Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Choose the correct alternative and complete the statements.

Question 1.
Sociology as a discipline emerged in ……………….
(France / America/ Europe)

Question 2.
Sociology is a ………………….. science.
(pure/ natural / social)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Question 3.
The etymological meaning of sociology is the science of …………………
(mind / society / system)

Question 4.
Sociology studies society as a ……………….
(aspect / part / whole)

Question 5.
The period that brought change in European society is known as the ……………… period.
(revolution / progressive / enlightenment)

Question 6.
The Industrial Revolution took place in the 18th Century in ………………
(Germany / England / France)

Question 7.
Industrial revolution gave rise to the ……………….. system of production.
(factory / political / economical)

Question 8.
Sociology has great importance in a modern ……………… society.
(complex / simple / rigid)

Question 9.
……………….. coined the word sociology for the first time in his book Positive Philosophy.
(Auguste Comte / George Simmel, Margaret Mead)
Auguste Comte

Question 10.
The ………………. revolution refers to the expansion of trade and commerce to large scale production.
(Industrial / Commercial / French)

Question 11.
The Industrial Revolution took place in the ………………. century in England.
(16th / 18th / 19th)

Question 12.
The Revolution marked a turning point in the history of human struggle for freedom and equality ………………
(Industrial / Commercial / French)

Question 13.
Migration from rural areas to urban settings is known as ……………………
(urbanisation / industrialisation / modernisation)

Question 14.
The Sociological Imagination is a book written by sociologist …………………
(Wright Mills / August Comte / George Simmel)
Wright Mills

Question 15.
Europe produced a …………………. Revolution in the Renaissance period.
(Industrial / Scientific / French)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Question 16.
Lack of health care, growth of slums are problems created by ………………….
(industrialization / urbanization / guild system)

Question 17.
Division of labour, and migration from rural to urban is problem of ……………… Revolution.
(Industrial / Scientific / French)

Question 18.
New ………………… discoveries helped in the eradication of blind beliefs.
(urban / scientific / technological)

Question 19.
………………… refer to the movement of the population from its original homeland.
(Diaspora / Urban / Society)

Question 20.
The French Revolution occurred in ……………….
(1789/ 1820/ 1758)

Correct the incorrect pair.

Question 1.
(a) Study of role of biology in human life – Bio-Sociology
(b) Study of social words of Art and Aesthetics – Sociology of Art
(c) Theoretical of knowledge in sociology in marketing segmental division of customers, Needs analysis etc. – Sociology of Market Research
(d) Study of visual dimensions of social life – Diaspora Studies
(d) Study of visual dimensions of social life – Visual Sociology

Question 2.
(a) Sociology studies and analysis social facts – Scientific Method.
(b) Sociology holds that empiricism is its central feature – Empirical Science
(c) The aim of sociology is to find out the reality of society – Factual Science
(d) Sociology studies all aspects of social life – Arm Chair philosophy
(d) Sociology studies all aspects of social life – Holistic Science

Question 3.
(a) Expansion of banking services – Urbanisation
(b) Producing of goods on a large-scale – Industrial Revolution
(c) It put an end to the age of feudalism – French Revolution
(d) Europe produced a revolution in the renaissance period – Scientific Revolution
(a) Expansion of banking services – Commercial Revolution

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Question 4.
(a) Developmental programme – Sociology of art
(b) The food people eat, fashion etc – Cultural studies
(c) Study of role of biology in human social life – Bio-sociology
(d) Cinematic studies – Film studies
(a) Developmental programme – Developmental studies

Identify the appropriate term from the given options.

(Visual Sociology, Urbanisation, Urbanisation, The Guild System, Sociological Imagination, Cultural studies.)
Question 1.
The study of migration and its impact and international relations.
Diaspora Studies

Question 2.
It is concerned with the visual dimensions of social life.
Visual Sociology

Question 3.
Migrated from rural areas to urban areas.

Question 4.
It is a means to see through our everyday knowledge and make adequate sense of our own lives.
Sociological Imagination

Question 5.
Productive system which was at its peak in the 13th century in Europe.
The Guild System

Question 6.
It studies life style, consumption and social relations in metropolitan culture.
Cultural studies

Correct underlined words and complete the sentence.

Question 1.
Study of sociology makes us more objective, rational, critical, prejudice-free and positive in our thinking it is visual approach.
Study of sociology Studies makes us more objective, rational, critical, prejudice-free and positive in our thinking it is scientific approach.

Question 2.
Industries is responsible for endless problems such as overcrowding, pollution, traffic, etc.
Urbanisation is responsible for endless problems such as overcrowding, pollution, traffic, etc.

Question 3.
The French revolution had made a significant contribution to shaping a scientific attitude in sociology.
The Scientific revolution had made a significant contribution to shaping a scientific attitude in sociology.

Question 4.
Feudalism holds that knowledge is based on actual experience of the researcher.
Empiricism holds that knowledge is based on actual experience of the researcher.

Question 5.
Cultural studies deal with exploring the narrative, artistic, cultural implications of cinema.
Film studies deal with exploring the narrative, artistic, cultural implications of cinema.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Question 6.
Sociology is skill-oriented.
Sociology is career-oriented.

Write suitable examples of given concepts and justify your answer.

Question 1.
Empirical Nature of Sociology.
Example : Urbanisation resulted in endless problems such as slums etc.
Above mentioned e.g., is based on empirical study of Sociology, to prove above example in sociology the techniques used are to collect data like interview, observations and questionnaire by which data can be secured through empirical experience. Sociology uses scientific method of research and bases theory to verify the given problem / statement.

On the bases of empiricism and logical reasoning Sociology gives the conclusion. It is not based only on ‘arm-chair’ philosophy, or speculation. Rules are framed in sociology with the help of observation and experiences, Sociology holds that empiricism is central feature as a science. Therefore, sociology is empirical in nature.

Question 2.
Developmental Studies.
Example : A study of urban community and rural community.
Developmental studies focus on different patterns of inequalities of societies. It pays particular attention to the changing factors and the relationships between developed and developing societies. It also examines the roles played by various institutions within them and their effects on different spheres of society like social, political and economic and environment.

Question 3.
Theoretical and applied nature of sociology.
Example : A study of the social structure of a slum.
The use of applied science is to solve practical problems. A sociologist when does the study of the social structure of a slum, is working as a pure/theoretical scientist if this is followed by a study of how to prevent delinquency in a slum, of this is applied science, means practical applications of sociological use. Hence, it is proved that sociology is a theoretical science and applied science.

Question 4.
Sociology is the holistic science.
Example : Sociology studies tribal society.
The study of society includes micro and macro aspects. However, sociology not only studies the aspects like family, religion or particular community but studies the society as a whole e.g., tribal community, rural community or urban community. Therefore, it is proved that sociology is a holistic science, meaning, it studies society as a whole.

Question 5.
Example : NRI migration, migration from rural to urban area.
Diaspora is a Greek word meaning ‘to scatter’. Today, we describe the term as the movement of the population from its original homeland, but maintaining active connections with the homeland.
In the mentioned example:
1. NRI refers to Indians residing in other countries like America. In spite of having Green Card, Citizenship of America, these Indians kept active contact or relation with their original homeland.

2. Migration from rural to urban area means migrate for the purpose of employment or any other reasons. When people migrate from rural area to urban area and yet, keep contact with their rural or ancestry that means Diaspora.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Write short notes.

Question 1.
Industrial revolution
1. During the 18th century, in England, The Industrial Revolution took place. It affected the social and economic life of the people.

2. During the industrial revolution new tools and techniques were discovered, which could produce goods on a large scale. This gave rise to the factory system of production. This brought a change in the economy from feudal to capitalist system of production.

3. A new class of capitalist emerged, due to this revolution, society moved from handmade goods to machine made goods.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology 1

4. The closure of guild system, introduction of factory system, division of labour, and migration from rural to urban, class system, labour organisation, economic inequality and the democratic pattern were the outcomes of the industrial revolution.

Question 2.
Cultural studies
1. According to Cultural Studies, culture is produced through everyday living – the food people eat, the fashion they adopt, the entertainment they prefer or the festivals they celebrate. Thus, Cultural Studies investigate the process of making culture.

2. It was first started in the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Culture Studies in UK.

3. It studies daily activity of human beings. It deals with the life of people, their style of living, way of dressing, eating habits, etc.

4. Cultural studies seeks to borrow methods and theories from various disciplines for the process of making cultural.

Question 3.
Film Studies
1. This is a new disciplinary area that has emerged in the field of sociology. In the 20th Century, film studies were a new concept of academic discipline.

2. It studies the different aspect of films, focuses their attention on theoretical, historical and critical approaches of films and deals with exploring the narrative artistic, cultural, economical and political parts of cinema.

3. This study plays a very important role as far as class, race, ethnicity and gender of society is concerned.

4. It is introduced in different universities as a disciplinary subject in sociology.

Question 4.
Scope of Sociology
The subject matter of Sociology is very wide and can be understood with a brief introduction to following new areas in Sociology.

  1. Bio-Sociology: Researchers in this area use a variety of sociological methodologies to study the role of biology in human social life.
  2. Sociology of Art: This field seeks to understand the social context of the production and consumption of art.
  3. Sociology of Market Research: This is an applied field which connects marketing and sociological strategies to understand the market in a meaningful way and incorporates theoretical knowledge of Sociology in marketing
  4. Diaspora Studies: It deals with the study of migration and its cultural, literary, social, demographic, anthropological, political, economic impact and international relations.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Question 5.
Importance of sociology
1. Sociology studies society in a scientific manner: Sociology has made it possible to study society in a scientific manner. Scientific knowledge about a complex human society is needed in order to achieve progress in various fields.

2. Sociology is career-oriented : the application of sociology is increasing in the field of industry, social services, social work, law, competitive examinations, marketing, public relations, journalism, NGOs, labour welfare, social research, counselling, police department, tribal welfare, research and so on.

3. Sociology develops a scientific approach : It makes us more objective, rational, critical, prejudice-free, and positive in our thinking.

4. Solution to social problems : To solve the several social problems faced by society, balanced knowledge is needed. Such analysis can be made using a sociological outlook.

Question 6.
The French Revolution
1. The long series of political revolutions started by the French Revolution in 1789 were the immediate factors in the emergence of Sociology.

2. Most writers during this period, disturbed by the disorder and chaos in society, came together to restore order to society. Their interest in ‘social order was one of the major concerns of ‘classical Sociology,’ especially Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim.

3. The French Revolution which occurred in 1789 marked a turning point in the history of human struggle for freedom and equality. It put an end to the age of feudalism and introduced a new order to society.

4. This revolution brought about far reaching changes not only in French society but all over Europe. Other countries like India were also influenced by ideas generated during the revolution.

Differentiate between.

Question 1.
French Revolution and Industrial Revolution.

French RevolutionIndustrial Revolution
(i) French revolution started in the 17th century in France.(i) Industrial revolution started in the 18th century in England.
(ii) The French revolution changed political powers.(ii) The Industrial revolution changed economic powers.
(iii) French revolution put an end to the age of feudalism.(iii) Industrial revolution gave rise to the capitalist system.
(iv) French revolution introduced a new order to society.(iv) The democratic pattern were the outcomes of the industrial revolution.

Explain the following concept with suitable examples.

Question 1.
Visual sociology

  1. Visual sociology is concerned with visual dimension of social life.
  2. Visual sociology aims to normalize the use of visual imagery as a valid and relevant type of data for sociological research.
  3. Valid scientific insight in society can be acquired by observing, its visual behavior of people and material products of culture.
    Example : A researcher takes help of newspaper, film, movie, photographs for their study or for the study of a particular society.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Question 2.
Cultural studies

  1. Cultural Studies finds its origin in the ‘Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies in UK.
  2. Cultural Studies offers us a set of ways for reading a wide variety of contemporary popular cultural phenomena.
  3. According to Cultural Studies, culture is produced through everyday living – the food people eat, the fashion they adopt, the entertainment they prefer or the festivals they celebrate.
  4. Thus, Cultural Studies investigate the process of making culture.
    Example : Contemporary Cultural Studies takes everyday life very seriously. It studies lifestyle, consumption and social relations in metropolitan cultures.

Complete the concept maps.

Question 1.
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Question 2.
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Question 3.
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Question 4.
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Question 5.
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Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Question 6.
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Question 7.
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Question 8.
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Question 9.
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State whether the following statements are true or false with reasons.

Question 1.
The aim of sociology is not related with the reality of society.
This statement is False.

  1. The main aim of sociology is to find out the facts behind the aspects which they have to study.
  2. Sociology deals with both positive and negative elements of society, moral and immoral, organised and disorganised aspects of society.
  3. That is why the aim of sociology is related with the reality of society.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Question 2.
Sociology studies only certain aspects of society.
This statement is False.

  1. Sociology does not limit itself to the study of some specific or particular aspect of society.
  2. For e.g., Sociology studies all the institutions and their changes in today’s context. It also studies their effect on our individual life. Sociology studies society as a whole and not as a part. It studies all aspects of social life.
  3. Sociology, a social science that studies human societies and their interactions. It does this by examining the dynamics of constituent parts of societies such as institutions, communities, populations, and gender etc.

Question 3.
The industrial revolution brought about great changes in the social and economic life of the people.
This statement is True.

  1. During the Industrial Revolution new tools and techniques were discovered, which could produce goods on a large-scale.
  2. This gave rise to the factory system of production. Thus, a change in economy from feudal to capitalist system of production.
  3. Large numbers of people migrated to urban areas in order to work in factories. Large industrial bureaucracies arose to provide services to industries and to the emerging capitalist economic system

Give your personal response.

Question 1.
The study of sociology is very useful in today’s society. Explain.
We are living in the 21th Century which is greatly influenced by science and technology. Today the society is complex. In order to develop such community / society, systematic and scientific study of it is necessary. Sociologist made it possible to study society in a scientific way. Sociology gives information about social, religious, economical, racial diversities of society. It helps to develop scientific approach towards society as well as in choosing our career.

It provides scientific solutions to the problems in the society. The study of sociology helps the people in keeping themselves updated and attentive in different spheres of life. That is why, sociology is very useful in today’s context.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Sociology Important Questions Chapter 1 Introduction to Sociology

Answer the following in detail (About 150-200 words).

Question 1.
Explain in detail about the factors that influenced the emergence of sociology?
Following factors play a very important role in the emergence of sociology and these factors influenced the field of sociology in different ways.
1. Commercial Revolution : It took place between 1450 and 1800 CE. It leads to expansion of banking services. Paper currency was introduced. It also resulted in the rise of the middle class.

2. Industrial Revolution: During the 18th century, in England, the Industrial Revolution took place. It affected the social and economic life of the people. During the industrial revolution new tools and techniques were discovered, which could produce goods on a large scale. This gave rise to the factory system of production. This brought a change in the economy from feudal to capitalist system of production. A new class of capitalist emerged, due to this revolution, society moved from handmade goods to machine made goods.
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3. French Revolution : French Revolution was one of the best examples of struggle for freedom and equality. Through this revolution feudal system had been overthrown. The new system came into existence which was based on the principles of liberty, fraternity and equality. French revolution brought tremendous changes in the life of the people not only in France but all over Europe. Hence, French revolution led to changes in society.

4. Scientific Revolution : Europe produced a ‘Scientific Revolution’ in the Renaissance period. The impact of the scientific revolution greatly affected the material life as well as ideas about nature and society. The Enlightenment period saw the beginning of the scientific Revolution.

5. Urbanisation : It is a result of industrial revolution. Large number of people migrated from rural area to urban areas. This migration and expansion of cities resulted in endless problems such as overcrowding, pollution, traffic, lack of health care, growth of slums etc.