Maharashtra Board 12th OCM Important Questions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th OCM Important Questions Chapter 1 Principles of Management Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce OCM Important Questions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Select the correct options and rewrite the sentences

Question 1.
Technique of study of ………………. concentrates on the body movements of the worker.
(a) Motion
(b) Time
(c) Organization
(a) Motion

Maharashtra Board 12th OCM Important Questions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Question 2.
14 principles of management are developed by ………………
(a) F. W. Taylor
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) Peter Drucker
(b) Henry Fayol

Question 3.
Management principles influence ……………..
(a) human behaviour
(b) organization
(c) government
(a) human behaviour

Question 4.
Management principles are …………….. in nature.
(a) constant
(b) universal
(c) limited
(b) universal

Question 5.
Management principles establish ……………….. relationship.
(a) social
(b) legal
(c) cause and effect
(c) cause and effect

Question 6.
‘One-plan-one head’ is stated in ……………….
(a) Principle of Direction
(b) Principle of Unity of Command
(c) Scalar Chain
(a) Principle of Direction

Question 7.
Principle that focuses on complete change in the attitude of the employees is known as the Principles of …………………
(a) Attitude Change
(b) Scientific Management
(c) Mental Revolution
(c) Mental Revolution

Match the pairs

Question 1.

Group AGroup B
(A) Division of work(1) Direct communication
(B) Authority(2) Adhering to rules
(C) Fair  remuneration(3) Specialisation
(D) Discipline(4) Long chain of communication
(E) Gang Plank(5) Right wages to the employees
(6) Responsibility
(7) No confidence in management policies
(8) Allotting work to any employee
(9) Exploitation of workers
(10) Misuse of power


Group AGroup B
(A) Division of work(3) Specialisation
(B) Authority(6) Responsibility
(C) Fair  remuneration(5) Right wages to the employees
(D) Discipline(2) Adhering to rules
(E) Gang Plank(1) Direct communication

Maharashtra Board 12th OCM Important Questions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Give one word/phrase/term for the following statements

Question 1.
Father of Scientific Management.
Fredrick Winslow Taylor

Question 2.
The principle of management which says unity is strength.
Principle of Esprit de corps

Question 3.
The principle of management explaining about fair payment to workers.
Principle of Remuneration

Question 4.
The statements which disclose fundamental truth of management.
Principle of Management

Question 5.
Principle of management which states that there should be balance between the authority and responsibility.
Principle of Authority and Responsibility

Question 6.
Principle of management which states that every employee should receive orders and instructions from one boss only.
Principle of Unity of Command.

State whether the following statements are True or False

Question 1.
Management principles are applicable to all types of organisation.

Question 2.
Employees can be motivated by following the principle of fair remuneration.

Maharashtra Board 12th OCM Important Questions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Question 3.
The goal of organisation must not be sacrificed for individual goal.

Question 4.
F. W. Taylor recommended total six foremen to control the various aspects of production.

Find the odd one

Question 1.
Principle of Unity of Direction, Principle of Centralisation, Principle of Order, Time Study.
Time Study

Question 2.
Standardisation of tools and equipment, Science – not rule of thumb, Mental Revolution, Division of Responsibility.
Standardisation of tools and equipment

Question 3.
Scientific task setting, Scientific selection and training. Principle of Stability of Tenure, Differential Piece – Rate Wage Plan.
Principle of stability of tenure

Justify the following statements

Question 1.
Principles of management improve the efficiency of employees.
(1) Principles of management if used and applied by the organisation in right direction, they help to improve understanding and the overall efficiency of the employees. Principles of management advocate planned activities and : systematic organisation of men, materials, methods, machinery, etc. which in turn help to improve and increase the efficiency of employees.

(2) Principles of management guide the managers about handling the human resource, reducing the wastage, co-ordinating the activities of different departments, etc. This helps to improve the productivity in the organisation and consequently efficiency of employees. Principles of management also help to develop the objective approach.

(3) Application and use of principles of management leads to specialisation, increased productivity and efficiency. It boosts the morale of employees. These principles help to co-ordinate and control various activities of the organisation and also motivate the employees to perform more efficiently and effectively.

(4) Principle of fair remuneration indicates the management to pay adequate wages and other incentives to the employees. This goes a long way to increase the morale of employees who in turn would put their best efforts to perform their duties more efficiently. Principles of management also help to understand social responsibilities and to carry out research and development activities to improve the efficiency of employees.

Maharashtra Board 12th OCM Important Questions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Question 2.
Principles of management are applicable to all types of organisations.
(1) Principles of management are the statements of fundamental truth which act as guidelines for managerial decision-making and actions. They establish cause and effect relationship. They are evolved through observation, analysis and experiments.

(2) However, managers can suitably modify the principles of management keeping in mind the requirements of the organisation.

(3) Principles of management are also helpful in achieving and attaining social and cultural goals. They are also directed to maximising profit without ignoring social values.

(4) Thus, Principles of management are universal in nature. They are applicable to all types of organisations irrespective of the type, size or nature of the organisations.

Attempt the following

Question 1.
Explain the significance of management principles.
The significance of management principles is explained as follows:
(1) Provides useful insight to manager : The study of management principles helps the manager to understand the organisation, its situations and problems. They act as guidelines to find out the ‘ solutions to the problems and handle the situation accordingly. The use and application of these principles help the manager to know the manner in which they should act in different situations, Timely guidance provided by the management principles reduces the wastage of resources and help to achieve goals in exact manner.

(2) Helpful in efficient utilisation of resources : The two resources used in the organisations Eire classified as physiCEd resources such as materials, machine, money, etc. and human resources i.e. manpower. The main function of management is to mEiintain proper balance between these resources by putting them to optimum use and control the wastage of resources. It uses different techniques Emd management principles and maintains discipline and healthy working environment. This helps to establish cordial relation between management and employees. This in turn increases the efficiency level of employees.

(3) Scientific decisions : Scientific decisions in relation to business organisation implies systematic and balanced decision. Management principles train and help the manager to tackle the situation tactfully instead of using trial and error method. Managers get an idea to analyse the situation systematically, to search alternative options and their results with the use of management principles.

(4) Understanding social responsibility : A business is a part of the society. It makes use of the resources of the society and therefore, it has to perform some social responsibilities. Management principles guide the managers to understand and perform social responsibilities so that management can focus on providing quality products at reasonable prices, avoiding unfair trade practices and artificial monopolistic situations in the market, fair remuneration to employees, heEdthy working environment, standard tools and equipment, etc.

(5) Encourage Research and Development : Principles of management are evolutionary in nature and have evolved with passage of time. They have undergone certain changes on account of changes in the business world. They are modified and developed over the years to suit the current trends. They stress on scientific study, research and development in the organisation. Research and Development always works to find out new techniques in the field of production, marketing, finance, human resources, etc.

(6) Helps to co-ordinate and control : Principles of management serve as guidelines for better co-ordination and control. These principles help the mEmagers in this challenge to co-ordinate the activities of different departments. Managers can easily exercise control over the performance of their employees. The proper use of these principles helps to achieve the given target easily.

Maharashtra Board 12th OCM Important Questions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

(7) Develops objective approach : By using various principles of management, the manager can develop an objective approach. The manager can find out and identify opportunities, root causes of the problems and can provide appropriate solutions on it in right direction. This approach also helps to build confidence in the minds of the managers.