Maharashtra Board 11th OCM Important Questions Chapter 6 Institutes Supporting Business

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 11th OCM Important Questions Chapter 6 Institutes Supporting Business Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce OCM Important Questions Chapter 6 Institutes Supporting Business

Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence

Question 1.
SIDBI has its head office at …………………
(a) Bihar
(b) Mumbai
(c) Lucknow
(c) Lucknow

Question 2.
Dr. Muhammad Yunus from ………………… is known as ‘Father of Microfinance.
(a) Afghanistan
(b) Bangladesh
(c) India
(b) Bangladesh

Maharashtra Board 11th OCM Important Questions Chapter 6 Institutes Supporting Business

Question 3.
The World Bank Group has set ………………… goals to be achieved by 2030.
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 2
(c) 2

Question 4.
………………… is the lifeblood of a business.
(a) Finance
(b) Raw materials
(c) Labour
(a) Finance

Question 5.
KVIC has its head office at …………………
(a) Mumbai
(b) Kolkata
(c) Delhi
(a) Mumbai

Question 6.
………………… portal was launched by SIDBI.
(a) Maza-Mitra
(b) Aamcha Mitra
(c) Udyami Mitra
(c) Udyami Mitra

Question 7.
………………… work as knowledge partner for State and Central Government.
(a) Udyami Mirta
(b) Start-up Mitra
(c) Wake-up Mitra
(b) Start-up Mitra

Question 8.
………………… provides credit for rural development.
(c) RRBs.

Match the pairs

Question 1.

Part APart B
(i) NABARD(a) Heart of business
(ii) Finance(b) Advisor and mentor to MSMEs
(iii) SIDBI(c) Life blood of business
(iv) MUDRA(d) March 17, 2016
(v) Startup Mitra(e) Recommendations to RBI
(f) Funding the unfunded enterprises
(g) March 17, 2014
(h) Recommendation to Commercial Banks


Part APart B
(i) NABARD(e) Recommendations to RBI
(ii) Finance(c) Life blood of business
(iii) SIDBI(b) Advisor and mentor to MSMEs
(iv) MUDRA(f) Funding the unfunded enterprises
(v) Startup Mitra(d) March 17, 2016

Question 2.

Part APart B
(i) SIDBI(a) Maza Mitra
(ii) Green, Blue and White Revolution(b) RRB’s
(iii) Khadi(c) Symbol of dependence
(iv) Women’s Self Help Group(d) NABARD
(v) World Bank(e) Washington D.C.
(f) Udyami Mitra
(g) Symbol of self reliance
(h) Great Britain
(i) Mahila Bachat Gat


Part APart B
(i) SIDBI(f) Udyami Mitra
(ii) Green, Blue and White Revolution(d) NABARD
(iii) Khadi(g) Symbol of self reliance
(iv) Women’s Self Help Group(i) Mahila Bachat Gat
(v) World Bank(e) Washington D.C.

Give one word/phrase/term

Question 1.
Symbol and spirit of self reliance in pre-independence India.

Question 2.
Head office of KVIC.

Maharashtra Board 11th OCM Important Questions Chapter 6 Institutes Supporting Business

Question 3.
A statutory body formed to provide livelihood to artisans in villages of India.
Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC)

Question 4.
A document signed by KVIC with National Institute of Design (NID).
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Question 5.
Economist of Bangladesh who jointly won Nobel Peace Prize.
Dr. Muhammad Yunus

Question 6.
A refined model of Bangladesh model to eradicate poverty and empower women.
Indian Self Help Group Model

Question 7.
A portal to improve accessibility of credit and handholding services to MSMEs.
Udyami Mitra.

State True or False

Question 1.
SIDBI has set a goal to end extreme poverty by 2030.

Question 2.
The World Bank has set a goal to promote shared prospering by fostering the income growth.

Question 3.
Success of business depends on optimum utilization of capital.

Question 4.
SIDBI provide debt financing to government.

Question 5.
Dr. Ashfak Yunus founded the Grameen Bank in India.

Question 6.
Body of Governors is the supreme policy making body of the World Bank.

Find the odd word out

Question 1.
Features of KVIC-
Rural Development; Employment Generation; Entrepreneurship Development; Mutual Trust.
Mutual Trust

Question 2.
Institutes supporting business-

Maharashtra Board 11th OCM Important Questions Chapter 6 Institutes Supporting Business

Question 3.
Features of SIDBI-
Sustainable Development; Services to MSMEs; Recommendations to RBI; Digital Initiatives.
Recommendations to RBI

Question 4.
Terms related to SIDBI-
SIDBI startup mitra; Aamcha Mitra; Udyami Mitra; Micro Finance.
Aamcha Mitra

Question 5.
Terms related to NABARD-
Apex Rural Bank; Recommendations to RBI; Green, Blue and White Revolution; Empowerment of women.
Empowerment of women.

Question 6.
Woman’s Self Help Groups-
Urban Bank; Mahila Bachat Gat; Dr. Muhammad Yunus; Grameen Bank.
Urban Bank.

Select the correct option

(Provides credit to rural development, Women Empowerment, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), KVIC, SIDBI)

Part APart B
(i) World Bank————-
(ii) —————Achievement of National Goals
(iii) NABARD——————-
(iv) Self Help Group (SHG)—————–
(v) —————Promote Khadi and Village Industries


Part APart B
(i) World BankMultilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIF)
(ii) SIDBIAchievement of National Goals
(iii) NABARDProvided credit to rural development
(iv) Self Help Group (SHG)Women Empowerment
(v) KVICPromote Khadi and Village Industries

Answer in one sentence

Question 1.
Why do firm need finance ?
Firms need finance to start business, to run business effectively and to expand business.

Question 2.
Name the institutes supporting business.
The institutes supporting business are – SIDBI, NABARD, KVIC, Women’s Self Help Group and World Bank.

Question 3.
Where is the head office of SIDBI?
The head office of SIDBI is at Lucknow.

Question 4.
Who resolves the financial and non-financial hurdles of MSMEs ?
SIDBI resolves the financial and non-financial hurdles of MSMEs.

Maharashtra Board 11th OCM Important Questions Chapter 6 Institutes Supporting Business

Question 5.
Who are the focused domains for SIDBI?
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME’s ) are the focused domains for SIDBI.

Question 6.
Who helds the present ownership of SIDBI ?
The present ownership of SIDBI is held by 34 public sector institutes, through its 15 regional offices and 84 branches.

Question 7.
Who acts as an advisor and mentor for MSMEs ?
SDIBI act as an advisor and mentor for MSMEs.

Question 8.
Name the associates and subsidiaries of SIDBI.
The associates and subsidiaries of SIDBI are – SVCL, CGTMSE, SMERA, ISTSL, ISARC and MUDRA.

Question 9.
What is the aim of ‘MUDRA’?
The main aim of ‘MUDRA’ an associate of SIDBI is “funding the unfunded” micro enterprises in the country.

Question 10.
What are the different forms of finance offered by SIDBI?
The different forms of finance offered by SIDBI are – direct finance, indirect finance and micro finance.

Question 11.
Name the two digital initiatives launched by SIDBI.
The two digital initiatives launched by SIDBI are – SIDBI start-up Mitra and Udyami Mitra.

Question 12.
Who monitors the flow of rural credit in India?
NABARD monitors the flow of rural credit in India.

Question 13.
What is the objective of KVIC?
The objective of KVIC is to utilise the available raw materials and human skills to generate non-farm employment opportunities in the rural areas of India.

Question 14.
Who is the supreme policy making body of World Bank?
Board of Governors is the supreme policy making body of World Bank.

Question 15.
What are the goals of World Bank to be achieved by, 2030?
The two goals of World Bank to be achieved by 2030 is to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity.

Correct the Underlined word and rewrite the following sentences

Question 1.
SIDBI provides refinance to Banking Companies only.
SIDBI provides refinance to Banking and Non-Banking Financial Comnanies.

Maharashtra Board 11th OCM Important Questions Chapter 6 Institutes Supporting Business

Question 2.
KVIC works as an advisor and mentor to MSMEs.
SIDBI works as an advisor and mentor to MSMEs.

Question 3.
NABARD is working toward sustainable development of MSMEs in India.
SIDBI is working toward sustainable development of MSMEs in India.

Question 4.
Udvami Mitra works as knowledge partner for State and Central Government.
SIDBI Startup Mitra works as knowledge partner for State and Central Government.

Question 5.
SIDBI Startup Mitra was launched to improve accessibility of credit services to MSMEs.
Udvami Mitra was launched to improve accessibility of credit services to MSMEs.

Question 6.
The apex institution for agricultural finance is SIDBI.
The apex institution for agricultural finance is NABARD.

Question 7.
NABARD monitors the flow of Urban Credit in India.
NABARD monitors the flow of Rural Credit in India.

Question 8.
World Bank provides recommendation to RBI on issue of licences to Co-operative Bank.
NABARD provides recommendation to RBI on issue of licences to Co-operative Bank.

Question 9.
KVIC has its head office at Kolkata.
KVIC has its head office at Mumbai.

Question 10.
Khadi Gramudvog works for planning, promotion and production of Khadi.
KVIC works for planning, promotion and production of Khadi.

Question 11.
The social objective of KVIC is producing saleable articles.
The economic objective of KVIC is producing saleable articles.

Question 12.
The wider objectives of KVIC is creating dependence amongst the poor.
The wider objectives of KVIC is creating self-reliance amongst the poor.

Question 13.
KVIC signed Memorandum of Association with National Institute of design.
KVIC signed Memorandum of Understanding with National Institute of design.

Question 14.
KVIC promote conventional energy for sustainable development.
KVIC promote non-conventional energy for sustainable development.

Question 15.
“Helping Yourself” and ‘Unity is Strength’ is the principle of SHG.
“Helping each other” and ‘Unity is Strength’ is the principle of SHG.

Question 16.
SHG – Bank Linkage programme was initiated by SIDBI since 1992.
SHG – Bank Linkage programme was initiated by NABARD since 1992.

Question 17.
State Bank of India accepted SHG strategy as an alternative credit model.
Reserve Bank of India accepted SHG strategy as an alternative credit model.

Question 18.
SHG is an involuntary association.
SHG is a voluntary association.

Explain the following terms/concepts

Question 1.

  1. Small Industrial Development Bank of India (SIDBI) was established on 2nd April, 1990.
  2. At present, the ownership of SIDBI is held by 34 public sector institutes.
  3. Main focus of SIDBI is to resolve the financial and non-financial hurdles of MSMEs.
  4. SIDBI helps for technological upgradation and modernisation of existing MSMEs.

Question 2.
SIDBI Startup Mitra

  1. It is a digital initiative set up by SIDBI.
  2. It tries to bring all stakeholders, investors, new entrepreneurs, banks, mentors, etc on one platform.
  3. It helps in financing and development of new entrepreneurs.
  4. It also acts as a knowledge partner for State and Central Government.

Maharashtra Board 11th OCM Important Questions Chapter 6 Institutes Supporting Business

Question 3.

  1. It came into existence on 12th July, 1982 under the special Act of Parliament It is counted as an apex institution for agricultural finance.
  2. The main objective of NABARD is to provide and regulate credit and other facilities for the promotion of agriculture, small scale industries, cottage and village industries, etc.
  3. It provides refinancing facilities to State Co-operative Bank (SCBs), Land Development Bank (LDBs), Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and other approved financial institutions.

Answer in brief

Question 1.
Explain the Digital initiative steps of SDBI.
The digital initiative steps of the SDBI are as follows:
SIDBI Startup Mitra and Udyami Mitra:
(a) SIDBI Startup Mitra:
It brings together all stakeholders, start-up entrepreneurs, incubators, investors, industry bodies, mentors and advisors and banks at one platform. It helps in financing and development of new entrepreneurs. It also works as knowledge partner for State and Central Government.

(b) Udyami Mitra:
This is the portal launched by SIDBI to improve accessibility of credit and handholding services to MSME’s. Under this portal entrepreneurs can apply for loan without physically visiting any bank branches. The entrepreneurs can select and apply for preferred banks, they can select suitable branch, track their application status an avail multiple loan benefits.

Question 2.
Explain the role of NABARD in national development.
Role of NABARD in national development:

  1. NABARD is an apex bank providing credit facilities to institute working in agricultural finance.
  2. It provides storage facilities for agricultural commodities by promoting development of warehousing facilities.
  3. It also promote the export of agricultural commodities.
  4. It plays an important role in sustainable development of the country through Green, Blue and White revolution.
  5. It refinances commercial and co-operative banks during natural calamities like drought, crop failure, etc. so that farmers can recover from the difficult period.

Question 3.
How does KVIC help in marketing and promotion?
Role of KVIC in marketing and promotion:

  1. KVIC holds exhibitions, seminars and lectures in college and universities to spread the knowledge of KVIC products.
  2. It also launches a marketing development plan to generate interest, awareness and attraction amongst the masses.
  3. It takes all effort to improve the quality, packaging and marketing of a product.
  4. Government also supports KVIC, so that its product becomes competitive.

Maharashtra Board 11th OCM Important Questions Chapter 6 Institutes Supporting Business

Question 4.
Explain the formation of Womens SHGs.
Formation of Women’s SHG’s.

  1. It is an informal group of homogeneous individuals generally formed by a NGO or by team of government.
  2. It is recognized by the Government, hence it does not require any registration under any Act.
  3. They have their well defined rules and bye-laws to run the group.
  4. Regular meetings of this groups are held and records are properly maintained.