Maharashtra Board Class 12 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 7 First Aid in Mental Health

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 7 First Aid in Mental Health Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Psychology Important Questions Chapter 7 First Aid in Mental Health

Choose the correct option and complete the following statements.

Question 1.
According to the NIMHANS study (2014-2016) about …………………. of the population suffers from common mental disorders.
(a) 10%
(b) 13%
(c) 25%
(a) 10%

Question 2.
The Indian city that obtained an International license in 2017 to carry out the standard MHFA programme across India is ………………
(a) New Delhi
(b) Bengaluru
(c) Chennai
(c) Chennai

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 7 First Aid in Mental Health

Question 3.
If early signs of mental illness are recognized, it can assist the individual to get help. This is known as …………………
(a) diagnosis
(b) early intervention
(c) rehabilitation
(b) early intervention

Question 4.
Imbalance of certain in the brain may be a factor in anxiety.
(a) neurotransmitters
(b) fluids
(c) organs
(a) neurotransmitters

Match the pairs.

Question 1.

Group AGroup B
(1) Anthony Jorm(a) technology related mental health issues
(2) Traumatic events(b) depression
(3) SHUT clinic in NIMHANS(c) co-founder of MHFA programme
(4) Red flag in internet usage(d) social phobia
(5) Feeling of worthlessness(e) anxiety
(f) craving and compulsion


Group AGroup B
(1) Anthony Jorm(c) co-founder of MHFA programme
(2) Traumatic events(e) anxiety
(3) SHUT clinic in NIMHANS(a) technology related mental health issues
(4) Red flag in internet usage(f) craving and compulsion
(5) Feeling of worthlessness(b) depression

State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 1.
There is a stigma attached to mental illness.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 7 First Aid in Mental Health

Question 2.
Mental illness is caused due to supernatural forces.

Question 3.
Mental illness usually does not develop ‘out of the blue’.

Question 4.
Relapse prevention is important in Mental Health First Aid.

Question 5.
Any anxiety experienced by a person is a cause for concern.

Question 6.
DSM-5 considers behaviour addictions as a mental disorder.

Answer the following in one sentence each.

Question 1.
What is the assumption of First Aid in Mental Health?
The assumption of First Aid in Mental Health is the concept of ‘prevention is better than cure’.

Question 2.
What are some non-medical explanations for mental illness?
Some non-medical explanations for mental illness are based on myths and superstitions that such behaviour is due to evil spirits and black magic.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 7 First Aid in Mental Health

Question 3.
Who developed the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) programme?
Betty Kitchener and Antony Jorm originally developed the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) programme.

Question 4.
What is the objective of MHFA?
MHFA is an internationally recognized training programme whose objective is to teach people how to identify the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and to provide assistance on a first aid basis.

Question 5.
What is the rationale of SHUT clinics by NIMHANS?
NIMHANS (Bengaluru) has begun the Service for Healthy Use of Technology (SHUT) to deal exclusively with mental health issues that are technology related.

Answer the following questions in 35 – 40 words each.

Question 1.
What are the main hurdles to receiving treatment in case of mental illness?
The main hurdles in receiving treatment for poor mental health are-

  1. Lack of knowledge and awareness.
  2. Stigma attached to mental illness due to which treatment is discontinued.
  3. High cost of treatment.
  4. Reliance on non-medical explanations for mental illness, for e.g., evil spirits.
  5. Shortage of trained mental health professionals.
  6. Slow improvement in the behaviour due to which treatment is discontinued.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 7 First Aid in Mental Health

Question 2.
What are the self help strategies in Mental Health First Aid?
Self help strategies are tasks that help to increase our resources to deal with stress and to maintain mental health. MHFA is an internationally recognized training programme whose objective is to teach people how to identify the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and to provide assistance on a first aid basis.

  1. Physical activity and exercise like playing a sport, jogging, yoga, etc.
  2. Cultivate a hobby or engage in an enjoyable activity.
  3. Sleep hygiene, i.e., 7 to 8 hours of sleep with a proper routine.
  4. Reduce digital involvement, i.e., disconnect everyday for some time from gadgets.
  5. Build social support and spend time with friends / family.

Question 3.
Enumerate behavioural changes noticed in persons suffering from depression.
Individuals who experience depression, commonly have a negative thinking style and feel worthless and helpless. A number of changes are noticed in their behaviour such as-

  1. Complaining of feeling tired or sleepy all the time
  2. avoiding family and friends and spending much time alone
  3. remaining sad and forgetful
  4. bunking class or performing poorly in exams and having difficulty in concentrating.

Question 4.
What are the ‘red flags’ that indicate over dependence on the internet?
Signs that help to identify individuals who show deviance or distress and require help in mental health are called red flags.
The ‘red flags’ that indicate over dependence on internet are-

  1. Feelings of euphoria while using the internet.
  2. Physical symptoms like headache, dry eyes, etc.
  3. Inability to keep to schedules and boredom with routine tasks.
  4. Poor personal hygiene and nutrition to remain online.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 7 First Aid in Mental Health

Write short notes in 50 – 60 words each.

Question 1.
First Aid in Mental Health.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognized training programme designed to teach people how to identify the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and to provide assistance on a first aid basis. MHFA was originally developed by Betty Kitchener and Anthony Jorm.

First Aid in Mental Health is a concept based on the idea of ‘prevention is better than cure’. It teaches one how to identify understand and respond to signs of mental illness as well as substance use disorders. Through role playing and simulations, MHFA demonstrates how to assess a mental health crisis, select interventions, provide initial help and connect the person to self-help resources, social support or professional aid if needed.

If the early signs of mental illness are recognized, it can help in the following ways.

  1. Diagnosis – timely diagnosis at the onset of mental illness helps to prevent it from developing into a more severe form.
  2. Intervention – early intervention helps to get professional help.
  3. Relapse prevention – it prevent reoccurrence of symptom of the mental illness.

Question 2.
Self help strategies in Mental Health First Aid.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) programme was developed by Betty Kitchener and Anthony Jorm. It is designed to identify the signs and symptoms of mental health and to provide assistance on a first aid basis.
Self help strategies are not luxuries but rather essential things that can be incorporated in your life.

  1. Sleep hygiene – Ensuring that you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. You should try to maintain the same schedule, that is go to sleep every night at the same time and wake up at the same time every day. This will help set a routine and improve your well-being
  2. Reduce screen time and digital involvement – You should disconnect everyday for some time from your gadgets. Try to set a time limit for the number of hours you will surf the internet each day.
  3. Physical activity – Try to add some physical activity in your day to day schedule. This can be playing a sport or just going for a walk every day.
  4. Engage in activity that you enjoy doing, cultivate hobbies – This can be any activity like reading a book or listening to your favourite song.
  5. Build and maintain Social Support – Meeting and spending time with your friends and family. Participating in social gatherings.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 7 First Aid in Mental Health

Question 3.
5-4-3-2-1 relaxation technique.
There are certain times when you feel tense or anxious. One strategy that we can use to help us calm down is the 5-4-3-2-1 technique. This is a simple technique that you can use whenever you are feeling overwhelmed by the situation and need to relax. First take a few deep breaths and then follow the below instructions.

  1. Think of 5 things that you can see around you. For example, a pen, book etc.
  2. Think of 4 things that you can touch around you. For example, your hair, the ground under your feet etc
  3. Think of 3 things that you can hear around you. For example, the sound of traffic, sound of people who are talking around you etc.
  4. Think of 2 things that you can smell around you. For example, the scent of soap from your hands, the fragrance of your deodorant etc
  5. Think of 1 thing that you can taste. For example the taste of the last meal that you had etc. Performing this exercise will help you focus on the present and stop worrying.

Question 4.
Behavioural changes in persons suffering from anxiety.
Anxiety refers to a condition in which the person feels worried/tense and uneasy for a long time for no obvious reasons. Symptoms of anxiety include nervousness, restlessness, feelings of danger, etc.
Individuals who are anxious may-

  1. Not want to go to college or work.
  2. Complain repeatedly of various physiological problems.
  3. Get irritated while interacting with their friends or family.
  4. Spend lot of time worrying about how they look.
  5. Be extremely quiet in the class or at work and get scared of asking questions to the teachers or colleagues.
  6. Sometimes ask the same questions repeatedly.
  7. They visibly show the physical symptoms of anxiety like sweating or excessive body movements.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 7 First Aid in Mental Health

Question 5.
Four C’s to identify excessive internet usage.
Excessive internet usage is characterised by extensive, problematic addiction to the use of computer and internet. It signifies poorly controlled preoccupations or behaviour regarding such usage. Excessive internet usage leads to personal distress and social impairment.
The four C’s to identify excessive internet usage are as follows-

  1. Craving – Do you have an intense desire to use the internet?
  2. Control – Do you have an inability to control your self using the internet?
  3. Compulsion – Do you find it difficult to stop using the internet? Even though you know you should not spend so much time on it?
  4. Consequence – Have you ever experienced any physical or psychological ill effects as a result of excessive use of the internet?

If you answer a ‘yes’ for at least three of the C’s, it can be a matter of concern.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 7 First Aid in Mental Health

Question 6.
Over-dependence on internet.
The amount of time as well as reason for using the internet may become a matter of concern for e.g., online gambling, gaming, etc. The person may socialise more online with friends than real life socialising. Spending excess time online may cause the person to neglect family, relationships, work etc. Virtual world enables games/gambling almost continuously.

This leads to the person neglecting personal hygiene, real life relationships and become withdrawn and irresponsible. The person may feel guilty or defensive about internet use. He/she may panic in the absence of internet service. A growing dependence on internet refers to an inability to stop and down down.