Maharashtra Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India: Social and Religious Reforms

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India: Social and Religious Reforms Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th History Important Questions Chapter 5 India: Social and Religious Reforms

1A. Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the statement.

Question 1.
The practice of Sati was abolished by a law passed in the year __________
(a) 1829
(b) 1830
(c) 1831
(d) 1832
(a) 1829

Question 2.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy started a philosophical discussion circle named ‘ __________’.
(a) Prarthana Samaj
(b) Arya Samaj
(c) Satyashodhak Samaj
(d) Atmiya Sabha
(d) Atmiya Sabha

Maharashtra Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India: Social and Religious Reforms

Question 3.
The Brahmo Samaj was founded in the year __________
(a) 1826
(b) 1827
(c) 1828
(d) 1829
(c) 1828

Question 4.
The Mughal emperor of India conferred the title of ‘____________’ on Ram Mohan Roy.
(a) Pandit
(b) Raja
(c) Alamgir
(d) Badshah
(b) Raja

Question 5.
__________ has its origins in Paramhamsa Sabha.
(a) Prarthana Samaj
(b) Arya Samaj
(c) Brahmo Samaj
(d) Satyashodhak Samaj
(a) Prarthana Samaj

Question 6.
__________ established ‘Scientific Society’ for Muslims.
(a) Mahatma Phule
(b) Sir Sayyad Ahmad
(c) Swami Dayanand
(d) Tarabai Shinde
(b) Sir Sayyad Ahmad

Question 7.
__________ participated in the Vykom Satyagraha in Travancore against untouchability.
(a) Ramaswamy Naikar
(b) Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay
(c) Dr. Ambedkar
(d) Swami Vivekananda
(a) Ramaswamy Naikar

Maharashtra Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India: Social and Religious Reforms

Question 8.
Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj was strongly opposed to __________
(a) Bajubandi
(b) Setubandi
(c) Rajbandi
(d) Rotibandi
(d) Rotibandi

1B. Find the incorrect pair from group ‘B’ and write the corrected one.

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Sati Act 1829
(b) Restriction of Press 1830
(c) Arya Samaj 1875
(d) Ramkrishna Mission 1897

Restriction of Press – 1824

2A. Write the names of historical places/persons/events.

Question 1.
Governor-General who abolished Sati in 1829 –
Lord William Bentinck

Question 2.
The company that put restrictions on the freedom of the press –
The British East India Company

Question 3.
The social reformer who severely criticized untouchability in his book ‘Vital Vidhwamsan’ –
Gopalbaba Walangkar

Maharashtra Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India: Social and Religious Reforms

Question 4.
Editor of ‘Ain-i-Akbari’ written by Abul Fazl –
Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan

Question 5.
The movement led by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar at Mahad –
Satyagraha of Chavadar Tank

Question 6.
Founder of ‘Independent Labour Party –
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

Question 7.
The ruler who organised‘Sahabhoj for all castes –
Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad

Question 8.
The ruler who opposed ‘Vyavasaybandi’ –
Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj

2B. Choose the correct reason from those given below and complete the sentence.

Question 1.
The progress of Indian society was stunted because of __________
(a) superstitions
(b) the orthodox way of life
(c) caste discriminations
(d) all of the above
(d) all of the above

Maharashtra Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India: Social and Religious Reforms

Question 2.
Sati was abolished in 1829 because __________
(a) a law was passed by Lord William Bentinck abolishing this inhuman practice
(b) the people of India wanted this custom to be abolished
(c) the Brahmin class wanted Sati to be abolished
(d) women wanted to put an end to this custom
(a) a law was passed by Lord William Bentinck abolishing this inhuman practice

Question 3.
The Mughal emperor conferred the title of‘Raja’ on Ram Mohan Roy because __________
(a) Ram Mohan Roy was the emperor’s favourite
(b) Ram Mohan Roy had gone to England to plead the case of the Mughal emperor
(c) Ram Mohan Roy was an efficient lawyer
(d) Ram Mohan Roy visited England
(b) Ram Mohan Roy had gone to England to plead the case of the Mughal emperor

Question 4.
Swami Vivekanand established the Ramkrishna Mission because __________
(a) he was asked by his Guru to do so
(b) he wanted to compete with other organisations
(c) he wanted to serve the needy people
(d) so that many people join his Mission
(c) he wanted to serve the needy people

3. Complete the following concept map.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India - Social and Religious Reforms 3B Q1
Maharashtra Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India - Social and Religious Reforms 3B Q1.1

Question 2.

Social Reformers Participated in Movements
1. Maharshi V.R.Shinde ………………………………..
2. ………………………………… Kala Ram Temple, Nasik
3. Ramaswamy Naikar ………………………………..
4. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay ………………………………..
5. ……………………………….. Non-Brahmanical Movement, Kolhapur


Social Reformers Participated in Movements
1. Maharshi V. R. Shinde Parvati Temple, Pune
2. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Kala Ram Temple, Nasik
3. Ramaswamy Naikar Vykom Satyagraha, Travancore
4. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay Quit India Movement
5. Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Non-Brahminical Movement, Kolhapur

4A. Write short notes.

Question 1.
Arya Samaj.
Arya Samaj:

  • Founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in 1875.
  • Regarded Vedas as holy.
  • Rejected discrimination based on caste differences.
  • Encouraged education of women, widow remarriage, and inter-caste marriage.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India: Social and Religious Reforms

Question 2.
Tarabai Shinde.
Tarabai Shinde:

  • Born in 1839.
  • She demanded gender equality.
  • She was the first woman to challenge the patriarchal system.
  • She was of the opinion that religious systems suppress women because religions are created by men.

4B. Explain the following statements with reasons.

Question 1.
The British wanted to bring progress to Indian society.
The progress of Indian society was stunted because of superstitions, an orthodox way of life, caste discriminations, false social notions, lack of curiosity, and rationality that prevailed on a large scale. The British felt the need to create a new society that was based on the values of ‘Freedom, Equality, Fraternity, and Humanism’.

Question 2.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the first Indian to oppose the custom of Sati.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy witnessed his brother’s wife commit Sati and this disturbed him deeply. He pointed out that none of the religious texts mentioned the practice of Sati as a prescribed religious obligation. It is because of his efforts that a law was passed by Governor-General Lord William Bentinck abolishing the practice of Sati in 1829.

Question 3.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar used print media to create public awareness.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar knew the importance of print media. For him, it was the best instrument to create awareness and to build the movement for social equality. Therefore, he began to publish his own newspapers namely ‘Mooknayak’, ‘Bahishkrut Bharat’, ‘Janata’ and ‘Samata’.

5. State your opinion.

Question 1.
Tarabai Shinde was the first Indian woman to challenge the patriarchal system.
Tarabai Shinde was of the opinion that religious systems suppress women because religious systems are created by men. Therefore, she took a brave step in expressing her thoughts in a brave manner in her essay on women’s rights. In this essay, she not only discussed reforms like widow remarriage, women’s education, abolition of Sati but demanded greater gender equality.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India: Social and Religious Reforms

Question 2.
Arya Samaj was founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in 1875.
Arya Samaj:

  • Founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in 1875.
  • Regarded Vedas as holy.
  • Rejected discrimination based on caste differences.
  • Encouraged education of women, widow remarriage, and inter-caste marriage.

6. Answer the following question with the help of the given points.

Question 1.
Discuss the role played by Religious Reform Organisations in the field of religious awakening.
(a) Prarthana Samaj
(b) Satyashodhak Samaj
(c) Arya Samaj
(d) Ramkrishna Mission
(a) Prarthana Samaj:

  • Had its origins in Paramhamsa Sabha.
  • Founded by Dadoba Pandurang Tarkhadkar.
  • Founding members like Dr. Atmaram Pandurang, Justice M. G. Ranade, Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar opposed idol worship and emphasized monotheism.
  • Opened schools for girls, orphanages, and night schools for workers.
  • Focussed on gender equality, wiping outcaste discriminations, and appreciating the values of mundane life.

(b) Satyashodhak Samaj:

  • Founded in 1873 by Mahatma Jotirao Phule in Pune.
  • Cracked a whip on the social customs and practices which pushed the Indian masses into a miserable state.
  • Showed a new path to artisans, workers, and other downtrodden people.
  • Characteristics of Satyashodhak Samaj included monotheism, rejection of the authority of Vedas and Puranas, acceptance of rationality, opposition to the dominance of priests and idol worship, etc.
  • Mahatma Phule and his wife Savitribai Phule started a school for girls.
  • His work was continued by Gopalbaba Walangkar who criticized untouchability in his book ‘Vital Vidhwamsan’.
  • Shivram Janba drew attention to the problems of deprived women like Murali, Jagatini, and Devdasi.

(c) Arya Samaj:

  • Founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in 1875.
  • Regarded Vedas as holy.
  • Rejected discrimination based on caste differences.
  • Encouraged education of women, widow remarriage, and inter-caste marriage.

(d) Ramkrishna Mission:

  • Swami Vivekananda founded the Ramkrishna Mission in 1897.
  • Focussed on serving needy people, working for people affected by famine, health care for the sick people, education for women, etc.
  • It also gave a message to the Indian youth to get up to awaken and keep moving until the goal is achieved.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India: Social and Religious Reforms

Question 2.
What role did the following social reformers play in bringing about social change?
(a) Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan
(b) Tarabai Shinde
(c) Maharshi Vitthal Ramji Shinde
(d) Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay.
(e) Ramaswamy Naikar
(a) Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan:

  • Was born in 1817 in Delhi.
  • Fluent in Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and English.
  • Established ‘Scientific Society’ for Muslims.
  • After returning from England he founded the Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College in 1875 which later developed into ‘Aligarh Muslim University.
  • Started a periodical entitled ‘Mohammadan Social Reformer’.
  • Worked for the propagation of modern education, science, and technology.

(b) Tarabai Shinde:

  • Born in 1839.
  • She demanded gender equality.
  • She was the first woman to challenge the patriarchal system.
  • She was of the opinion that religious systems suppress women because religions are created by men.

(c) Maharshi Vitthal Ramji Shinde:

  • Opened Marathi schools and schools for technical training in Parel, Deonar in Mumbai under the umbrella of ‘Depressed Classes Mission’ that was established by him.
  • Worked to create public awareness about the issues affecting the depressed classes like entry into temples (for example, protestations for the right of entry in Parvati temple in Pune), agricultural conference, and joint electorate system of depressed classes.

(d) Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay:

  • Was an active volunteer of Congress.
  • She convinced Mahatma Gandhi to let women participate in salt satyagraha, and she participated in the satyagraha.
  • She worked for women’s rights.
  • Organized demonstrations to draw attention to the problems of workers and farmers.
  • Emphasized justice to female agricultural labourers.
  • Insisted that women working in factories should have the necessary facilities.
  • Followed up the issue of maternity leave to women.
  • Imprisoned by the British for one year for participating in the Quit India Movement.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 History Important Questions Chapter 5 India: Social and Religious Reforms

(e) Ramaswamy Naikar:

  • Born in ‘Erode’ in Tamil Nadu in 1879.
  • He became a follower of Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy and worked for propagating the use of ‘Swadeshi’.
  • He participated in the Vykom Satyagraha in Travancore against untouchability.
  • Started the ‘Swabhiman Andolan’ in Tamil Nadu.
  • Fought against the varna system and child marriage.
  • He was addressed as ‘Periyar’ or Great Soul because of his magnanimous work.
  • Was a great speaker and author.
  • Took a radical position on issues like women’s rights and family planning.

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