Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight Textbook Questions and Answers

warming up!


Question 1.
Did you like to hear bedtime stories when you were a child?
Points: Yes, very much-crazy for hearing-got into the habit.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question 2.
Who usually told you the stories?
Points: Mostly grandmother or grandfather-mother, father, old servant.

Question 3.
Why did you like them?
Points: Because of simple, interesting, amusing narration-teaching lessons of life-sometimes very funny.

Question 4.
Do you still like to hear those stories again?
Points: Yes, sure-everlasting excitement- attraction-inspire reading more stories.

1. Discuss in groups about the procedure of planting a tree. Write the steps in bullet points and present them before the class.

Question 1.
Discuss in groups about the procedure of planting a tree. Write the steps in bullet points and present them before the class.

  • Choosing good seeds of plants.
  • Digging in the ground/garden
  • Putting seeds in the loose soil
  • Add manure
  • Fill in the pit/hole
  • Water it.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

2. Discuss in pairs and write what your father and mother do for your family.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight 1

Question 1.
Discuss in pairs and write what your father and mother do for your family.

Works hard to earn moneyCooks food and feeds the family.
Performs duties as the head of the familyTakes utmost care of the children and family.
Guides in children’s problems.Keeps the house clean and tidy.
Role model of the all family members.Brings up children with love and compassion.
Decides the ways of children’s life/careers.Looks after children’s education/career.
Takes most of the decisions for the well-being of the family.Sometimes takes a job to meet the expenses.

English Workshop:

1. Complete the following sentences with the help of the poem.

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences with the help of the poem.
(a) The child wants to sow small moons of light from ………….. .
(b) According to the child the route of his village is tough and full of ………….. .
(c) The child wants a basketful of moonlight on ………….. .
(d) The child wants to light the dark route so that his ………….. .
(a) The child wants to sow moons of light from the city to his village on the sides of the path.
(b) According to the child, the route of his village is tough and full of snakes and scorpions.
(c) Thechild wants a basketful of moonlight on loan.
(d) The child wants to light the dark route so that his father returns early.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

2. Write down the describing words used for the following nouns.

Question 1.
Write down the describing words used for the following nouns.

  1. ………… moons
  2. ………… route
  3. ………… village
  4. ………… morning


  1. small moons
  2. tough route
  3. my/whole village
  4. early morning

3. The child in the poem wants to solve the problems of his vifiage. How can the child solve them with the following wishes? Answer in your notebook.

Question a.
Give me moonlight, basketful or two baskets full, with seeds of moonlight.
He can seek help of local people and urge the government or local bodies to provide lights on the roads from the city to his village.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question b.
I want to light the dark route so that my father returns early.
He can, with the help of villagers/government, build good roads and make the roads safe so that his father and other villagers can return safe and early to their village.

4. Pick out and write the lines from the poem that prove the following.
(a) Father reaches home late, after dark. …………………..
(b) Eager to hear fairy tales from his father. ………………….
(c) Remove darkness and bring light among the darker paths. …………

Question a.
Father reaches home late, after dark.
When my father returns home, I am asleep.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question b.
Eager to hear fairy tales from his father.
I too want to hear fairy tales and stories from him.

Question c.
Remove darkness and bring light among the darker paths.
I want to light the dark route so that my father returns early.

5. Write as many words as you can, using – ‘ful’ as suffix.

For example basketful, ……………………… bucketful, ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………

Question 1.
Write as many words as you can, using – ‘ful’ as suffix.
For example basketful, ……………………… bucketful, ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
basketful – bucketful – handful – spoonful – colourful – sackful – bagful – potful

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

6. Pick out the examples of Alliteration and Repeiltion from the poem.

Question 1.
Pick out the examples of Alliteration and Repeiltion from the poem.
1. Alliteration:

  • O moon, give me a basketful of moonlight on loan.
  • I want to sow seeds of moon on the sides of the path.

2. Repetition: No repetition in these stanzas.

7. Write an appreciation of the poem. (Refer to Page 5.)

Question 1.
Write an appreciation of the poem. (Refer to Page 5.)

  1. Title: The title of the poem is “Basketful of Moonlight.”
  2. The name of the Poet: The name of the poet is Sunil Sharma.
  3. Rhyme scheme: There is no rhyme scheme in this poem. This a poem is in ‘free verse.’
  4. Figure of Speech: Repetition, alliteration, apostrophy.
  5. Theme/Central Idea: The central idea of the poem is the loneliness of a child in a remote village untouched by modern amenities.
  6. The child is too far from the modern urban life that even his remedy for the plight of his villagers seems quite innocent and plain.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

8. Write an imaginary letter to the moon, to convey your feelings about it. Discuss about it with your partner and draft the letter using the poem as a basis for the letter.
Supporting points:
(a) Sign of beauty
(b) Symbol of joy
(c) Infinite pleasure
(d) Urge to compose poems/songs/music

Question 1.
Write an imaginary letter to the moon, to convey your feelings about it. Discuss about it with your partner and draft the letter using the poem as a basis for the letter.
Supporting points:
(a) Sign of beauty
(b) Symbol of joy
(c) Infinite pleasure
(d) Urge to compose poems/songs/music

A Letter to the Moon

Atul More,
Gavali Pada,
17th August, 2020.
Dear Chandamama,
How we love you!
Dear, you are the symbol of love and beauty not only for children like us but also for the grown¬ups. You are the one who looks after all the living ‘ things on the earth and gives joy to all of them. Looking at you gives us a great heavenly joy. Your cool light gives us comfort and soothes our body and soul.

Your cool light guides the travellers at night and gives infinite pleasure of walking in the serenely: beautiful light. Mothers sing your songs to make children sleep. Your beauty inspires poets and musicians to compose songs.

Without your presence, who will write lullabies for us, your dear children? Who will write romantic poems without your presence? Chandamama, be with us all the time to fill our hearts with your beauty, love and pleasant appearance.
With Basketful of Love,
Your loving nephew,
Atul More

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

9. Discuss with your friend/brother/sister/your classmate and write your list of wishes to make your village town city people happy.
You can use the following words.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight 3

Question 1.
Discuss with your friend/brother/sister/your classmate and write your list of wishes to make your village town city people happy.
You can use the following words.

  1. To provide all modern facilities like electricity, good roads, water supply, etc. to villagers living in remote areas.
  2. To improve the conditions of poor farmers with aids, funds and full support during drought.
  3. To eradicate poverty, ignorance and illiteracy.
  4. To keep their surroundings clean and healthy.
  5. To fight against injustice, corruption and terrorism.
  6. To maintain peace and order in the society.
  7. To remove their beliefs in superstitions.
  8. To make them aware of their sense of duty.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

10. Let’s compose imaginary poetic lines.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight 4

Question 1.
Let’s compose imaginary poetic lines.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight 5

My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight Additional Important Questions and Answers

Read the extract and do the activities:

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Complete the following lines with the help of the poem:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. The poet wants to sow many small moons of light.
  2. The whole village goes to the city daily to work.
  3. It becomes dark on its way back as his village is quite far.
  4. When the poet’s father returns home he is asleep.

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What does the poet wish to get from the moon and why?
The poet wishes to get basketful or two baskets of moon-light from the moon so that he can sow the seeds of moonlight to light the dark path from the city to his village.

Question 2.
Why is the road from the city to the village dangerous?
The road from the city to the village is dangerous because it is dark, tough and full of snakes and scorpions.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question 3.
Choose from the options, appropriate message in the poem:
(a) Bring light to the villages.
(b) Help his father to reach home early.
(c) Listen fairy tales from his father.
(d) Remove darkness and bring light along the darker paths.
(a) Bring light to the villages.

Question 4.
Pick out and write the lines from the poem that prove the following:

b. The path from city to village is having many difficulties.
The route is tough and full of snakes and scorpions.

Question 5.
What does deliberate repetition of lines ‘O moon, give me moonlight, basketful of moonlight’ signify?
The repetition of lines emphasises the intense desire of the child to light the dark route from city to his village with a lot of moonlight. The lines tell us that the child is repeatedly requesting the moon to give him basketful of moonlight because he is in a state of agitation and anxiety. The lines show the child’s intensity and eagerness to free his villagers from their sufferings of dark paths.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question 6.
Tell what is implied in the following lines:
I want to light the dark route so that my father returns early.
Complete the web:
(Answer is directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight 2

Activities based on Poetic Device:

Question 1.
Pick out the examples of alliteration and repetition:
1. Alliteration: O moon, give me moonlight, basketful or two baskets full’,
2. Repetition: ‘I want to sow many, small small moons of light,’

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question 2.
Write rhyming words for the following from the extract:

  1. Pack
  2. deeds
  3. any
  4. pity


  1. Pack-back
  2. deeds-seeds
  3. any-many
  4. pity-city

Question 3.
Give your own rhyming words for the following:
1. dark
2. sow
1. dark – park
2. sow – bow.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Vocabulary Focus:

Question 1.
Write down from the extract the describing words used for the following nouns:

  1. …………… baskets
  2. ……………. route
  3. …………….. tales


  1. two baskets
  2. dark route
  3. fairy tales