more effective. Planning is comparatively less effective.
Employment More employment opportunities are available. Less employment opportunities are available.
Urbanisation The rate of urbanisation may be comparatively low. The rate of urbanisation may be comparatively high.
Health The quality of health may be comparatively high. The quality of health may be comparatively low.
Higher education The number of highly qualified people may be comparatively more. The number of highly qualified people may be comparatively low.
Social environment Social environment may be comparatively supportive and favourable. Social environment may be comparatively adverse and unfavourable.

Give it a try:

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population 17

Question a.
Since the past two centuries, the size of family is decreasing. But inspite of this the population of the country is increasing. Find out why is this happening.
1. Since the past two centuries, the death rate in India has reduced to a great extent. On the other hand, since the past two centuries, the birth rate in India has reduced negligibly. Therefore, since the past two centuries, the size of family is decreasing. But in spite of this the population of country is increasing.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Use your brain power:

Question a.
As per the population Census of 2011, the population of India is 121 crores. For domestic use, the per capita requirement per day is 50 litres of water. Taking this into account, what would be the total amount of water requirement in India for domestic purpose only.

  1. As per the Population Census of 2011, the population of India is. 121 crores?
  2. For domestic use, the per capita requirement per day is 50 litres of water.
  3. Taking this into account, the total amount of water requirement in India for domestic purpose only, will be nearly 6050 crores litre.

Open-Ended Questions:

Question a.
What are the problems in areas of high population distribution?
The following are the problems in areas of high population distribution:

  1. Increased level of water, air, sound and soil pollution.
  2. Traffic jam
  3. Shortage of residential areas
  4. Increased criminal tendencies, etc.

Question b.
What are the problems in areas of low population densities?
The following are the problems in areas of low population densities:

  1. Shortage of labour supply
  2. Low levels of demand for various goods and services
  3. Under utilization of resources, etc.

Give it a try:

Question a.
How do imbalanced sex ratios affect the society?
Imbalanced sex ratios affect the society as follows:

  1. Increased problems in society, workplace, etc.
  2. Increased crimes against women.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Population

Question b.
What measures can be taken to strike a balance in the sex ratio?
The following measures can be taken to strike a balance in the sex ratio:

  1. Increasing literacy rate of females.
  2. Increasing employment opportunities for women.
  3. Eradicating evil social customs.
  4. Launching government schemes of women empowerment.