Maharashtra Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1 Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Choose the correct option by identifying the correct correlation in the sentences.

Question 1.
…………… continent has the least population.
(a) Europe
(b) North America
(c) Australia
(d) Africa
(c) Australia

Question 2.
………………. continent has the largest population.
(a) Europe
(b) North America
(c) Asia
(d) Africa
(c) Asia

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Question 3.
…………………. continent has the largest land mass in the world.
(a) North America
(b) South America
(c) Asia
(d) Australia
(c) Asia

Question 4.
……………… continent has the smallest land mass in the world.
(a) Australia
(b) Europe
(c) North America
(d) Africa
(a) Australia

Question 5.
…………………. continent has the most landmass as well as most of the population.
(a) North America
(b) Asia
(c) Africa
(d) Australia
(b) Asia

Question 6.
…………….. continent has the least landmass and also least population.
(a) South America
(b) North America
(c) Australia
(d) Europe
(c) Australia

Question 7.
…………………. country has the largest population in the world.
(a) India
(b) China
(c) USA
(d) Australia
(b) China

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Question 8.
……………….. country has the second largest population in the world.
(a) China
(b) USA
(c) India
(d) Brazil
(c) India

Question 9.
The crude birth rate per thousand in India is ………………..
(a) 46
(b) 12
(c) 12
(d) 18
(d) 18

Question 10.
The crude death rate per thousand in India ………………..
(a) 9
(b) 11
(c) 7
(d) 8
(c) 7

Complete the chain.

Question 1.

(1) Asia(1) 28.50% of the world landmass(1) 18.09% of the world population
(2) Europe(2) 5.90% of the world landmass(2) 0.55% of the world population
(3) Australia(3) 6.80% of the world landmass(3) 4.75% of the world population
(4) North and South America(4) 29.20% of the world landmass(4) 59.65% of the world population


(1) Asia(1) 29.20% of the world landmass(1) 59.65% of the world population
(2) Europe(2) 6.80% of the world landmass(2) 4.75% of the world population
(3) Australia(3) 5.90% of the world landmass(3) 0.55% of the world population
(4) North and South America(4) 28.50% of the world landmass(4) 18.09% of the world population

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Question 2.

(1) India(1) 171 lakh sq. km(1) 1073 persons per sq. km
(2) USA(2) 105 lakh sq. km(2) 411 persons per sq. km
(3) Bangladesh(3) 95.3 lakh sq. km(3) 34 persons per sq. km
(4) Russia(4) 321 lakh sq. km(4) 8.5 persons per sq. km


(1) India(1) 32.9 lakh sq. km(1) 411 persons per sq. km
(2) USA(2) 95.3 lakh sq. km(2) 34 persons per sq. km
(3) Bangladesh(3) 1.5 lakh sq. km(3) 1073 persons per sq. km
(4) Russia(4) 171 lakh sq. km(4) 8.5 persons per sq. km

Question 3.

(1) Mountains(1) Siberia(1) High density of population
(2) Climate(2) Odd physical conditions(2) Government promote to shift people
(3) Mining(3) Mediterranean(3) Equable climate
(4) Government(4) Dehradun(4) High cost minerals attract people


(1) Mountains(1) Dehradun(1) High density of population
(2) Climate(2) Mediterranean(2) Equable climate
(3) Mining(3) Odd physical conditions(3) High cost minerals attract people
(4) Government(4) Siberia(4) Government promote to shift people

Question 4.

(1) Stage 1(1) Birth rate is not less than death rate but it is almost the same(1) China
(2) Stage 2(2) Birth rates and death rates are also decreasing(2) USA
(3) Stage 3(3) Birth rate and death rates are high, population growth is stable(3) No country in this category
(4) Stage 4(4) Reduction in death rates and birth rates are constant(4) Population explosion


(1) Stage 1(1) Birth rate and death rates are high, population growth is stable(1) No country in this category
(2) Stage 2(2) Reduction in death rates and birth rates are constant(2) Population explosion
(3) Stage 3(3) Birth rates and death rates are also decreasing(3) China
(4) Stage 4(4) Birth rate is not less than death rate but it are almost the same(4) USA

Identify the incorrect factor.

Question 1.
Continents which have least population.
(a) South America
(b) Asia
(c) Australia
(d) Africa
(b) Asia

Question 2.
Continents which have large population.
(a) Europe
(b) North America
(c) Asia
(d) Africa
(d) Africa

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Question 3.
Physical factors affecting population distribution.
(a) Relief
(b) Climate
(c) Soil
(d) Transportation
(d) Transportation

Question 4.
Human factors affecting population distribution.
(a) Agriculture
(b) Availability of water
(c) Urbanisation
(d) Transportation
(b) Availability of water

Question 5.
Sparsely populated regions in the world.
(a) Snow covered regions
(b) Hot deserts
(c) Coastal regions
(d) Mountainous and hilly regions
(c) Coastal regions

Question 6.
Densely populated regions of the world.
(a) Hot deserts
(b) Coastal plains
(c) Flat plains
(d) Flood plains
(a) Hot deserts

Question 7.
Countries which have large population in the world.
(a) India
(b) China
(c) USA
(d) Australia
(d) Australia

Question 8.
Countries which have low population in the world.
(a) China
(b) Australia
(c) Brazil
(d) Rumania
(a) China

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Question 9.
Countries which have crude birth rate more than 10 in the year 2017.
(a) Sweden
(b) China
(c) USA
(d) Greece
(d) Greece

Question 10.
Countries which have crude death rate less than 10 in the year 2017.
(a) Sweden
(b) Greece
(c) India
(d) China
(b) Greece

Complete the following as per instructions.

Question 1.
Arrange the following continents on the basis of area in percentage in ascending order. Antarctica, Europe, North America, Asia, Australia
Australia, Europe, Antarctica, North America, Asia

Question 2.
Arrange the following continents on the basis of area in the percentage in descending order.
Australia, Asia, North America, Antarctica, Europe
Asia, North America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia

Question 3.
Arrange the following continents on the basis of population in percentage in descending order.
North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica
Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Question 4.
Arrange the following continents on the basis of population in percentage in ascending order.
Australia, Antarctica, Asia, Africa, North America, South America
Antarctica, Australia, South America, North America, Africa, Asia.

Question 5.
Arrange the following countries on the basis of population in crores in descending order.
India, Pakistan, USA, Russia, China
China, India, USA, Pakistan, Russia

Question 6.
Arrange the following countries on the basis of population in crores in ascending order.
Russia, China, Mexico, India, Brazil
Mexico, Russia, Brazil, India, China

Question 7.
Arrange the following countries in descending order on the basis of birth rate in the year 2017.
USA, Greece, China, India, Niger
Niger, India, China, USA, Greece

Question 8.
Arrange the following countries in ascending order on the basis of birth rate in the year 2017.
USA, Greece, China, India, Niger
Greece, USA, China, India, Niger

Question 9.
Arrange the following countries in descending order on the basis of death rate in the year 2017.
China, India Greece, USA, Sweden
Greece, Sweden, USA, India, China

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Question 10.
Arrange the following countries in ascending order on the basis of death rate in the year 2017.
China, India, Greece, USA, Sweden
China, India, USA, Sweden, Greece

Write short notes on.

Question 1.
Impact of climate on distribution of population.

  • Climate is the most important factor of all the factors influencing the distribution of population.
  • Areas of extreme climate like too hot, too cold, too humid, too dry and region of very heavy rainfall are not comfortable for inhabitation of people. Such areas are sparsely populated.
  • For example, polar regions where Eskimo and Lapps live are sparsely populated due to extreme cold climate. Sahara Desert is sparsely populated due to extreme hot climate.
  • On the other hand, areas with equable climate, that is climate with not much seasonal variation attract people. People feel comfortable to stay in these areas.
  • For example, coastal areas have dense population because of equable climate and wide scope for the development of agriculture, industries and trade.

Question 2.
Impact of transportation on distribution of population.
1. Availability of transport facilities is also an important human factor which affect the distribution of population in

2. Roads and railways are two important means of transportation. They increase accessibility to the region and provide facilities for the movement of people goods. Thus, developing trade and generating employment opportunities. Hence, population in such areas increases.

3. For example, density of roads and railways is very high in Uttar Pradesh and therefore it is one of the most densely populated state of India.

4. In some areas due to growth of sea transport, development of port cities and trade takes place. There is also an increase in the transport facilities connecting to the surrounding areas. Therefore, population in coastal areas increases. For example, port cities on eastern and western coastal of India are densely populated.

5. On the other hand, due to lack of transport facilities areas become inaccessible, movement of goods and people become costly and require more time and hence such areas are thinly populated.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Question 3.
Impact of mining on distribution of population.

  • Minerals are important raw materials in the development of industries.
  • Therefore, industries develop where good quality minerals are available. Mining and industries generate employment for large number of people and hence skilled and semi¬skilled labourers attract to such regions and mining areas become densely populated.
  • For example, Richest mineralised zone of India – Chota Nagpur region, Ruhr region of Germany (due to coal and iron mines) are densely populated.
  • In some country’s valuable minerals like gold, silver, copper are mined. In such areas in spite of adverse climate and relief minerals are extracted. Also, the region around the mines are densely populated.
  • For example, gold producing areas in Africa, mineral oil mines in the deserts of south-west Asia.

Question 4.
Stage 5 of Demographic Transition Theory.

  • Stage 5 in Demographic Transition Theory is the last stage.
  • In this stage the birth rate is very low and death rate is high. Therefore, the growth of population is slow or negative growth of population is seen.
  • Due to large number of old people the death rate is high and due to a smaller number of young people birth rate is low.
  • Tertiary activities are more developed and they contribute more to the economy.
  • The standard of living of people is high, economic condition of the country is good.
  • In this stage government provides high quality educational and medical facilities.
  • Overall people are happy due to healthy environment and comfortable life.
  • For example, Norway, Sweden, Finland are in this stage.

Question 5.
Population characteristics in Stage 1 and Stage 2 in Demographic Transition theory

Stage 1Stage 2
(i) Both birth rates and death rates are high.(i) Birth rates are constant and death rates are declining.
(ii) Population growth is stable.(ii) Population grows rapidly.
(iii) Low sanitation, high occurrence of contagious diseases.(iii) Efforts are made to control and combat diseases.
(iv) Due to lack of medical facilities and malnutrition mortality rate is high.(iv) Reduction in mortality rate.
(v) People depend on agriculture and other primary activities.(v) Secondary activities and transport developed
(vi) No country falls in this category.(vi) Most of the developing countries fall in this category.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Question 6.
Population composition and Population structure

Population compositionPopulation structure
(i) Population composition covers all the characteristics of population that can be measured.(i) Composition of population gives idea about the structure of population.
(ii) On the basis of composition, we can classify and understand it’s characteristics.(ii) Population structure gives idea about dependency ratio and its impact on economy of the country.
(iii) Examples of population composition are age structure, sex ratio, literacy rate, occupational structure etc.(iii) For example, age composition gives idea about percentage of young, adult and old age population.

Question 7.
Population characteristics in Stage 4 and Stage 5 in Demographic Transition Theory.

Stage 4Stage 5
(i) Improvement in the economic status of the citizens.(i) High economic status of the citizens of the country.
(ii) Secondary and tertiary occupations have higher share than primary occupations.(ii) Tertiary occupation contribute most towards the economy.
(iii) Population growth is almost minimal.(iii) Population may reduce because of lower birth rate than death rate.
(iv) USA is passing through this stage.(iv) Sweden and Finland population are in this stage.

Question 8.
Early expanding stage and Late expanding stage

Early expanding stageLate expanding stage
(i) Birth rates continue to remain constant.(i) Death rates continue to decrease. Birth rates are also decreasing.
(ii) Population grows rapidly.(ii) Rate of growth of population reduces.
(iii) Agricultural and industrial production increases.(iii) Rise in technological growth and expansion of secondary and tertiary activities.
(iv) For e.g., Uganda, Congo, Bangladesh, Niger etc.(iv) For e.g., China.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Geography Important Questions Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Answer the following questions in detail.

Question 1.
Explain the human factors affecting distribution of population.
Important human factors affecting distribution of population are
(i) Agriculture
(ii) Mining
(iii) Transportation
(iv) Urbanisation
(v) Government policy

(i) Agriculture

  • Due to use of fertilizers and irrigation facilities, agricultural production increases and it supports large number of people.
  • The method of cultivation, crops grown, types of agriculture and specialisation in particular crop are the other factors that affects the distribution of population.

(ii) Mining

  • Minerals are the important raw materials for the development of industries.
  • Industries develop in mineral rich areas and generate employment for skilled and unskilled labour. People are attracted in such areas and thus density of population increases.
  • For example, richest mineralised zone of India – Chota Nagpur region in India is densely populated.

(iii) Transportation

  • Regions having well developed network of transportation facilities are densely populated.
  • Transportation network increases accessibility and helps to develop industries and generate employment and increases density of population.
  • On the other hand, the areas where transport facilities are not developed, movement of goods and people become difficult and time consuming and therefore density of population is less.

(iv) Urbanisation

  • Due to the development of industries, there is growth of towns and cities.
  • In cities transportation, trade and other tertiary activities develop on large scale to fulfil the needs of increasing population.
  • People are attracted to city areas due to better employment opportunities, educational and medical facilities, development of means of transport and communication and thus population goes on increasing. For e.g. Mumbai, London, Tokyo, New York.

(v) Government policy

  • There is direct effect of government policies on density and distribution of population.
  • Sometimes the government encourages people to settle in certain areas to reduce the pressure of population in certain cities. The government provides incentives to attract people.
  • For example, to reduce overcrowding in Mumbai city, government provided land, water, and power at concessional rate in New Mumbai area.