Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking …

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking … Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking …

Class 6 English Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking … Textbook Questions and Answers

1. What does the poet want to do?

Question 1.
What does the poet want to do?
The poet wants to stop a heart from breaking, i.e., help a person from becoming sad and help a fainting robin back into his nest again.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking …

Question 2.
Does the poet expect anything in return? What is the poet’s reward?
No, the poet does not expect anything in return. The poet believes that through these acts, he can add meaning to his life and therein lies his reward.

Question 3.
List the phrases that indicate sorrow or pain.
a. stop one heart from breaking;
b. ease one life the aching

Question 4.
Form groups of five and discuss. There are many things that seem small, minor or insignificant to some people but the same may be the cause of great pain, suffering for others.
Can you list such things? What can you do to provide help on these occasions? What do we do?

  1. Some people may not give a lot of importance to money while there are others who are dying due to hunger and starvation. They are so poor that they cannot afford their basic needs,
  2. We should help organize food for the poor and the needy. We can request NGOs to help them.
  3. Some people leave the taps open and wastewater while there are thousands who are deprived of drinking water. We should create awareness about the need to save water and ensure that we do all we can to help people overcome water scarcity.
  4. Many people visit restaurants and waste food. They do it at home too, At the same time, there are so many people who sometimes starve to death.
  5. We can request hotels and restaurants to donate a part of whatever they prepare each day to those in need. (Students may add their ideas to the list)

Class 6 English Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking … Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
What is the message conveyed through this poem?
The message conveyed through this poem is that we should do all we can to reduce the pain and suffering of human beings and other creatures of nature.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking …

Reading and Poetic Device.

Question 1.
Complete the web diagram.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking … 1

Question 2.
What is the central idea of the poem?
The central idea of the poem is that by showing kindness to man and other creatures of nature like a bird, we will be making our life purposeful and meaningful.

Question 3.
Name two values highlighted in the poem.
The two values highlighted in the poem are compassion and kindness.

Question 4.
Explain the lines: ‘If I can ease one life the aching, I shall not live in vain’.
Through the above lines, the poetess is conveying the message that if she can reduce the pain and suffering of anyone in this world, her life will acquire meaning. It will be a purposeful life, well-lived.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking …

Question 5.
Pick out proof to show that the poetess doesn’t want to reserve her care and compassion to human beings alone.
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain

Question 6.
Complete the following:
If I can stop one heart from breaking
I shall not live in vain.

Question 7.
Pick out two pairs of rhyming words from the poem.
a. breaking – aching;
b. pain – again

Question 8.
Name the rhyme scheme used in the first four lines of the poem.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking …

Question 9.
Pick out an archaic (old usage) word from the poem.

Question 10.
How will you make your life worthwhile?
I believe: ‘It is blessed to give than to receive’. I will make my life worthwhile by caring for my fellow beings. I will also strive towards conservation, preservation and protection of the environment.

Language Study.

Question 1.
Pick out naming words from the poem, (any 4)
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking … 2

Question 2.
Pick out action words from the poem (any 4)
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking … 3

Question 3.
Write one word with the same sound.
(a) one – won (b) pain – pane.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking …

Writing Skills.

Question 1.
Write an essay on: ‘Service to Humanity is Service to God’
Woodrow Wilson has rightly said, “There is no higher religion than human service.” To work for the common good is the greatest creed.”

Our life acquires meaning only when we commit it towards the service of others. Love, care, compassion, kindness, empathy, sympathy, etc., are some of the vital values which will help us to reach out to those in need or to those in distress. There are several social workers who have committed their life in service of others. Whether it is Mother Teresa, Baba Amte, or Sant Cadge Maharaj, one thing they had in common was the unconditional love they had for their fellow beings.

We can make a world of difference by joining NGOs or participating in our school’s initiatives towards social work. Visiting home for the aged and spending time with the elderly, distributing gifts to the children in orphanages on our birthday, etc., are little acts of kindness which can make a big difference.

Let us remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”. With a heart filled with generosity, with words that are kind and through acts of selflessness, let us build a world where love and happiness reign supreme.

Quote of the Day.

Use your voice for kindness

  1. your care for compassion
  2. your hands for charity
  3. your mind for truth
  4. your heart for love

If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking … Summary in English

Emily Dickinson in her poem conveys the message that we should do whatever we can to make the life of those around us happier.
Little acts of care, compassion, concern and love can make a world of difference. Paraphrase:
The poet also advises us to be compassionate not only to human beings but also to the animals. We should do all we can to reduce pain and suffering.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.5 If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking …


A beautiful poem which highlights the importance of reaching out to humans and other creatures of nature thus making a world of difference to them.


  1. stop heart from breaking – to help a person
  2. live in vain – live without purpose
  3. ease one life the aching – reduce sorrow in someone’s life
  4. cool one pain – reduce the pain, give relief from becoming sad
  5. unto – to (archaic use)

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

Class 6 English Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Draw a diagram to show a volcanic eruption from its description given in this passage. Label the diagram. Show the following in it: Volcano; earth’s crust; crack in the earth’s crust; hot molten rock; red, hot lava; smoke; ash; burning chunks of rock.

Question 1.
Draw a diagram to show a volcanic eruption from its description given in this passage. Label the diagram. Show the following in it: Volcano; earth’s crust; crack in the earth’s crust; hot molten rock; red, hot lava; smoke; ash; burning chunks of rock.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa 1

2. Show the three categories of volcanoes using the following tree diagram structure.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa 2
Write a very short description of each category below the box.

Question 1.
Show the three categories of volcanoes using the following tree diagram structure.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa 2
Write a very short description of each category below the box.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa 3

3. Show the stages in the process in which Krakatoa collapsed and then Anak Krakatoa formed in the course of volcanic eruptions. Use the flowchart given below.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa 4

Question 1.
Show the stages in the process in which Krakatoa collapsed and then Anak Krakatoa formed in the course of volcanic eruptions. Use the flowchart given below.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa 4
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa 5

4. Draw a diagram to show how life returned to the island. Label the diagram.
(Use the technique of drawing diagrams when you study science, geography, etc.)

Question 1.
Draw a diagram to show how life returned to the island. Label the diagram.
(Use the technique of drawing diagrams when you study science, geography, etc.)

5. Write short notes on the following:

Question 1.
The 1883 eruption
The August 1883 eruption that took place was the worst of the eruptions that took place. The sound of the volcanic eruption was heard more than 3500 kms away in Australia. The island which was a volcanic mountain, collapsed on itself. The dust rose up to 80 km. in the sky, which spread around the world and later settled in different parts thousands of kilometres away.

Giant tsunamis were caused by the eruption, destroying 165 villages and towns. Two-thirds of the island of Krakatoa was destroyed, which collapsed beneath the surface of the sea creating more than a 6 km. wide hole.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

Question 2.
The living world on Rakata
Rakata, a part of Krakatoa is still visible in the sea, a little away from Anak Krakatoa. After the 1883 eruption, all the surrounding islands and coasts were covered with hot ash rendering the island lifeless. In 1884, a scientist found only one spider when he visited Rakata.

The wind and the sea brought seeds of the plants to the island. Plants and animals that lived in the sea came to the coasts again. Small land animals like ants, termites or even rats and lizards travelled to the island on plants floating in the sea. One edge of the island was soon teeming with plants and animals.

6. Find the pronunciation of the following words from a good dictionary.
strait, eruption, tremendous, dormant, extinct, tsunami, crater, plume.

Question 1.
Find the pronunciation of the following words from a good dictionary.
strait, eruption, tremendous, dormant, extinct, tsunami, crater, plume.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

7. Read aloud with the leader: Form groups of five. Read the passage aloud in groups. The leader begins every sentence and stops after a few words. The other members complete the sentence, reading it aloud in chorus.

Question 1.
Read aloud with the leader: Form groups of five. Read the passage aloud in groups. The leader begins every sentence and stops after a few words. The other members complete the sentence, reading it aloud in chorus.

8. Look at the following words carefully for one minute. Now close your book and try to write down as many of the words as you can remember.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa 6

Question 1.
Look at the following words carefully for one minute. Now close your book and try to write down as many of the words as you can remember.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa 6
active, coast, crater, crust, disaster, dormant, eruption, extinct, inland, island, lava, molten, plume, tremendous, tsunami, volcanic.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

9. Read the passage and find the verbs used with the following nouns and phrases:
volcano, molten rock, volcanic mountain, dust, 165 village and towns, the wind and the sea, seeds, birds

Question 1.
Read the passage and find the verbs used with the following nouns and phrases:
volcano, molten rock, volcanic mountain, dust, 165 village and towns, the wind and the sea, seeds, birds

Molten rockErupts, is, has erupted,
Volcanic mountainwas
Dustwas thrown up
165 villages and townwere destroyed
The wind and the seabrought

Class 6 English Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
What is Krakatoa known for?
Krakatoa is known for its volcano which erupts regularly.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

Question 2.
Name the three categories of volcano.

  • Active volcano
  • Dormant volcano
  • Extinct volcano

Question 3.
How loud was the sound of the eruption which took place in August 1883?
The sound of the eruption in August 1883 was so loud that it was heard more than 3500 km. away in Australia.

Question 4.
What did the volcanic eruption in August 1883 cause?
The volcanic eruption in August 1883 caused giant waves or tsunamis in the sea near the island.?

Question 5.
What was the new island named?
The new island was named ‘Anak Krakatoa’ or the ‘Child of Krakatoa’.

Question 6.
Name the agents that helped to maintain the living world on Rakata.

  1. The wind
  2. The sea
  3. The birds

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

Question 7.
How did the western coast of Java become rich in wildlife?
The wildlife in the western coast of Java grew naturally because there were no human beings to interfere with it. There was no one to cut the trees or kill animals.

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the extract and do the activities.

Question 1.
Write True or False:
a. Krakatoa is an island in the Sunda strait.
b. Great volcanic erruptions can change the land forms on an area.
a. False
b. True

Question 2.
Where is the island of Krakatoa?
The island of Krakatoa is in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra in Indonesia.

Question 3.
What can a great volcanic eruption do?
A great volcanic eruption can change the landforms in an area.


Question 1.
Pick out a word from the extract which means:
(a) glowing red hot
(b) great
(a) molten
(b) tremendous

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

Question 2.
Thick, dark clouds of smoke rise high from the opening. (Change into past continuous tense)
Thick, dark clouds of smoke were rising high from the opening.

Question 3.
Pick out a word which is a combination of 2 meaningful words.
Sometimes and landforms.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you think animals are happy at the zoo? Why?
No, I don’t think animals are happy at the zoo because they are caged and not free to move about. Though they get their food, they are disturbed by human visitors. They would love to be in their natural habitat.

Language Study

Frajne the questions using auxiliary verbs (helping verbs) for the given statements. Begin the question with the helping verb.

Question 1.
It was raining.
Was it raining?

Question 2.
They were tired.
Were they tired?

Question 3.
They did their duty.
Did they do their duty?

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

Question 4.
He works in all weathers.
Does he work in all weathers?


  • Helping (auxiliary) verbs help in changing the tense of the verb in the sentence.
  • Helping (auxiliary) verbs can also be used at the beginning of a sentence to frame a ‘Yes/ No’ question.

Turn each of these statements into a negative question.

Question 1.
It is hot today.
Is it not hot today?

Question 2.
You are feeling hungry.
Are you not feeling hungry?

Question 3.
She is enjoying the film.
Is she not enjoying the film?

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

Question 4.
They have eaten their dinner.
Have they not eaten their dinner?

Do as directed:

Question 1.
What is a volcano? (State the kind of sentence.)
Interrogative sentence

Question 2.
A great volcanic eruption can change the landforms in an area. (Pick out the modal auxiliary)
Can – modal (verb) auxiliary

Question 3.
Krakatoa is an active volcano. (Change into a negative sentence)
Krakatoa is not an inactive volcano.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

Question 4.
This region became rich in wildlife. (Add a question tag)
This region became rich in wildlife, didn’t it?

Question 5.
A part of the old island known as Rakata is still visible in the sea. (Separate the subject and predicate)
Subject – A part of the old island known as Rakata
Predicate – is still visible in the sea.

Question 6.
A volcanic eruption happens on a tremendous scale. (Underline the adjectives)
Volcanic, tremendous.

Question 7.
Very hot mud and ash are also thrown out. (Name the word class of the underlined words)
Very – adverb, hot – adjective, and – conjunction

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

Question 8.
Complete the table.

1. extinct………………………….extinction (n)
2. ………………………….mountainmountainous (adj)
3. volcanic………………………….volcano (n)
4. ………………………….historyhistoric (adj)
5. visible………………………….vision (n)

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Write the noun form of:

  • erupted – eruption
  • know – knowledge

Question 2.
Write the adjective form of:

  • volcano – volcanic
  • regularly – regular

Question 3.
Add a prefix to:

  • regularly – irregularly
  • known – unknown

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa

Writing Skills:

Question 1.
Write a paragraph on ‘Volcanoes’.
Volcanoes are nothing but a natural way the earth has, of cooling off and releasing internal pressure and heat. Volcanoes have their advantages and disadvantages as well, that is the good and bad effects. The bad effects harm human life causing destruction of life and property.

There are many good effects of volcanoes, which not everyone is aware of. Volcanoes provide nutrients to the surrounding soil which is beneficial for plants. Volcanoes make islands. Volcanic ash is used as household cleaners. Volcanoes also create a spectacular sceneries. The most important of all is that volcanic gases are the source of all the water today.

Do you Know?

  • The word ‘valcano’ originally comes from the name of Roman god of fire-Vulcan
  • The Pacific Ring of Fire, an area around the Pacific Ocean, has evidence of 75% of the volcanoes on Earth.
  • While there are big volcanoes on the Earth, the biggest known volcano in our Solar System is actually on Mars, known as Olympus Mons.

Anak Krakatoa Summary in English

Anak Krakatoa which means ‘Child of Krakatoa’ is named after Krakatoa. It is still an active volcano. The worst of the eruptions took place in August 1883. A part of the old island known as Rakata, is still visible in the sea, a little away from the new arrival. After Krakatoa’s eruption in 1883, all the surrounding islands and coasts were covered with hot ash. No life remained. When a scientist visited in 1884, he found just one spider there.


‘Anak Krakatoa’ is an informative lesson about Krakatoa – an island in Indonesia which is known for its volcano which erupts regularly.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2.4 Anak Krakatoa


  1. strait (n) – a narrow channel of water connecting two larger bodies of water
  2. eruption (n) – a sudden release of pressure, such as lava from a volcano
  3. tremendous (adj) – extremely large or great in amount, extent, degree, etc.
  4. dormant (adj) – inactive
  5. extinct (adj) – no longer in existence
  6. tsunami (n) – a destructive tidal wave
  7. crater (n) – any large, circular depression or hole
  8. plume (n) – an upswelling of molten material from the earth’s mantle
  9. island (n) – an area of land totally surrounded by water
  10. molten (adj) – glowing red hot
  11. disaster (n) – an event causing great loss

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Class 6 English Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Read the passage aloud playing the roles of different characters.

Question 1.
Read the passage aloud playing the roles of different characters.
We all follow a class time table made by the school. Imagine for a minute what will happen if there was no time table for your class.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

2. Write any three of the silly remarks made by the characters other than Alice. Write why you think the remark is silly.

Question 1.
Write any three of the silly remarks made by the characters other than Alice. Write why you think the remark is silly.
Three silly remarks made by the characters other than Alice:
a. I see what I eat – I eat what I see – Hatter
b. I like what I get – I get what I like – March Hare
c. I breathe when I sleep -1 sleep when I breathe – Dormouse
All have a statement and an inverted version of the same. There is no intention of conveying any message. They are spoken for the sake of speaking. However, they sound silly.

3. Read the following sentences.

Question 1.
1. I mean what I say. I say what I mean.
2. I see what I eat. I eat what I see.
Use your imagination to write a funny sentence on this pattern.
1. I do what I love.
2. I love what I do.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

4. Write what would you like to do if ‘Time’ was your friend.

Question 1.
Write what would you like to do if ‘Time’ was your friend.
If ‘Time’ was my friend, I would want to do a lot of things. I will want to get back to my childhood days. I would go back in time and keep my grandparents and all my near and dear ones (who are no more now) alive.

5. Can you think of a similarity between a raven and a writing desk? Write at least five differences between the two.

Question 1.
Can you think of a similarity between a raven and a writing desk? Write at least five differences between the two.
Five differences between a raven and a writing desk:
a. A raven is a living creature whereas a writing desk is a non-living thing.
b. A raven can fly whereas a writing desk cannot fly.
c. A raven cannot be used for writing purposes but a writing desk can be used for the same purpose.
d. A raven can lay eggs but a writing desk cannot.
e. A raven is natural and a writing desk is man¬made.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

6. Visit a library: Read Lewis Carroll’s book ‘Alice in Wonderland’.

Question 1.
Visit a library: Read Lewis Carroll’s book ‘Alice in Wonderland’.
Apart from class/school, where else are you likely to find a time table useful?

Class 6 English Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
How were March Hare, the Hatter and the Dormouse seated despite the large size of the table?
Although the table was a large one, all the three of them were crowded together at one corner of the table.

Question 2.
What did all the three of them say when they saw Alice coming?
When the Dormouse, the Hatter and the March Hare saw Alice coming, they shouted that there was no room (place) on the table to seat anyone.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Question 3.
What was Alice’s response to this comment of no space being available on the table?
On hearing the cry of all the three of them stating that there was no room on the table, Alice replied very angrily that there was PLENTY of room. Saying so, she sat down.

Question 4.
Ultimately, where did Alice sit down?
Alice sat down in a large arm-chair at one end of the table.

Question 5.
What did the March Hare tell Alice after she sat down?
The March Hare told Alice to have some wine, in an encouraging tone.

Question 6.
Did Alice see any wine on the table? If not, what did she find on the table?
Alice did not see any wine on the table. Alice looked all around the table, but she found nothing on it except tea.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Question 7.
What was Hatter’s first speech to Alice?
Hatter remarked that Alice’s hair wants cutting.

Question 8.
How did Alice react?
Alice spoke with severity that Hatter should learn not to make personal remarks as it is rude.

Question 9.
What kind of discussion did the Hatter, the March Hare and the Dormouse have with Alice?
They had silly, senseless and stupid discussion with Alice.

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Question 1.
Where was the table set out?
The table was set out under a tree in front of the house.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Question 2.
Who all were seated at the table?
The March Hare and the Hatter were having tea at the table and a Dormouse was sitting between them.

Question 3.
Why did Alice think that the Dormouse must be uncomfortable?
The Dormouse was sitting between the March Hare and the Hatter. They both were using the Dormouse as a cushion, resting their elbows on it and talking over its head. So, Alice thought that the dormouse must be uncomfortable.

Question 4.
Why did the Dormouse not mind the discomfort, according to Alice?
Alice thought that the Dormouse did not mind the discomfort caused by the March Hare and the Hatter only because it was asleep.

Question 5.
Give the antonyms of:
a. uncomfortable
b. asleep
a. comfortable,
b. awake

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Question 6.
A Dormouse was sitting between them. (Identify the tense)
was sitting – Past continuous

Question 7.
What does the paragraph remind you?
The paragraph reminds me of a “Garden Tea Party”.

Language Study.

Question 1.
There was a table set out under a tree. (Separate the subject and predicate)
a table – subject
was set out under a tree – predicate

Question 2.
A Dormouse was sitting between them. (Pick out the verb and state its tense)
was sitting (verb) – Past continuous tense

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Question 3.
The table was a large one. (Add a question tag)
The table was a large one, wasn’t it?

Question 4.
There’s plenty of room! (State the kind of sentence)
Exclamatory sentence

Question 5.
The other two were using it as a cushion, resting their elbows on it, and talking over its head. (Pick out the conjunction)
and – Conjunction

Question 6.
She sat down in a large arm-chair at one end of the table. (Pick out the preposition)
in, at, of – prepositions

Question 7.
Pick out an example of an Imperative sentence from the passage.
‘Have some wine’ – Imperative sentence

Question 8.
The three were all crowded together at one corner of it. (Pick out the adjective and state its kind)
one – Adjective of number (Definite Numeral Adjective)

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Question 9.
The March Hare and the Hatter were having tea at it. (Pick out the nouns and state their kinds)
March Hare, Hatter – proper nouns tea – common noun

Question 10.
I suppose it doesn’t mind. (Pick out the pronoun and state its kind)
I – Personal pronoun (first-person pronoun)

Write the noun form of.

Question 1.

  1. waste
  2. silent
  3. know
  4. believe
  5. rude
  6. civil


  1. wastage
  2. silence
  3. knowledge
  4. belief
  5. rudeness
  6. civility

Write the adjective forms of.

Question 1.

  1. severity
  2. curiosity
  3. conversation
  4. hair
  5. time
  6. table


  1. severe
  2. curious
  3. conversational
  4. hairy
  5. timely
  6. tabular

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Write degrees of comparison of:

Question 1.
1. great
2. wide
3. loud
4. well


Write the verb forms of:

Question 1.

  1. conversation
  2. head
  3. proposal
  4. beginning
  5. reason


  1. converse
  2. behead
  3. propose
  4. begin
  5. reason

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Write the adverb forms of:

Question 1.

  1. bright
  2. feeble
  3. hoarse
  4. suppose
  5. alarmed


  1. brightly
  2. feebly
  3. hoarsely
  4. supposedly
  5. alarmingly

Write the homophones of:

Question 1.

  1. as
  2. no
  3. once
  4. so
  5. in


  1. ass
  2. know
  3. ones
  4. sow
  5. inn

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Writing Skills

Question 1.
Write a book review after reading “Alice in Wonderland”.
‘Alice in Wonderland’ by Lewis Carroll is a nice book of fantasy. All the characters in the book are very interesting, even though they seem too funny to be real. The way Alice deals with all the three characters is also quite impressive. They way Alice experiences adventures after falling into the rabbit hole and travels to places makes for an interesting read. The book holds our attention and keep us imagining the scenes as we also travel along with Alice. Alice’s emotions and expressions also show her emotional side and how she cares and feels for the Dormouse, etc. On the whole, it is a captivating book which entertains us to a limitless extent.

Student’s Activity

Question 1.
A Project: Time Tables
Make a time table of your daily routine.
1. On a school day
2. On a holiday, and
3. During examinations.
Start at the time you normally get up and list your acitivities hourly: 7 am to 8 am, and so on.

A Mad Tea Party Summary in English

Alice falls into a rabbit hide and happens to attend a tea party with the March Hare, the Mad Hatter and the Dormouse.
Alice makes herself comfortable on a large arm-chair at the corner of a large table, though all the three tell her that there was no space to accommodate her. After getting seated, Alice get into arguments with them for various reasons, due to their silly remarks. Ultimately all of them get tired of their own talks and the March Hare suggest that Alice should tell them a story. When Alice refuses, they suggest that the Dormouse who was sleeping should tell. The Dormouse opening his eyes tells that he wasn’t asleep all the while, but was listening to every word that they all were saying.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party


‘A Mad Tea Party’ is a part of the fantasy novel ‘Alice in Wonderland’ written by Lewis Carroll. This novel is all about a little girl named Alice and all her adventures in a fantasy world. This particular part deals with a tea party attended by her along with the three particular creatures – The March Hare, the Mad Hatter and the Dormouse.


  1. fantasy (n) – imagination
  2. mingle (v) – mix
  3. peculiar – odd
  4. indignantly – angrily
  5. but – except
  6. civil-polite
  7. curiosity – eager desire to know or learn something
  8. severity – harshness
  9. hastily – hurriedly
  10. dropped – stopped (discussion)
  11. wearily – in a tired manner.
  12. contemptuously – a feeling of dislike
  13. cautiously – paying attention to warning/ safety
  14. to accounts for – provide to an explanation for
  15. to not stand – to not tolerate
  16. keep on good terms – keeps in good relations
  17. instance – a particular situation
  18. in a twinkling – in a very short time
  19. ventured – dares

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Class 6 English Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Complete the following sentences with reference to the passage.

Question a.
Gautama, the Buddha, was born over two thousand five hundred years ago, as ……………… .
a. Gautama, the Buddha, was born over two thousand five hundred years ago, as Prince Siddharth.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Question b.
The king was determined to prevent his beloved son from ………….. .
b. The king was determined to prevent his beloved son from renouncing the world.

Question c.
For six years did Gautama practise …………….. .
c. To this day, we venerate this tree as the Bodhi Tree.

Question d.
He realised that making the body suffer was not ………….. .
d. Siddharth renounced worldly life in quest of the Truth of life.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Question e.
To this day, we venerate this tree as …………… .
Gautama found out the cause of sorrow is desire. The cure of sorrow is to give up all desires and adopt Right – Living.

2. Write short notes on the following.

Question a.
Prince Siddharth’s protected life.
When Siddharth was born, it was prophesied that the infant would either grow to be a great Emperor or a renunciate who would usher comforts to lost souls. King Raja Shuddhodana was determined to prevent his son from renouncing the world. He surrounded the Prince with every imaginable luxury and comfort in the magnificent palaces. Thus, changing palaces depending on the season of the year. Prince Siddharth lived his secluded, protected life in the beautiful atmosphere of the royal mansions.

Question b.
The four signs that Prince Siddharth beheld.
At the age of twenty-nine, Siddharth went out to see his kingdom and meet his subjects when he beheld what the Buddhist books call the ‘four signs’ – which reflected the impermanence of the world. He saw an old man, a diseased man, a dead man and a monk – and he was exposed to a vision of dukkha the world sorrow. From here began Gautama’s journey in quest of the Truth of Life.

Question c.
The message in the vision.
The message in the vision was to convey to Buddha that he should not torture his body to starvation in quest of the Truth of Life. It is illustrated by the beautiful example of the sitar. The vision said that the sitar had to be tuned low nor high. If the string of a sitar is overstretched, it will break and lose its ability to make music. Similarly, an overslack string too would not create music. In other words, we should not go to extremes in our efforts to achieve our goals.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Question d.
Sujata’s offering:
A beautiful girl named Sujata appeared before Gautama as he was trying to get up to take a bath in the river but couldn’t due to weakness. Sujata was carrying a golden bowl filled with sweetened milk and rice. Seeing the weakened ascetic, she offered the bowl of milk and rice at his feet. Buddha accepted her offerings. The first meal after many days of starvation refreshed him and infused a new strength in him. He realized that making the body suffer was not the way to enlightenment and truth.

3. Read aloud a paragraph of your choice from the passage.

Question 1.
Read aloud a paragraph of your choice from the passage.

4. Visit a library: Read stories about Gautama Buddha. Relate one story in the class.

Question 1.
Visit a library: Read stories about Gautama Buddha. Relate one story in the class.

Class 6 English Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
When and where was Gautama Buddha born?
Gautama Buddha was born over two thousand five hundred years ago on the sacred day of Vaishakh Purnima at Lumbini, situated near the city of Kapilavastu.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Question 2.
What was prophesied at the birth of Gautama Buddha?
It was prophesied at the birth of Gautama that the infant would either grow to be a great Chakravarti (an emperor) or a Sannyasi (a renunciate) who would bring comfort to lost souls.

Question 3.
What was the king determined to do?
The king was determined to prevent his beloved son from renouncing the world.

Question 4.
Who was the prince married to? What was the name of his son?
The prince was married to one of the most beautiful girls of the realm – Princess Yashodhara, the daughter of the Koliyan king. Their son’s name was Rahul.

Question 5.
How did the life of Siddharth change at the age of twenty-nine?
At the age of twenty-nine, Siddharth went out to see his kingdom and to meet his subjects. He witnessed what the Buddhist books call the ‘four signs’ – witnesses to the impermanence of the world. This changed Siddharth’s life.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Question 6.
What was the impact of the ‘four signs’ on Siddharth?
Siddharth saw an old man, a diseased man, a dead man and a monk and these witnesses to the impermanence of the world moved him, and there entered into his heart a vision of dukkha, the world – sorrow.

Question 7.
Why did Buddha renounce worldly life?
To find the answer to the unanswerable question, “What is the way out of the world – sorrow?” He renounced worldly life and set out in quest of the Truth of Life.

Question 8.
What answer did Gautam Buddha get to his query: “What is the cause of sorrow”?
The cause of sorrow is desire and the cure for sorrow is to give up all desires and adopt Right Living. This was the answer Gautama found to his query.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Question 9.
Why do we venerate the Bodhi Tree?
Born under a tree/ as Buddha received illumination under a tree and so to this day we venerate this tree as the Bodhi Tree.

Question 10.
Complete the web diagram with qualities essential to succeed in what we have set out to achieve.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Read the following extract and complete the activities.

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences with reference to the extract.

  • For six years, did Gautama practise intense asceticism.
  • He realised that making the body suffer was not the way to enlightenment and truth.

Question 2.
What does the passage highlight?
The passage highlights the intensity with which Gautama practised ascetism in his quest of the truth of life. It also talks about its impact on him and the willpower he displayed.

Question 3.
When did Gautama realise that making the body suffer was not the way to enlightenment and truth?
When Buddha accepted Sujata’s offering of milk and rice, it refreshed him and infused a new strength in him. He then realized that making the body suffer was not the way to enlightenment and truth.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Question 4.
Pick out proof from the extract: Gautama in his quest for truth had become extremely weak.
His strong, athletic body was reduced to a bag of bones.

Question 5.
Explain the lines: ‘Tune the sitar neither low nor high. The string overstretched breaks/
The above lines convey the message that we should not go to any extreme ends in whatever we attempt. We should always take a middle path, i.e. neither going overboard nor remaining too indifferent.

Question 6.
‘I shall not give up until I attain to enlightenment’. What does this line tell us about Buddha?
The above line tells us that Gautama Buddha was very determined. It reflects his immense willpower as he set out in quest of the truth of life.

Question 7.
Buddha accepted her offerings. (Add a question tag)
Buddha accepted her offerings, didn’t he?

Question 8.
The cause of sorrow is desire. (State the word class of the underlined words and state its kind)
sorrow, desire – Abstract nouns

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Question 9.
Why is willpower essential to succeed in life?
If we are determined and if we persist and never give up, we will definitely emerge as a winner.

Language Study.

Question 1.
He was born on the sacred day of Vaishakh Purnima at Lumbini, situated near the city of Kapilavastu. (State the word class of the underlined words) .

Question 2.
The king was determined to prevent his beloved son from renouncing the world. (Form Wh-question to get the underlined part as the answer)
What was the king determined to do?

Question 3.
He saw an old man, a diseased man, a dead man and a monk. (Pick out the describing words)
Describing words: old, diseased, dead

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Question 4.
For six years did Gautama practise intense asceticism. (Pick out the action word)
practise – action word

Question 5.
I shall not give up until I attain enlightenment. (State the word class of the underlined word)
until – Conjunction

Question 6.
When she saw the weakened ascetic, she offered the bowl at his feet. (Pick out the Preposition)
at – preposition

Question 7.
Buddha accepted her offering. (Rewrite the sentence starting with: Her offering)
Her offering was accepted by Buddha.

Question 8.
It refreshed him and infused a new strength in him. (Use not only …. but also)
It not only refreshed him but also infused a new strength in him.

Question 9.
Gautama had longed for enlightenment. (Pick out the verb and state its tense)
had longed – Past perfect tense

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Question 10.
The cause of sorrow is desire. (Separate the subject and predicate)
The cause of sorrow: Subject is desire: Predicate

Question 11.
Word building.


Make sentences using the following phrases.

  1. to prevent: We should do all we can to prevent the growth of social stigma.
  2. to renounce: He renounced all worldly pleasures and left in search of truth.
  3. to witness: I witnessed a very serious accident.
  4. to attain: We should try to attain excellence in all we set out to do.
  5. to serve no purpose: Arguments serve no purpose and so we should avoid it.
  6. to achieve: We should achieve great heights through hard work and persistent efforts.
  7. to torture: We should never show cruelty towards animals or torture them in any way.
  8. to infuse a new strength: His words infused a new strength in my goal of life.
  9. to venerate: We venerate forces of nature as they are our providers.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Student’s Activity.

Question a.
Write a paragraph on:
Qualities essential for Success

Question b.
Write an essay of about 100 words on:
Willpower – Essential for Success

The Story of Gautama’s Quest Summary in English

The lesson ‘The Story of Gautama’s Quest’ narrates his journey from his birth two thousand five hundred years ago till the time he attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. Son of King Shuddhodana, Gautama would either be a great emperor or a renunciate who would bring comforts to many – thousands of lost souls – this was what was prophesied at his birth.

Despite the best efforts of the king, eventually the prophecy came true when Gautama witnessed the four signs – witnesses to the impermanence of the world. He renounced the comforts of the palace, the worldly life. He left his wife Yashodhara and son Rahul, and set out on a journey – A journey in quest of the Truth of Life.

The lesson goes on to narrate the severe hardships which Gautama underwent for six years. He displayed immense will-power. He hardly ate a grain of rice but refused to give up until he attained enlightenment. Along the way, Gautama saw a vision. It changed his approach. He then decided to follow the middle path and stopped torturing his body to starvation.

As he accepted the offering of milk and rice from Sujata, he felt refreshed and infused with strength. He realised that making the body suffer was not the way to enlightenment and truth.

Gautama’s long wait, the quest for truth, ended when that night he found answer to his question. The cause of sorrow was desire, the urge to possess. The cure for the same was to give up all desires and adopt right living. A circle was complete. Born under a tree, the Buddha received illumination also under a tree – A tree venerated even today.


This lesson throws light on Gautama’s journey in quest of the truth of life – the journey (the quest) which begins with a question: What is the cause of sorrow? The quest ends when he finds the answer that the root cause of all sorrows is desire. The cure for all sorrows is to give up all desires and adopt right living.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest


  1. sacred (adj) – holy
  2. prophesied (v) – to reveal by divine something inspiration
  3. renunciate (n) – one who formally gives up
  4. renounce (verb) – to formally give up
  5. magnificent (adj) – extravagant and beautiful
  6. mansion (n) – a large, palatial house
  7. secluded (adj) – a place which is not visited
  8. realm (n) – field of activity
  9. impermanence (adj) – not lasting definitely
  10. unanswerable (adj) – question which couldn’t be answered
  11. quest (v) – search
  12. illumination (n)- enlightenment
  13. attainment (n) – acquire something
  14. intense (adj) – severe
  15. asceticism (n) – avoiding pleasures of life and leading a simple life for religious purpose
  16. succession (n) – happening one after another
  17. athletic (adj) – strong and healthy
  18. willpower (n) – strong determination
  19. vision (n) – something which is seen in a dream and which conveys some truth or knowledge.
  20. stimulant (n) – motivate or encourage
  21. starvation (n) – suffer from lack of food
  22. ascetic (n) – one who abstains oneself from
  23. infused (v) – ushered in (here)
  24. desire (n) – to want something strongly
  25. venerate (v) – respect deeply

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure

Class 6 English Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who is the speaker in the poem?
The mother is the speaker in the poem.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure

Question 2.
Whom is the poem being addressed to?
The poem is addressed to the child/baby.

Question 3.
What time is being described in the poem?
Nighttime is being described in the poem.

Question 4.
Name the white and bright things mentioned in the poem.
Lilies and daisies are the white and bright things mentioned in the poem.

2. Guess the meaning of the following from the context.

Question 1.
The garden still is alight with.
The garden which has now become still (motionless) because the birds have gone into their nests is brightly lit up due to the presence of the showy lilies.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure

Question 2.
Dawn wakes the starling.
As soon as it is dawn, the starling, a commonly found black bird wakes up. This is due to the darkness that has disappeared because of dawn or daybreak.

Question 3.
The meadow is wrapped in shadow.
The meadow, where there is plenty of grass appears dark because the sun has set and there is only the shadow of the night falling on it.

3. Which is your favorite time of the day? Describe it in detail.

Question 1.
Which is your favourite time of the day? Describe it in detail.
I like the morning time of the day as I feel fresh at daybreak. This feeling of freshness is due to the morning rays of the sun that bring hope in my life. I also look forward to the whole day’s activities, playtime and fun. (Answer may vary).

4. Vist a library. Find and read stories and poems by Edith Hesbit.

Question 1.
Visit a library. Find and read stories and poems by Edith Hesbit.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure

5. Draw word webs for the following.

Question 1.
Begin with the given word and go on writing as many other words associated with it, as you can. Use these words to write other related words to form a word web.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure 1
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure 1.1

6. An activity.

Question 1.
Speak fust, think faster!
Form groups of 4-6. Discuss each of the following topics. Then each person in the group should choose a topic and speak about it for one minute. Try to say us many sentences as you can in that time.
a. What may happen ………………..
1. I may study …………….
As I have to go out during the weekend and then I may not have enough time to complete my studies. I have decided to be hardworking and sincere so that I may excel in my studies and achieve satisfaction.

2. A bird may fly into the classroom ………….
It may possibly get hurt due to the presence of the fan. It may have to be taken care of. It is better that I try to see to it that it does not enter the classroom so that it does not get wounded.

3. The Principal may call me …………..
The Principal may call me as I had expressed my wish to stand for the post of Commander in the school elections. I may be given an opportunity to compete with my friends. I may select the Lion as my logo. I feel I may be elected as Commander or Vice-commander.

4. It may rain ………………..
It may rain as the sky appears very cloudy right now. It may pour heavily and we are eagerly looking forward to it because only then we will have enough water supply to last for the whole year. The water supply may help the farmer tremendously in cultivating the crops to be supplied to the country’s population.

5. Dog may chase a cat.
A dog may chase a cat as it is the way of nature. The cat has been hiding behind the car, running around looking for rats. The dog has been on the lookout for the cat which was the cutest and the tiniest of the lot.

6. A king ……………. kingdom
A king may lose his kingdom. If he does not do justice, his subjects may lose faith in him. They may not love or respect him and even may not want him as their ruler anymore. The king must try to regain the trust of his subjects by being just and noble.

7. My friend …………….. read
My friend may give a storybook to read. He mentioned that the book was very interesting and had a captivating story. The characters in the book were unforgettable and described beautifully. The story is set in a mountainside village with a description of natural scenery. Hence, I feel that I may get that book to read during this weekend.

8. Mother may make idlis today.
Mother may make idlis today as we are going to have all my cousins at home for dinner. My mom is a very good cook. She prepares very tasty chutney and sambhar too. She has bought the ingredients like coconut and coriander, etc. So, I have strong feeling that she may make idlis tonight.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure

b. What is not likely to happen or will never happen?

1. It won’t …………… classroom.
It won’t rain in the classroom even though it is on the top floor because we have a concrete ceiling over our heads. It is pouring cats and dogs outside. I have a strong temptation to go out of my classroom and get wet in the rain and dance and enjoy because it is absolutely very clear that however hard we try, it will never rain in the classroom.

2. I won’t ever …………… dinosaur
I won’t ever see a dinosaur even if I dream of seeing it. This is a sad fact and a reality too because the dinosaurs have been clearly wiped away from the surface of the earth and not a single one is alive today as they could not adapt themselves to the changing environment. So, it is very sad to accept that I won’t ever see a live dinosaur.

3. The sun …………….. east.

The sun will never set in the east. Every phenomenon follows the law of nature and as per the law of nature that the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west. This is due to rotation of the earth – and not the revolution of the sun. If these natural phenomena followed other schedules, things on earth would be very difficult and may go haywire.

c. Imagine yourself to be in a particular environment. Write your own ideas.

He says, “Come on, Monu” ………. Monu tries to strike a balance but is tilting the cycle to one side and falls down. He is only slightly hurt because of his uncle’s presence. His uncle holds him while falling. So, he has only a few bruises. Once again, he is trying hard to balance with a strong determination. Monu does manage to ride the bicycle without falling, but oh only a short distance is covered and Monu is back to square one.. .i.e., the same position as earlier.

Class 6 English Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What had made the birds tired?
The long day’s fun and pleasure has made the birds feel tired.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure

Question 2.
Where are the birds heading to, at the end of their long day?
At the end of the long tiring day, the birds are heading to their nests.

Question 3.
What is the garden still alight with?
The garden is still alight with freshly bloomed; merry and live lilies.

Question 4.
What are the daisies in the garden doing?
The daisies in the garden are fast asleep.

Reading Skills and Poetic Device.

Question 1.
What does dawn do?
Dawn (early morning) wakes the starling, a commonly seen black bird.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure

Question 2.
What does the sparrow do at daybreak?
The sparrow starts moving slightly at the break of day to indicate that he has woken from his sleep.

Question 3.
What has happened to the meadows?
The meadow is totally wrapped (covered) in the shadow of the night.

Question 4.
Till what time is the mother telling the child to remain asleep?
The mother is telling the child to remain asleep till the daisies awaken themselves at dawn.

Question 5.
Pick out the rhyming words from the poem.

  • 1st stanza: treasure – pleasure; creep – asleep; is – lilies
  • 2nd stanza: darling – starling; break – wake; meadow – shadow

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure

Question 6.
Add a rhyming word of your own to each of the pairs given above.
e.g.: treasure – pleasure – measure

Do you know:

Mother’s Day is a time to honour mother, grandmother, great grandmother for their contribution to family. It honours motherhood, material bonds and the influence of mother in society. It is celebrated in the second week of may., in almost 46 countries. It is an annual event but is held at different dates in the calendar, depending on the country.

Sleep, My Treasure Summary in English

The mother in the poem is putting her baby to sleep. The mother is addressing the baby as her ‘treasure’. She says that the birds are very tired due to the long day’s pleasure of doing a lot of work. Hence, they move slowly and quietly to their nests. Since all the birds have gone to their nests, the garden is still and no movement is seen anywhere, yet it is brightly lit up and appears lively due to the showy lily flowers. In contrast, all the daisies that had earlier bloomed in the garden are fast asleep.
As the mother is telling the baby to go to sleep, she also mentions that dawn wakes up the black birds. The sparrow starts moving and stirs itself when he sees dawn, but the whole meadow is covered in the shadow of the night. The baby too must sleep till it is daybreak and till the time the daisies wake up.


The ‘treasure’ in the poem is the baby who is being addressed by the mother. The mother is describing the night and telling the child to sleep. The mother is also telling the child to wake up in the morning while describing how the beautiful morning scenario would be.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure


  1. pleasure (n) – enjoyment, happiness or satisfaction
  2. treasure (n) – something that is precious lighly valued, (here) – the baby/child
  3. creep (v) – move slowly without any noise
  4. still (adj) – staying in the same position without moving
  5. alight (v) – brightly lit up
  6. stirs (v) – wakes up, moves slightly
  7. wrapped – covered

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Class 6 English Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Form pairs. Make a list of as many games as you can. (At least 25) Then classify the games using the following criteria:

  • indoor and outdoor games.
  • Games played with and without any equipment.
  • Games which have one-to-one matches and those in which teams play against each other (Single player or team)
  • Games played mostly by children and games played by adult players.
  • Shape and size of the court or field.
  • Use the following figures to show your classification.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match 1

Question 1.
indoor and outdoor games.

Indoor GamesOutdoor Games
Kung fuKho-Kho
Table tennis
Weight lifting

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question 2.
Games played with and without any equipment.

DivingTable tennisBoxing
SquashGolfWeight lifting
BoxingHockeyKung fu

Question 3.
Games which have one-to-one matches and those in which teams play against each other (Single player or team)
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match 4

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question 4.
Games played mostly by children and games played by adult players.

Games played by childrenGames played by adults
Blind man’s buffChess
Cops and robbersSnooker
Dodge ballHockey
Four squareCricket
I spyBadminton
Leap frogFootball
Ring a Ring o’ RosesBilliards

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question 5.
Shape and size of the court or field.

Name of the gameShape of the court fieldSize of the field
BasketballRectangular26 m in length, 14 m in width measured from the inside edges of the boundary lines.
BoxingSquareThe ring should not be less than 12 feet or more than 20 feet square. The height from the ring floor level to the top rope should not be less than four feet, nor more than five feet.

2. Read the description of the Kabaddi match and do the following:

Question a.
Note down the names of the players and say whether each one belongs to 9A or 9B.

Name of the studentClass

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question b.
Describe, in your own words, the important events in the first half.
With the spectators clapping and boosting the morale of both the teams, the match got off to a good start. Having won the toss 9A sent their raider, Govind. Catching the opponent unawares, he touched Suresh from 9B and in no time headed towards home thus scoring a point.

Ravi being a strong player, with the knowledge of the right techniques appeared relaxed as he was aware of his strengths. Mangesh was wrestled down by Ravi and his friend, but Mangesh proved his capability. Even as he was on the ground with the anti¬raiders catching hold of his waist and legs, he slowly inched towards his court.

The best efforts of the anti-raiders failed in pulling him back and Mangesh successfully touched the mid-line scoring three points and getting three players of the anti-raiders out from the game.

Now, 9B began to play by exercising caution. Mihir and one of their raider tasted early success as they managed to tag Sohan in 9A. The other few raids were futile. Now, it was the turn of Vivek, the strategist. The remaining three players from 9B trapped Vivek. He slowly made his way back towards his court with the anti-raiders moving with him.

When they caught Vivek’s arm and tried to pull him back, Vivek slipped his leg beyond the midline with the anti-raiders still hanging onto his arm. Thanks to Vivek’s efforts, the whole of 9B was declared out.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question c.
Write in your own words, what happened in the second half.
The half time break was over, the star players of 9A were brimming with confidence. They did an encore by catching hold of ace raiders Mohan, Ajinkya and Ravi. As they say, the best team wins. Since 9A displayed excellence in all areas of the game, they emerged the winners. This coupled with team spirit, their confidence, strategies, swiftness and suppleness helped them emerge the winners beating 9B – a team which had never been defeated in any game of Kabaddi.

Question d.
Choose any one event and draw a diagram to show what happened.

3. List all the words specially used in the game of Kabaddi.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match 2

4. From the internet or other sources, find the other names by which Kubaddi is known in different parts of our country and the world.

Question 1.
From the internet or other sources, find the other names by which Kubaddi is known in different parts of our country and the world.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

5. What characteristics are needed to be a good player of Kabaddi? What should you do to develop each? Discuss this in groups of 5 and write a composition on it.

Question 1.
What characteristics are needed to be a good player of Kabaddi? What should you do to develop each? Discuss this in groups of 5 and write a composition on it.

6. Read the following note from a school girl’s diary:

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match 3

Write diary entries for the interesting or important events that take place in your school. Write at least 3 entries.

Question 1.
Write diary entries for the interesting or important events that take place in your school. Write at least 3 entries.
Dairy 1.

15th June, 2016.

Dear Diary,
Today was the first day of our new academic year. It was a fun filled day meeting new teachers and friends.
I am looking forward to the days ahead. My friends and I have made several plans to make the most of our time in school. The new textbooks are really very informative and colourful.
I am all excited about the days ahead.


Dairy 2.

15th Aug, 2016.

Dear Diary,
We had a tree plantation drive in our school on the occasion of Independence Day. All of us had to take saplings to school. I had taken a mango sapling. I wonder when my sapling will grow into a huge tree. There were posters everywhere, one which said – “Plant and preserve, Plant and protect, Plant and prosper, Plant and perish”.


Dairy 3.

12th Dec, 2016.

Dear Diary,
Today was our Sports Day. It was inaugurated by our Sports Minister. After the speeches, the competitions started. Various competitions were held. The most exciting were the Tug of War and Relay. I won the gold medal in 100 m Running. What an eventful day it was!


Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

7. Language Study: Degrees of comparison.
We use different forms of adjectives and adverbs to show comparison. They are known as degrees of comparison.

  • Positive: Mangesh was ac strong ac Ravi.
    She is as tall as her sister.
  • Comparative: Mangesh was stroll gel’ than other players.
    She is taller than her sister.
  • Superlative: Mungesh was the strongest player in the team.
    Their sister is the tallest amongst the three.

8. Complete the following sentences using your own ideas.

  1. The princess was as …………. as………… . (Positive)
  2. The princess was ……………. than …………….. .(Comparative)
  3. The princess was the ……………. amongst all ………… .(Superlative)

Note that we usually add ‘-er’, ‘-est’ to short adjectives and use more’ or ‘moSt’ with longer adjectives.

  • high – higher – highest
  • attractive – more attractive – most attractive
  • nice – nicer – nicest
  • interesting – more interesting – most interesting

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences using your own ideas.

  1. The princess was as …………. as………… . (Positive)
  2. The princess was ……………. than …………….. .(Comparative)
  3. The princess was the ……………. amongst all ………… .(Superlative)


  1. The princess was as beautiful as Princess lane.
  2. The princess was taller than Prince Arthur.
  3. The princess was the best among all girls.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

9. Read the following words and name the degree of comparison shown by each.
good – better – best bad – worse – worst

Class 6 English Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
What led to the hopes of class 9 A soaring?
The inclusion of three new students in class 9A, who were outstanding Kabaddi players led to the hopes of the class soaring.

Question 2.
How did the spectators boost the morale of both the teams?
When the match started, all the spectators clapped and boosted the morale of both the teams.

Question 3.
How was the first point of the game scored?
Raider Govind was so swift that before the opponents realised it, he had touched Suresh from 9B and was already heading home and a point was scored.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question 4.
What was the strength of Ravi from 9B?
Ravi from 9B, was a very strong player and he could single-handedly catch hold of any player tightly in between his legs, twisted like scissors. Releasing oneself from his grip would be next to impossible.

Question 5.
Why was Ravi relaxed?
Ravi was relaxed as he had never dreamt of any strong opposition from any team.

Question 6.
Which quality helped Mangesh to prove his mettle?
The quality of determination helped Mangesh . to prove his mettle.

Question 7.
What was the result of Mangesh’s efforts?
Mangesh, through his efforts not only saved himself but was able to score three points for his team as Ravi, Mohan and Ajinkya who were holding him were also declared out.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question 8.
How was the whole of 9B team declared out?
The three players from 9B trapped Vivek but he slowly moved back towards his court with the three anti-raiders moving with him. When they caught his arm and were trying to pull him back, Vivek slipped his leg beyond the midline with the anti-raiders still hanging on to his arm. Thus, the whole of 9B team was declared out.

Question 9.
What helped 9 A beat 9B who had never tasted defeat earlier in the game of Kabaddi?
9A outplayed 9B in all areas of Kabaddi. Their team spirit, confidence, strategies, swiftness and suppleness helped them to beat 9B who had never tasted defeat before.

Reading Skill, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following passage and complete the activities that follow.

Question 1.
Prepare a word register for the word ‘sports’.
courts, teams, opponents, players Extract:
In Kabaddi, two teams of seven members each, face each other on a flat rectangular court, divided by a midline. The game is usually played in two halves with a halftime break in between. After the break, the teams exchange their sides on the court.

To play the game, each team sends ‘raiders’ across the midline to the other team. The raider tries to ‘tag’ the opponents and run back to his side, all in one breath. To show that he hasn’t inhaled again, he has to chant ‘Kabaddi-Kabaddi’ all the time. If he has to inhale again, he is ‘out’.

The opponents try to catch the raider and stop him from going back to his half till he loses his breath, and has to inhale again. If the raider manages to go back successfully, all the persons he has tagged and all those who have touched him are declared out. For each player declared out, the opposite team scores a point. If all the seven players in a team are ‘out’, the opposite team gets bonus points – a Iona. The team with the maximum points wins the match.

The game of Kabaddi requires good health, muscular strength, strategic skills, a lot of practice and above all, great determination.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question 2.
Which aspects of the game of Kabaddi is highlighted in this extract?
The rules of the game of Kabaddi and the qualities required to excel in this game are title two aspects discussed in this extract.

Question 3.
What should each team do to play the game?
To play the game, each team sends ‘raiders’ across the midline to the other team.

Question 4.
What does the raider do?
The raider tries to ‘tag’ the opponents and run back to his side, all in one breath.

Question 5.
Why should the raider chant ‘Kabaddi- Kabaddi’ all the time?
To show that the raider has not inhaled again, the raider has to chant ‘Kabaddi-Kabaddi’ all the time.

Question 6.
When does the opposite team get bonus points?
When all the seven players in a team are ‘out’, the opposite team gets bonus points – a Iona.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question 7.
Which team wins the match?
The team with the maximum points wins the match.

Question 8.
What are the qualities essential to excel at Kabaddi?
To excel in the game of Kabaddi one requires good health, muscular strength, strategic skills, a lot of practice and above all, great determination.

Question 9.
The team with the maximum points wins, the match. (State the word class of the underlined word.)
maximum – adjective

Question 10.
Do you think sports plays an important role in development? Elaborate.
Mahatma Gandhi, has rightly said: “Education is the all-round development of an individual – body, mind and spirit.”
Sports plays an important role in contributing to our physical fitness apart from developing essential values and virtues.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Language Study

Do as directed.

Question 1.
The school sports meet was scheduled next month. (State the part of speech of the underlined word.)
next – adjective

Question 2.
The practice matches had already begun. (Add a question tag.)
The practice matches had already begun, hadn’t they?

Question 3.
When the match started, all the spectators clapped and boosted the morale of both the teams. (Pick out the action words.)
started, clapped, boosted

Question 4.
9A won the toss and sent their raider Govind. (Begin the sentence with, “Winning the toss ……”)
Winning the toss, 9A sent their raider Govind.

Question 5.
All the players were literally afraid of him. (Pick out the adverb.)
Adverb: literally

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question 6.
Mangesh from 9A was strong. (Form a Wh- question to get the underline word as the answer.)
Who was strong?

Question 7.
Kabaddi is an ancient sport. (Pick out the article.)
an – article

Question 8.
The team with the maximum points wins the match. (Pick out the collective noun.)
team – collective noun

Question 9.
Indian girls and boys have always excelled at Kabaddi. (Pick out the naming words.)
girls, boys, Kabaddi – Naming words

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question 10.
One day, you may help win glory for your school. (Pick out the modal and state its function.)
may – possibility

Change into the positive degree of comparison.

Question 1.
Kabaddi is the most popular game in this school.
No other game is as popular as Kabaddi in this school.

Question 2.
Kevin was the strongest player.
No other player was as strong as Kevin.

Question 3.
Kabaddi is more popular than that game.
This game is not as popular as Kabaddi.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Question 4.
He is the best Kabaddi player in the school.
No other Kabaddi player in the school is as good as he is.

Name of Kabaddi in different parts of the world.

  • baibalea – Maldives
  • hadudu – Bangladesh
  • kabaddi – Denmark
  • kabaddi – Kenya
  • kabaddi – Spain

Complete the table.


Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Writing Skills

Flow Chart:

Question 1.
Arrange the points in proper order to show how the game of Kabaddi is played. Write the numbers in the blocks.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match 5


Question 1.
Write an essay using the points given below.
What characteristics are needed to be a good player of Kabaddi?
What should we do to develop each of them?
A Good Kabaddi Player
Any player requires various characteristics to emerge as a good player. The game of Kabaddi too requires physical and mental fitness. While good health, muscular strength and strategic skills are essential to emerge a winner, also equally important are other traits. Determination, dedication, devotion, consistency in performance and willingness to give one’s best, too are of paramount importance.

We can acquire these skills if we resolve to do our best and give our hundred percent to the game. Right skills, ample practice and the will to excel will help us reach our goal. Watching Kabaddi matches on television, seeking help from experts, finding one’s weak areas and working on them are ways in which we can develop attributes to become a good Kabaddi player.
‘Hardwork is the key to success’ in Kabaddi or any other game.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match

Let Us Remember:

“The heights which great men,
Reached and kept,
Were not attained by sudden flight,
They, while their companions slept, were toiling upwards in the night.”

Do yoy know?

Kabddi World Cup
The 2016 World Cup, the third standard style Kabbadi World Cup was an international Kabbadi tournament contested from 7th October 2016 to 22nd October 2016 at the Arena, in Ahmedabad. 12 countries had competed in the tournament and 33 matches been played. The tournament was won by India who defeated Iran 38-29 in the Championship Games to win their third Kabbadi world cup.

Kabaddi Match Summary in English

The lesson begins with a School Sports Meet through which the rules and strategies of the game are shared with the reader. The extract also highlights the qualities displayed by the winning team – team spirit, confidence, right strategies, swiftness and suppleness.
The lesson goes on to talk about the rules of the game and ends with qualities essential to excel in this game.


This lesson is about Kabaddi, an outdoor sport which originated in India, and is now popular in many countries of the world.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 A Kabaddi Match


  1. sports meet (n) – an event where sports competitions are held
  2. scheduled (v) – planned
  3. outstanding (adj) – very good
  4. pectators (n) – people who watch a game
  5. opponents (n) – ones who compete with another in a game
  6. grip (n) – a firm hold
  7. literally (adv) – exactly
  8. anti-raiders (n) – every player in whose court, raid is being made
  9. determination (n) – firmness in purpose
  10. cautiously (adv) – in a guarded manner
  11. strategies (n) – plans of action to achieve an aim
  12. enviable (adj) – sought after
  13. ace (adj) – one who excels
  14. swiftness (n) – moving with rapid speed
  15. suppleness (n) – flexibility
  16. inhale (v) – breathe in
  17. tagged (v) – to follow someone from one place to another
  18. strategic (adj) – useful in achieving a plan
  19. resolve (n) – firm decision

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School …

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School … Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School …

Class 6 English Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School … Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Read the poem aloud.

Question 1.
Read the poem aloud.

2. Find atleast two things from the poem that show the following:

Question a.
It is early morning:

  1. Morning light spreads over the earth.
  2. The sun, after his morning dip in the river dressed up in his golden muslin turban waits and smiles on one side of the road.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School ...

Question b.
The atmosphere is pleasant.

  1. Breezes sing their songs of blessings.
  2. Fragrant flowers awaken the sleepy roads with their melodies.

3. Apart from children, no other human beings are mentioned in the poem. However, many natural elements are shown to act like person. Name them and also write what they do.

Question 1.
Apart from children, no other human beings are mentioned in the poem. However, many natural elements are shown to act like person. Name them and also write what they do.

  1. The sky: Sky bows his head in respect for children going to school.
  2. The sun: The sun waits and smiles on one side of the road for the children are going to school.
  3. The breezes: Through the green-topped branches, breezes sing their songs of blessings.
  4. The fragrant flowers: They awaken the sleepy roads with their melodies.
  5. The peepal tree: It waves his hands for the children going to school.
  6. Every particle of the earth: Throbs like a mother’s heart for the children going to school.
  7. Pigeons: Fly in the sky for children going to school.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School ...

4. Draw a picture of the scene described in the poem.

Question 1.
Draw a picture of the scene described in the poem.

5. The whole world is happy because children are going to school. Why is it so? Discuss it in the classroom.

Question 1.
The whole world is happy because children are going to school. Why is it so? Discuss it in the classroom.
Children going to school is a beautiful sight. The fun they have, the little games they play, the mischievous things they do enroute to the school, all make it a pretty picture. So, the whole world is happy to witness this sight. Apart from this, it is important that children go to school for their development and the development of the world at large. So, the whole world is happy because children are going to school.

6. Write about how your family supports you to go to school.

Question 1.
Write about how your family supports you to go to school.
My family is my greatest support system. They support me in every way to go to school. Packing my lunch box and bag with books and learning material is done by my mother. My father helps me to keep my books complete. He also helps me to get ready to go to school before dropping me to school.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School ...

7. What would happen if children didn’t go to school? Discuss the question in groups of 5-8 and prepare a short composition on it.

Question 1.
What would happen if children didn’t go to school? Discuss the question in groups of 5-8 and prepare a short composition on it.
School is a temple of knowledge. If children didn’t go to school, they would not attain knowledge. In a school, they learn different subjects, good qualities and various skills. This helps them to become good individuals and great citizens. Children who don’t go to school will be denied all these experiences. They will also miss out all the fun other children have in schools.

We should ensure that every child is sent to school so that he receives good education. This will not only help him to realise his dreams but also help him contribute towards national development. Let us educate and empower ourselves and work towards a bright future.

8. Write in short about what your parents/guardians feel when they send you to school.

Question 1.
Write in short about what your parents/guardians feel when they send you to school.
Parents/guardians experience mixed feelings when they send us to school. They feel happy that we are going to school to acquire knowledge, skills and values and at the same time they miss our absence from home too.
Sometimes, if the school is far away, parents and guardians are worried till we get back. At the same time they are aware that for our bright future it is essential to go to school. They are proud that we are doing our best in school by making the most of our experiences.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School ...

9. List five of your favourite Hindi or Marathi poems or songs. Try to translate any one of them into English.

Question 1.
List five of your favourite Hindi or Marathi poems or songs. Try to translate any one of them into English.

10. Visit a library. Find a school poem. Recite it to your parents.

Question 1.
Visit a library. Find a school poem. Recite it to your parents.

Class 6 English Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School … Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
When and to whom does the sky bow his head in respect?
When the morning light spreads over the earth, the sky bows his head in respect to the children going to school.

Question 2.
How has the poet described the sun in the poem?
The sun is described beautifully by the poet. He says that after the sun’s morning dip in the river, dressed up in golden muslin turban it waits and smiles on one side of the road for the children going to school.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School ...

Question 3.
Who waves at the children going to school?
The peepal tree waves his hands at the children going to school.

Question 4.
Why is every road shining bright?
The angels of light have set out and so every road is shining bright.

Reading Skill, Vocabulary and Poetic Devices

Read the following extract and complete the activities that follow.

Question 1.
Complete the web diagram with the elements of nature mentioned in the extract.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School 1

Question 2.
What does the poet convey through the above poem?
The poet conveys the happiness of all the elements of nature at the sight of children going to school.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School ...

Question 3.
What do the breezes do as the children are going to school?
Through the green-topped branches, the breezes sing their songs of blessings.

Question 4.
What do the fragrant flowers do as the children are going to school?
The fragrant flowers awaken the sleepy roads with their melodies as the children are going to school.

Question 5.
What has the poet compared the throbbing of every particle of the earth to?
The poet has compared the throbbing of every particle of the earth to the throb of a mother’s heart.

Question 6.
Explain the line:
Angels of light have set out Every road is a-gleam.
Answer: The sunlight is rejoicing at the sight of the children going to school and it has made the roads shining bright for the children.

Question 7.
Name the rhyme scheme used in the last four lines of the poem.

Question 8.
Pick out an example of Simile from the extract.
At this hour, every particle of the earth throbs like a mother’s heart.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School ...

Question 10.
What are the emotions you experience at the thought of going to school?
I am filled with happiness and joy at the thought of going to school. I look forward to have fun, frolic and enjoyment in school and so I get very excited at the very thought.

Student’s Activity:

Spot the words based on the clues given.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School 2

  1. Greenery, leafy cover
  2. Sweet music
  3. A kind of soft cotton fabric
  4. Light wind

Observe the words given below. Write a story in about hundred words based on the same:

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School 3

Children are Going to School … Summary in English

‘Children Going to School’ is a beautiful poem translated from ‘Bachche School Ja Rahe Hai’ written by Nida Fazli. The poem talks about how natural elements like the sky, sun, breezes, fragrant flowers, peepal tree, every particle of the earth and pigeons etc., are happy at the sight of children going to school. They express their happiness in different ways as the children find their way to school.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 Children are Going to School ...


The poem highlights the reaction of different elements of nature at the sight of children going to school.


  1. dip (n) – plunge into the river (here)
  2. muslin (n) – a kind of soft cotton fabric
  3. green-topped branches – branches covered with leaves
  4. breezes (n) – light wind
  5. melodies (n) – sweet music
  6. foliage (n) – greenery, leafy cover
  7. gleam (n) – shining bright

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest? Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Class 6 English Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest? Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Listen to the stories carefully, as your teacher reads them aloud. Note down the new words, ideas or concepts. Discuss them in the class.

Question 1.
Listen to the stories carefully, as your teacher reads them aloud. Note down the new words, ideas or concepts. Discuss them in the class.

2. Guess the meaning of the following words and phrases:
untold wealth, closest to the Emperor’s heart, grave offence, banish.

Question 1.
Guess the meaning of the following words and phrases:
untold wealth, closest to the Emperor’s heart, grave offence, banish.

  1. untold wealth: limitless wealth, the magnitude of which is not revealed
  2. closest to the Emperor’s heart: dear to the Emperor
  3. grave offence: serious mistake
  4. banish: send away into exile

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

3. Say with reasons, whether the following statements are true or false.

Question a.
Akbar wanted to punish the person who pulled his moustache.
False. Akbar did tell his courtiers that someone had pulled his moustache. But it was his grandson who had lovingly pulled his moustache and Akbar did not have any intention of punishing him.

Question b.
Akbar thought he was greater than God.
False. Akbar did not think so. It was his courtiers who said so in an attempt to praise him for receiving favours.

Question c.
Birbal thought Akbar was greater than God.
True. Birbal thought Akbar was greater than God but only at one aspect. Unlike Akbar, God’s kingdom extended everywhere so the Almighty God could not banish anyone from his kingdom.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

4. Write a sentence about three of your friends. Each time you should say what your friend cannot do, and yet, pay a compliment to your friend.

Question 1.
Write a sentence about three of your friends. Each time you should say what your friend cannot do, and yet, pay a compliment to your friend.

  • My friend Raj cannot say no to others as he does not like to hurt others.
  • My friend Radha cannot hurt animals as she is concerned about their welfare.
  • My friend Sai cannot be rude to others because he is extremely loving and polite.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

5. Write a short note on Emperor Akbar.

Question 1.
Write a short note on Emperor Akbar.
Emperor Akbar or Akbar the Great is known as one of the greatest rulers in the world – not just because he had a vast empire, a very strong army, untold wealth but because he was a good human being. He cared for his subjects. He had great respect for scholars, writers, poets and artists belonging to different religions. He was a patron of art and culture. The nine gems or ‘nav-ratnas’ in his court were famous which included Birbal who was known for his wit and humour. He was the one who was very dear to Akbar.

6. Convert the stories into dialogues and read the dialogues aloud in the class.

Question 1.
Convert the stories into dialogues and read the dialogues aloud in the class.
(One is done for you.)

  • Emperor Akbar: (With a serious expression.)
    I have a question for all of you. What should be the punishment for someone who pulls my moustache?
  • One Nobleman: Flog him! Give him fifty lashes of the whip.
  • Second Nobleman: That’s not enough. Put him in jail without food and water.
  • Third Nobleman: Whip him! Beat him up! Fourth Nobleman: Hang him!
  • Fifth Nobleman: Cut off his offending hands.
  • Akbar: What do you say Birbal?
    What is your opinion?
  • Birbal: In my opinion, given of peace to the world, the offender should be given his favourite sweetmeats.
  • Courtiers: Raja Birbal, are you out of your mind? Give sweetmeats for such a grave offence?
  • Birbal: Yes, who would be so bold as to pull the Emperor’s moustache? Only his own grandson!
    (Akbar burst out laughing as it was exactly what had happened in the morning.)

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

7. Form pairs and make a ‘pair presentation’ of any one of the two stories. To do so, each person presents only one sentence at a time, and the next one is immediately presented by the partner. Thus, each person in the pair presents alternate sentences without breaking the flow of the narration.

8. Find at least five other Akbar and Birbal stories and share them with your friends. Make a list of the stories collected by the entire class. Write your list in alphabetical order.

9. Visit a library. Find the stories of:

  • Mulla Nasiruddin
  • Gopal Bhand
  • Tenali Raman

Share them in the class.

Class 6 English Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest? Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
Why is Emperor Akbar or Akbar the Great known as one of the greatest rulers in the world?
Emperor Akbar or Akbar the Great is known as one of the greatest rulers in the world, not just because he had a vast empire, a very strong army, untold wealth, but because he was a good human being.

Question 2.
Give two examples to show that Akbar was an ideal ruler.

  1. Akbar cared for his subjects.
  2. He had great respect for scholars, writers, poets and artists belonging to different religions.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Question 3.
Who did Akbar have great respect for?
Akbar had great respect for scholars, writers, poets and artists belonging to different religious.

Question 4.
Which question posed by Akbar stunned the Emperor’s court? Why?
The question, “What should be the punishment for someone who pulls my moustache?” stunned Akbar’s court as it was unheard of.

Question 5.
Write any one punishment suggested by any one nobleman.
One nobleman suggested that the person who pulled the Emperor’s moustache should be flogged with fifty lashes of the whip.

Question 6.
What was Birbal’s suggestion regarding punishing the offender?
Birbal suggested that the offender should be given his favourite sweetmeats.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Question 7.
What explanation did Birbal offer for his choice of punishment?
Birbal explained that only his own grandson would be so bold to pull the Emperor’s moustache and so giving his favourite sweetmeats would be the best punishment.

Question 8.
Why did the courtiers compete with each other in praising Akbar?
The courtiers competed with each other in praising Akbar as they wanted to get some favours from him.

Question 9.
What dilemma did the courtiers face?
When the courtiers praised Akbar and said that he was greater than God Almighty, Akbar asked them to prove it or face punishment.

Question 10.
What was the one thing according to Birbal which Akbar could do but God Almighty could not?
According to Birbal when Akbar wanted to punish someone, he could banish that person out of his kingdom, but as God’s kingdom extended everywhere, the Almighty couldn’t banish anyone from his kingdom.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following extract and complete the activities that follow.

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Akbar was happy to hear the praises from his courtiers.
b. Akbar was angry with Birbal’s response.
a. False
b. False

Question 2.
What information did Akbar want?
Akbar wanted to know if the courtiers had found an answer to his question.

Question 3.
Why could God not banish anyone from his kingdom?
God couldn’t banish anyone from his kingdom because God’s kingdom extended everywhere.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Question 4.
Why did Akbar’s face lighten up with a smile?
Akbar’s face lightened up with a smile because Birbal had given a clever reply.

Question 5.
Why did Akbar forgive the courtiers for their stupidity?
Akbar was so pleased with the answer given by Birbal that he forgave the courtiers for their stupidity.

Question 6.
Find the odd word:
look, royal, good, proper
look, The rest are adjectives.

Question 7.
Complete the analogy:
prove: proof: punish: punishment

Question 8.
Everyone was curious to see what would happen next. (State the word class of the underlined word.)
next: adverb

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Question 9.
The Almighty cannot banish anyone from his kingdom. (Add a question tag)
The Almighty cannot banish anyone from his kingdom, can he?

Question 10.
Do you believe in false praise? Elaborate.
No, I don’t. Appreciating people for their good qualities is a good thing but resorting to false praise for receiving favours or for some ulterior motive is definitely something which we should refrain from.

Language Study

Do as directed.

Question 1.
You are the greatest of the kings. (Underline the adjective)

Question 2.
Put him in jail without food and water. (State the types of nouns)
food, water – Material noun.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Question 3.
He was an patron of art and culture. (Correct the article)
He was a patron of art and culture.

Question 4.
I believe you. ( Begin the sentence with ‘you are )
You are believed (by me).

Question 5.
Flag him ! (State the type of sentence)
Exclamatory sentence.

Question 6.
Akbar looked at Birbal thoughtfully (State the part of speech of the underlined word)
thoughtfully – Adverb.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Make sentences using the following phrases.

  1. to have respect: I have great respect for my teachers who are my friends and my guide.
  2. to come up with: He came up with the most silly excuse.
  3. to be stunned: The whole world was stunned by the news .
  4. to offer an explanation: He realised his mistake and offered an explanation for them.
  5. to have an advantage: The other team in the game had an advantage because they were highly experienced.

Complete the following table.


Give the antonyms by providing appropriate suffixes.

  1. interesting × uninteresting
  2. human × inhuman
  3. pleased × displeased
  4. advantage × disadvantage
  5. proper × improper

Give one word for:

  1. very great in area or size: vast
  2. to beat someone hard with a whip: flog
  3. to be disturbed: agitated
  4. lack of cleverness: stupidity

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Did you Know?

Birbal stories are very famous and popular in India among all ages of people. They are also known as Akbar-Birbal stories. Akbar, the Great, the Mughal Emperor in India, ruled from 1560 to 1605. He himself was illeterate but he invited several learned people in his court. Among these, nine people were very famous and were known as Nav-ratnas. Birbal was the favourite of Akbar, because of his wisdom, wit and subtle humour.

Who’s the Greatest? Summary in English

Who’s the Greatest? is an interesting lesson which narrates two of the very popular Akbar and Birbal stories. Akbar would always pose interesting questions and problems in his court and Birbal, one of his nine gems or ‘nav-ratnas’ never failed to come up with an answer displaying his wit and humour.

In this lesson, one of the stories talks about Akbar’s question to his courtiers:
“What should be the punishment for someone who pulls my moustache?”
While everyone called for strict actions for the grave offence, Birbal smilingly suggested that Akbar should give the offender his favourite sweetmeats. After all he said, who would be so bold to pull the Emperor’s moustache other than his own grandson?
The next story is about the challenge Akbar posed to his courtiers who showered him with false praises and called him greater than the God Almighty.
He told the courtiers to tell him atleast one thing he could do but God Almighty would not be able to do.
Here Birbal came to the courtier’s rescue. He said:
“When you want to punish someone, you can banish that person – you can throw him out of your kingdom. But God’s kingdom extends everywhere. The Almighty cannot banish anyone from his kingdom.” Akbar was pleased with the answer.
The humour and wit in the Akbar and Birbal stories are the reasons for their popularity.


‘Who’s the Greatest’ narrates Akbar and Birbal’s stories which reflect Birbal’s wit, humour and intelligence.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?


  1. vast (adj) – very great in area or size
  2. empire (n) – a large area ruled by an emperor or supreme authority
  3. scholars (n) – learned persons
  4. patrons (n) – a person supporting something. Here it is art and culture
  5. pose (v) – present a question
  6. generations (n) – all the people born in the same period
  7. agitated (adj) – angry, disturbed.
  8. courtiers (n) – attendants at the court
  9. offender (n) – one who commits an illegal act
  10. opportunity (n) – circumstances which ensure that something can be done
  11. displeasure (n) – annoyance
  12. banish (v) – send away into exile
  13. advantage (n) – something which provides one a favourable position

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up!

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up! Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up!

Class 6 English Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up! Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Have you ever given up on something good? Share your story.

Question 1.
Have you ever given up on something good? Share your story.
I was a very good cricketer. But on a couple of occasions, I got a feeling that my team failed due to my poor performance. I stopped pursuing the game, but today I regret my decision. I realised very late that: ‘A quitter never wins and a winner never quits’.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up!

2. Your friend fell down learning to ride a bicycle and now has given it up altogether. What do you think will be the poet’s advice?

Question 1.
Your friend fell down learning to ride a bicycle and now has given it up altogether. What do you think will be the poet’s advice?
‘Rise each time you fall, never give up’ would be the advice the poet would give my friend. While riding a bicycle or acquiring any new skills, we are bound to fall or face disappointments. The poet would advise him to be patient and rise stronger and achieve what he has set out to achieve with determination and resilience.

Class 6 English Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up! Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What should we not do if we have tried but not won?
If we have tried but not won, we should never stop for crying or feel dejected about the same.

Question 2.
Name two elements of nature mentioned in the poem which display determination and strength.
‘Young birds’ and the ‘oak tree’.

Question 3.
Pick out two describing words used in the poem.
Young, sturdy

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up!

Question 4.
Circle the odd word. great good patient (blast)
Blast, the rest are describing words.

Question 5.
Name any one personality from the pages of history who didn’t give up till he succeeded. Justify your answer.
Our Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, did not give up or buckle under pressure in our struggle for independence. Finally, due to his relentless efforts and determination, we became free from the British rule and became an independent nation.

Question 6.
Explain the line: “If by easy work you beat, who the more will prize you?”
The above lines from the poem ‘Don’t Give Up’ written by Phoebe Cary convey the message that if success comes to us easily it will not be considered as our achievement. Rising above challenges and failures, and emerging a winner is true success, according to the poet.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up!

Reading Skills, Poetic Device

Read the following stanza and answer the questions that follow.

Question 1.
Pre-reading activity:
Complete the web diagram with action words from the poem.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up! 1

Question 2.
What is the central idea of the poem?
The central idea of the poem is that we should never give up and be patient in the face of failures as we continue to keep trying. Failures are bound to occur. We should not lose heart and stop trying but gain victory from defeat with our willpower and our determination.

Question 3.
According to the poet, how has the great and good been done in this world?
According to the poet, all that’s great and good is done just by trying, with patience and determination till we achieve our goal.

Question 4.
What happens to the young birds while they try to fly?
The young birds fall as they try to fly.

Question 5.
Pick out lines to prove that the oak has survived many blows of stormy winds.
‘She has risen again and grown, Loftier and prouder’.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up!

Question 6.
Pick out a contraction from the extract.
You’ve (It stands for you have)

Question 7.
Do you agree with the maxim: ‘Try, try, till you succeed’?
Yes. I agree with the maxim: ‘Try, try till you succeed’. We should remember that ‘A quitter never wins and winner never quits’.
People like Mahatma Gandhi, Sachin Tendulkar, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and others have proved the above maxim to be right, with their life and work.
We should remember that disappointments and failures are bound to occur in our journey to succeed, but we should never lose heart. We should keep trying patiently till we accomplish our goal.

Poetic Device/Appreciation:

Question 1.
Find the meaning of the following expressions.

  1. All that’s great and good: All the great achievements and accomplishments we see around us.
  2. Has known many a blast: The tree has survived many blows of stormy weather.
  3. The test that tries: A situation which is challenging, and which tests our endurance, our resilience and our willpower.

Poetic Devices:

Question 1.
Pick out two pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

  • won – done
  • stronger – longer
  • known-grown

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up!

Question 2.
Name the rhyme scheme used in the first four lines of the poem.

Question 3.
Name and explain the figure of speech used in the line.
‘That’s the test that tries you’.
The figure of speech used in the above line is Alliteration as the sound of the alphabet’t’ is repeated for a better poetic effect.

Student’s Activity:

Question 1.
Find real life stories of some indians, abled and disabled, who have beaten all odds to become great achievers. You can also make a power point presentation with the help of your teacher.

Don’t Give Up! Summary in English

‘Don’t Give Up’ written by Phoebe Cary has a beautiful message for each one of us. The poet advises us never to be disheartened or dejected by failures. We are reminded that all the great and good things in this world is done just by patience and relentless efforts of the concerned people.

The poet gives the example of young birds who in their initial flights, fall but rise higher and stronger each time, thus proving that resilience and determination can help scale great heights.

The sturdy oak too has withstood challenges of time before rising up taller, stronger and prouder. Our achievements and our accomplishments may not be celebrated by others if it had come to us easily. But despite all odds, overcoming all challenges, rising above defeats when we achieve our goal and gain victory, that will be our true test, our real victory.


‘Don’t Give Up’ written by Phoebe Cary conveys the message that failures should not discourage us from achieving what we have set out to do. In a nutshell, the poet is conveying the message that we should never quit, however hard the situation and emerge a winner.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 Don’t Give Up!


  1. patient (adj) – a person with calm endurance
  2. sturdy (adj) – strong
  3. oak (n) – a deciduous forest tree
  4. victory (n) – success achieved
  5. test that tries (phr) – something done to discover/test our ability
  6. give up (phr) – lose heart and stop trying
  7. has known many a blast (phr) – has survived many blows of stormy winds
  8. loftier (adj) – taller and stronger
  9. you beat (phr) – you win (here)
  10. resilience (n) – able to recover quickly from difficult conditions.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Match the pairs.

diversity in living things and their classification class 6 exercise Question 1.

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Amphibiansa. A monkey
2. Vertebratesb. A snake
3. With scalesc. A frog


Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Amphibiansc. A frog
2. Vertebratesa. A monkey
3. With scalesb. A snake

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

2. Who is the odd one out?

Question a.
Fungus, mushroom, chrysanthemum, spirogyra
Chrysanthemum (only flowering plants)
Spirogyra (only aquatic plant)

Question b.
Mango, banyan, palm, chickpea
Chickpea (shrub, others are not)
Palm (tall tree without any branches, others have branches)

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question c.
Grape, orange, lemon, hibiscus
Grape (only creeper, others are not)
Hibiscus (flower, others are fruits)

Question d.
Sunflower, banyan, jowar, bajra
Banyan (perinnial, others are not)

Question e.
Guava, radish, carrot, beetroot
Gauva (fruit, others are roots)

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question f.
Deer, fish, man, worms
Worms (invertebrate, others are not)
Fish (aquatic animal, others are terristrial animals

3. What is the difference?

Question a.
Flowering plant and Non-flowering plant

Flowering plantNon-flowering plant
1. Plants that bear flowers are called flowering plants.1. Plants that do not bear flowers are called non­flowering plants.
2. They have roots, stems and leaves.2. They may not have roots, stems or leaves.
e.g. Rose, sunflower, lotuse.g. Pine, fern, algae

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question b.
A Tree and a Shrub

1. They have branches at some height above the ground.1. They give out branches close to the ground.
2. They grow very tall compared to shrubs.2. They grow upto 2 to 3 metres in height.
3. They have strong and hard stems.3. They have thick hard stems.
e.g. Mango tree, banyan treee.g. Hibiscus, oleander

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question c.
Vertebrates and Invertebrates

1. They have vertebral column.1. They do not have vertebral column.
2. The brain is well developed.2. The brain if present may not be developed.
e.g. Human, dog, fishes etc.e.g. earthworm, insects etc.

4. True or false?

Question a.
The snail is an aquatic animal.

Question b.
Amphibians can live in air and in water.

Question c.
The function of the brain is well developed in vertebrate.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question d.
The amoeba is a multicellular animal.

5. Write two names of each. 

Question a.
A flowering plant
Rose, hibiscus

Question b.
A non-flowering plant
Fern, algae

Question c.
A tree
Mango, banyan

Question d.
A shrub
Oleander, hibiscus

Question e.
A creeper
Pumpkin, watermelon

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question f.
An annual plant
Jowar, sunflower

Question g.
A biennial plant
Carrot, beetroot

Question h.
A perennial plant
Mango, gulmohar

6. Write answers to the following. 

Question a.
What are the parts of a plant?
The parts of a plant are: root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruit and seed.

Question b.
What are the functions of root?
The functions of root are:

  1. The root hold the soil firmly and anchor the plant.
  2. They absorb water, salt and minerals from the soil and transport it to stem.
  3. Some roots store food. e.g. Carrot, radish.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question c.
Why is it necessary to classify living things?

  1. There is a great diversity in living things- both plants and animals on the earth.
  2. In order to identify them and to study their characteristics, systematic classification is necessary.

Question d.
What are the criteria used to classify living things?
Following are the criteria used to classify living things:
a. Plants:

  • Mode of nutrition.
  • Similarities and differences in structure.
  • Presence of flowers or not.
  • Period of life cycles.
  • Habitat.

b. Animals:

  • Cell structure.
  • Presence of vertebral column.
  • Method of reproduction.
  • Habitat.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question e.
Tell some characteristics of creepers.
The characteristics of creepers are:

  1. The stem of a creeper is very flexible, soft and green and need support to climb.
  2. Some climbers spread on the ground, e.g. Pumpkin
  3. Some have aerial roots, e.g. Money plant
  4. Some climbers develop tendrils, e.g. Cucumber

Question f.
Explain the characteristics of herbs with examples.

  1. Herbs grow 1 to 1.5 m tall.
  2. Their stem is green and quite flexible.
  3. They may live for a few months or upto two years, e.g. Tulsi, oregano, etc.

Question g.
How is the body of animals protected?
Body of animals are protected by special covering such as skins, feathers, scales, hair fur, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question h.
On the basis of which criteria will you classify plants and animals?
Diversity In Living Things And Their Classification Class 6 Exercise
Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Diversity In Living Things and Their Classification

7. Draw figures. 

Question a.
Draw the figure of a plant to show the parts, namely, the root, stem and leaves in it.
Diversity In Living Things And Their Classification


Question 1.
Visit a plant nursery and classify the plants there.

Question 2.
Visit a zoo and obtain information about the diversity in animals.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question 3.
Write an essay on diversity in plants.

Question 4.
Collect seeds of various plants during summer and throw them in open spaces (fallow land, moorland, hill, etc.) during the rainy season.

Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
Plants that can prepare their own food are called ………….. plants.

Question 2.
Pitcher plants are ………….. .

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question 3.
The ………….. is an important means of reproduction.

Question 4.
Animals that lay eggs are ………….. animals.

Question 5.
Animals that can live on land as well as water are called ………….. .

Choose the correct alternative:

Question 1.
The ………….. is a perennial.
(a) beetroot
(b) gulmohar
(c) grass
(b) gulmohar

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question 2.
The sunflower is a / an ………….. plant.
(a) annual
(b) biennial
(c) perennial
(a) annual

Question 3.
Cactus is a ………….. plant.
(a) land
(b) water
(c) desert
(c) desert

Question 4.
The …………….. is a unicellular animal.
(a) cockroach
(b) snail
(c) paramoecium
(c) paramoecium

Question 5.
Hen is a …………….. animal.
(a) oviparous
(b) viviparous
(c) none of above
(b) oviparous

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question 6.
Earthworm is a / an ……………. animal.
(a) vertebrate
(b) invertebrate
(c) unicellular
(b) invertebrate

True or False:

Question 1.
The pods of beans and peas are actually fruits.

Question 2.
Fungus is heterotrophic.

Write two names of each.

Question 1.
An invertebrate animal
Earthworm, cockroach

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question 2.
An oviparous animal.
Hen, sparrow

Distinguish between:

Question 1.
Autotrophic plant and Heterotrophic plant

Autotrophic plantHeterotrophic plant
1. They can produce their own food.1. They cannot produce their own food. They depend on other things for their food.
2. They are green in colour.2. They are non­green in colour.
e.g. Periwinkle, pomegranate etc.e.g. Dodder, loranthus etc

Classify as directed.

Question 1.
Into annual, biennial, perennial
Sunflower, carrot, bajra, mango, jowar, oleander, beetroot, coconut


Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question 2.
Into vertebrates and invertebrates
Fish, cat, earthworm, snail, hen, cockroach


Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification


Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Diversity In Living Things and Their Classification Question 1.
Unicellular animal
Animals which have a single cell body performing all functions, are called unicellular animals, e.g. Amoeba

Diversity In Living Things And Their Classification Exercise Question 2.
Multicellular animals
Animals which have many cells in their body, are called multicellular animals, e.g. Cat

Diversity In Living Things and Their Classification Question 3.
Animals with vertebral column are called vertebrates, e.g. Man

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question 4.
Invertebrate animals
Animals without vertebrate column are called invertebrate animals, e.g. Earthworm

Question 5.
Oviparous animals
Animals which lay eggs and hatch them are called oviparous animals, e.g. Hen

Question 6.
Viviparous animals
Animals which give birth to their young ones are called viviparous animals, e.g. Dog

Answer the following:

Question 1.
Give the functions of:
a. Stem:
1. The stem gives support to the other parts of the plant.
2. The stem carries out the function of production, conduction and storage of the food.
3. In some cases it stores food.
b. Leaves: They play an important role in the production of food.
c. Flowers: The flowers are reproductive organ of plant.
d. Fruits: Fruits have seeds which give rise to new plant.
e. Seeds: From the seeds arise new plants.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Answer the following in short.

Question 1.
What type of plants are toolstools and mushrooms?
Toolstools and mushrooms are heterotrophs.

Question 2.
What type of plant is a fig?
Fig is a tree.

Question 3.
Do ferns, algae and money plant bear flowers?
Ferns, algae and money plants do not bear flowers. They are non-flowering plants.

Question 4.
Which is the largest flower and where is it found?
Rafflesia Arnoldi is the world’s largest flower. It is found in Indonesia.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question 5.
Where does pomegranate grow?
Pomegranate is a shrub which grows on land in soil.

Question 6.
Where do bulrushes and railroad creepers grow?
Bulrushes is a water plant and railroad creepers grow along the ground.

Question 7.
Where does lotus grow?
Lotus grows in water.

Question 8.
Where does the dodder plant grow?
Dodder is a parasitic plant and grows on other plants.

Question 9.
Why does water hyacinth float?
The stem of water hyacinth is filled with air and its leaves are specially modified, which helps it to float in water.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question 10.
Why is the stem of a cactus plant fleshy?
Cactus is a desert plant. As there is a shortage of water, cactus stores water in its stem and hence, stem of cactus is fleshy.

Question 11.
Which spheres of the earth do living things exist?
Living things exists in all three spheres of earth, i.e. Atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere.

Question 12.
Are the plants and animals that you have seen all alike?
No. They are all of different types.

Question 13.
What are the similarities between a mango, a banyan and a tamarind tree?
They are tall, big and perennial plants.

Question 14.
What are the similarities between the hibiscus, oleander and lantana plants?
They are shorter and smaller than trees.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question 15.
What are the similarities between fenugreek and periwinkle plants?
They are smaller and shorter than trees and shrubs.

Question 16.
Have you seen vines like the pumpkin, the railroad creeper, kavali, watermelon or the grapvine? How do they grow?
They have very soft, green and flexible stem. They grow with the help of a support.

Question 17.
For how many years do crops like bajra, wheat, corn, radish, marigold live?
They live for about one year.

Question 18.
To which part of plants are butterflies and insects attracted?
Butterflies and insects are attracted towards the flower of the plants.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Question 19.
What is the chain of bones in the centre of our back called?
A vertibral column.